Pastor Jeffrey Khoo
The Lord be praised for the continued ministry of the Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC), which provides all Christians from around the world the opportunity to study God’s Word in a biblically faithful and theologically conservative institution.
Day of Prayer
As usual, the College began the new year with a Day of Prayer on Thursday, January 2, 2025. About 70 board members, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends gathered for a time of worship, fellowship, and prayer to commit the new semester to the Lord. Missionary James Tan, an FEBC alumnus who lectures at the Bible College of East Africa in Kenya, delivered a message from Acts 4:13–22 titled “Keep on Declaring the Truth.” This was followed by brief exhortations from the lecturers, testimonies from new students, and a time of prayer led by Rev Tan Kian Sing.
The total enrolment for this semester is 608, consisting of 39 full-time residential students and 569 part-time/online students. They come from 16 countries: Australia, Cambodia, China, Congo, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Korea, Tanzania, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.
There are four new full-time students: Samuel Goo Junseo (South Korea), Joshua Nah (Australia), Salven Dave Sinonlay Alejan (Philippines), and Thang Sian Khual (Myanmar).
Lecturers and Courses
The lecturers/tutors (and courses) for the January-May 2025 semester are: Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo—Epistle of James II, Introduction to Calvinism; Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew—Hermeneutics, Homiletics, Hebrew Reading II; Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy—Isaiah I; Rev Dr Koa Keng Woo—Bible Geography IV, Cults II; Rev Stephen Khoo—Church Administration II; Rev Tan Kian Sing—1 Thessalonians; Rev Clement Chew—Elementary Hebrew II, Minor Prophets I; Rev Dr Jose Lagapa—Church History II; Rev Samuel Joseph—Greek Exegesis II; Rev Zhu Jianwei—New Testament Introduction II [Chinese]; Miss Carol Lee—Sunday School Curriculum Development, Women in the Bible II; Pr Cornelius Koshy—Elementary Greek II; Pr Joshua Yong—Contemporary Theology II, Greek Reading II; Miss Joycelyn Chng—Childhood Christian Education; Mrs Patricia Joseph—Elementary English II; Mrs Ng May Shyen—Intermediate English II; Mr Aw Beng Teck—Advanced English II; Mrs Cheng May Lynn—Beginner Pianoforte.
Board of Directors
Rev Clement Chew and Rev Samuel Joseph have joined the FEBC Board of Directors effective 2 January 2025. The other Board members are Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo (President), Elder John Leong (Secretary), Mr Wee Hian Kok (Treasurer), Rev Dr Koa Keng Woo, Rev Stephen Khoo, and Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy.
Faculty and Staff
The administrative staff of FEBC comprises Mrs Eileen Khoo (Matron), Miss Crayson Wong (Clerk), Mrs Yap Ling Ling (Librarian), Mrs Tan Chew Ying (Bookkeeper), Mrs Manuela Heng (Bookroom Assistant), and Mr Murray Ong (IT Manager).
Mrs Cheng May Lynn has resigned as Staff Assistant to concentrate on being a full-time mother to her baby daughter. She continues to serve as a piano teacher.
FEBC is looking for an English tutor to teach Advanced English effective next semester (commencing July 21). Those interested may apply to the college and submit their CV via email: febc@febc.edu.sg. Applicants must agree with FEBC’s Statement of Faith.
Basic Theology for Everyone
Fourteen Basic Theology for Everyone (BTFE) courses were offered to the public on campus and online this semester: (1) Systematic Theology IV: Eschatology, (2) 1 Thessalonians, (3) Epistle of James II, (4) Cults II, (5) Childhood Christian Education, (6) Isaiah I, (7) Contemporary Theology II, (8) Church History II, (9) Sunday School Curriculum Development, (10) Minor Prophets I, (11) Women in the Bible II, (12) Hermeneutics, (13) New Testament Introduction II (Chinese), (14) Introduction to Calvinism.
The Burning Bush
The January 2025 issue of The Burning Bush—FEBC’s theological journal—is available online at the College website at www.febc.edu.sg (see under “Publications”). The articles are as follows: “Preachers and Hearers” (Jeffrey Khoo), “Modern Versions Controversy: How to Choose a Translation?” (Ko Ling Kang), “A Review of Kept Pure in All Ages: Recapturing the Authorised Version and the Doctrine of Providential Preservation”, “Fanny Crosby: Her Life and Songs (Joycelyn Chng), “I Remember Mrs Ivy Tow” (Karen Lee), and College News.
DVBC, Graduation, Retreat
God willing, the Daily Vacation Bible College (DVBC) will be held from May 5-10 with the Rev Tan Kian Sing offering the course on Biblical Counselling, the 50th Graduation Service will be held on the Lord’s Day, May 11 at Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church, 6 pm, and the annual college retreat at Resort Lautan Biru, Mersing, May 13-15 (Tue-Thu).
Pray for FEBC to remain faithful and true in the Old-Time Faith for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ and be protected from Satanic attacks. JK
Rev Dr Park Seung Kyu & Family
Chemchem Kindergarten
Last year, on November 30, we had a kindergarten graduation service. A total of 18 students graduated. We pray that the Lord will be with them and help them keep the gospel in their hearts, which they have learned from kindergarten. Please pray especially for the students from Muslim families.
We reopened our kindergarten this year on January 13. There is a total of 50 students. Please pray for the recruitment of new students. Despite providing quality education for free, Parents’ indifference towards their children’s education is causing students not to come to kindergarten.
Glory Bible Presbyterian Church
There were many events last December. We shared the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Christmas worship service and the Christmas gifts to all the church members. Please pray that Glory BP Church will always be a place where the gospel of Jesus Christ is powerfully proclaimed and God’s work of salvation overflows.
The most important event was the Vacation Bible School (VBS). During the College vacation, The Bible College students had an intensive course on children’s ministry under the supervision of three lecturers (Dr Ra Chaewon, Miss Park JongHwi, and Miss Park JongEun), and after preparations, participated in the VBS Outreach Project for three local churches – Glory BP Church (BCEA Campus Church), Emmaus Presbyterian Church, and Zion Nasholi AMEC Church. Many students participated in VBS, more than we expected (on average, 115 students per day at 3 churches). Park JongHwi and Park JongEun systematically shared the gospel to the children. We provided not only the Word of God during VBS sessions but also big hearty meals, snacks, and plenty of stationery as presents for the children. Please continue to pray for the VBS Outreach Project.
Bible College of East Africa, Tanzania
The Bible College began a new semester on January 6. There are 29 students in total, including 7 new ones. Please pray that the new students will adapt well to college life and that the returning students will diligently study God’s Word. Please also pray that the Lord will grant the lecturers sufficient grace and wisdom as we offer a combined total of 26 credits this semester.
Also, to train the students to strengthen their learning capacity and interpret the Bible more accurately, we are offering this semester a new course on Greek reading in addition to elementary Greek and Hebrew to some qualified students. Please pray that those students, who are going through these difficult courses, can have more humble hearts and a deeper perspective on God’s Word, and that heavenly wisdom and strength will be granted to the lecturers in charge.
We are continuing all these precious soul-winning ministries with your prayers and support. Please continue to remember and keep us in your prayers.