(An annual report by Dn Tai Mern Yee on behalf of the Session to members of True Life BPC at its ACM, April 29, 2007)

“…as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Joshua 1:5

Truly, the Lord has been faithful to True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church, as we reflect upon His dealing toward us in the past year.

The Church is governed according to the Presbyterian system of rule by Elders, with a Session consisting of Pastor, Elders and Deacons. The Session of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church for Electoral Term 2005 to 2008 included: Rev Dr Timothy Tow Siang Hui as Pastor, Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo Eng Teck, Elder Eric Mahadevan and Elder Geoffrey Tan Hock Jin as Elders, and Mr Charles Kan Kai Pui, Mr Tai Mern Yee, Mr Tan Beng Lee and Mr Wilson Tan Tai Tian as Deacons.

Elder Eric Mahadevan was promoted to glory 6 September 2006. We praise the Lord for His sterling service and leadership to the flock of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.

As of December 31st 2006, 12 adults were admitted to communicant membership of the church by water baptism, 7 by reaffirmation of faith. There were 2 infant baptisms (non-communicant membership). In addition, a total of 10 were admitted to membership, having been transferred from other churches.

The Church continues to call for its congregants and visitors to register to become Church members either by water baptism, reaffirmation of faith, or transfer of membership.


The Church was blessed by the Lord with an increase in attendance in its worship service as well as prayer, teaching ministry and fellowship groups. Average attendance each Lord’s Day for worship service was about 350, including children.


Worship Service
The Church holds its worship service every Lord’s Day, 10.30am at the Regional Language Centre (RELC), 30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258352. The pulpit is jealously guarded, with only preachers of the same doctrinal persuasion, ie: of the reformed faith, taking a stand for biblical separation and standing squarely on the perfect inspiration and perfect preservation of scripture, are invited to preach the Word. Some of our guest preachers include: Rev Koa Keng Woo, Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew, Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy, Rev Tan Kian Sing, Rev Stephen Khoo, Dr Tow Siang Hwa, Rev Ronny Khoo, Rev Errol Stone, Dr Paul Lee Tan and Rev Dr Raymond Carlson.

Korean Worship Service
The Korean worship service at True Life B-P Church was started on Reformation Sunday, 29 October 2006. Rev Park Seung Kyu and Preacher Kim Hak Soo, both FEBC alumni, are in charge. Our Korean brethren hold two services on the Lord’s Day, at 10.30am and 1pm at the Chancery Room (#503), RELC.

Children’s Ministry
The children are ministered each Lord’s Day through the Children’s Ministry. The younger ones will attend the Children’s Worship, and those of schooling age will attend the Children’s Choir.

Prayer Meeting
Prayer meetings are held every Friday evening at the RELC, and for the first Friday of each month, Family Worship cum Prayer Meeting is held at the homes of True Lifers.

In keeping with the format of John Sung revival meetings, the study of God’s Word led by Pastor or Dr Jeffrey Khoo is followed by a season of thanksgiving and testimonies, whereby the faith of members are fortified by hearing how the Lord has been good to the brethren. Prayer meeting attendance has grown to about 90, with a good number of children, who come to pray and seek the Lord as well.

Sunday School
The Adults’ Sunday School continues to be helmed by Dr Jeffrey Khoo, with also an increased regular attendance of about 80 students. The class studied 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1-3 John and also 1 Peter in 2006.

The Children’s Sunday School is led by Sister Jemima Khoo, and ably assisted by a committed team of teachers and  helpers.

Door to door HDB flat’s evangelism is held at Bukit Panjang every last Lord’s Day of the month, with close to 20 coming each time to share the good news of salvation. In addition, the Church also supported the FEBC Gospel Rally by holding additional evangelism sessions to invite the residents to come and hear the good news of salvation preached.

Missions and Outreaches
The Church supports missions in Brisbane (Preacher Nguyen Gia Hien and Brisbane B-P Church), Kemaman (Dr Wee Tiong Soon and Kemaman Life B-P Church), Kuantan (Preacher Joshua Khoo and Kuantan B-P Church), Kuching (Marilyn Nanta), Myanmar (Amos Go and Thang No), Palestine/Bethlehem (Rev Danny Awad) and the Bible College of East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania).

Choir Ministry
The choir ministers to the congregation through music. The choir committee was led by Brother Tay Bee Heng.

Bible Study Groups
The Filipina and Indonesian Bible Study groups continued to minister to the Filipina and Indonesians in the Church. The groups were led by FEBC students as part of their ministry practicum.

Fellowship Groups

Adults’ Fellowship
The fellowship meets monthly at the home of Mr and Mrs William Teo. The group studied the book of “Hebrews” led by Dr Jeffrey Khoo. It is now studying “Church History”.

One highlight of the year was the Christmas Caroling where the group visited 3 homes and the Kwong Wai Shui Hospital & Nursing Home, where a total of 6 souls confessed Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Family Bible Study Fellowship
The group seeks to build up godly families, a key pillar of the church. It meets every month at the homes of various members, and its activities included book study on “Habakkuk” by Dr Jeffrey Khoo, and serial messages on “Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eyes and Pride of Life” by Dr Jeffrey Khoo and “Focus on the Family” by Elder William Seah respectively.

Ladies’ Fellowship
The Ladies Fellowship meets monthly at the home of its members from January to April before moving to the RELC from May 2006.

The group studied the Book of Esther under Dr Jeffrey Khoo and is open to all True Lifers, and not just the ladies of the Church.

Young Peoples’ Fellowship
The Young Peoples’ Fellowship meets every Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Foo Chee Yong, as well as holding periodic Bible Study with brethren of Berean Bible-Presbyterian Church.

The special services on the church calendar included: the Good Friday Service, 14 April 2006; Easter Sunrise Baptismal Service at Labrador Park, 16 April 2006, 7am; Christmas Eve service, 24 December 2006, 8pm; Watchnight Service, 31 December 2006.

Some other special activities included:
3rd True Life Bible Camp, theme of “Accelerated Missions Hastens To Bring in Christ’s Kingdom (Matthew 24:14)” by Rev Stephen Khoo & Rev Errol Stone at Colmar Tropicale with 160 attendees.

3rd Anniversary Thanksgiving lunch, 1st October 2006, 380 attendees.

Carolling sessions organized by the various fellowship groups to spread the Christmas message: the good news of salvation to mankind.

The symbiotic relationship between the Church and the College lies in the sameness of spirit and doctrine.

The Church functions as training grounds for the students of the College, and it also supports a number of them through scholarships.

True Life B-P Church shall continue to worship at the RELC Auditorium, and will rent more space as and when required. The Church Building Fund was borne out of a spontaneous desire by members for a permanent home, and it is our prayer that God would show the way according to His will.

The Church will also continue to redouble its efforts in evangelism, outreach and missions to hasten the coming of our Lord.

To God be the glory!


True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.