Men’s Fellowship
The mission of the Men’s Fellowship is inspired by Mark 10:45a where ” even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister”. We want to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by focusing on serving God and one another.
MF aims to reach out to men who do not participate in any fellowship group. We encourage men to join us — especially those who are looking to belong to a group for fellowship, friendship and where they can actively serve.
We meet every third Saturday of the month at Goldhill Plaza for a time of Bible Study and group sharing on how we can apply the Word of God in our lives.
We try to bond through fellowship walks, fellowship tea or lunches. We also encourage overseas believers, through regular mission trips to Ipoh to encourage believers there and joining hands with them to reach out to their community.
For more information, email Beng Teck.
Ipoh Mission Trip
Meal Fellowship