Calvin’s Lectures

(Testimonies of students from Calvin’s Institutes I, BTFE night classes at FEBC, Jan-Apr, 07)

I thank God for Calvin’s Institutes as his doctrine enables me to distinguish truth from error, and to know what is right worship and what is wrong worship. If I know from doctrine what is wrong, then I must be totally separated, and not compromise with the wrong and false. I will follow Calvin’s doctrine in order to guide me to a right approach to worship God with clean hands and a pure heart, and to be made acceptable in God’s sight through our Lord Jesus Christ.        VW

The course has enabled me to understand God’s sovereignty over the affairs of the world. It is wonderful to see how God uses both Satan and wicked men alike to achieve His good and righteous plans for His children, to strengthen and to test their faith. I have also learned to distinguish God’s common grace to all mankind and the special grace He bestows on His elect.                                                                               VQ

I have learned that there is no end to the study of God as His knowledge is infinite, all wise, holy, and true. Calvin has rightly said, “through our imperfections, we are made to realise His perfections.” I acknowledge that the more I study who God is, the more I learn about the sinfulness and deceitfulness of man’s heart and how depraved he is. I submit to God that He alone is perfect and we are nothing without Him. Christ is the standard of our righteousness. Only the Word of God can help us see clearly and precisely who God is. Calvin says that in order for us to enjoy the light of  religion, we must become a disciple of Scripture. Every Christian is called to be a student of the Bible. Learning this has really challenged me to strive to study the Word of God more and to treasure it. I have also learned that true knowledge of God would make us want to love the Lord even more and serve Him                                                                                 LYJ

Thank God for the teaching of the Holy Spirit, who is the Teacher of all truth. One of the things I learned is from Rev Timothy Tow’s A Glimpse of the Life and Works of John Calvin which says, “Head knowledge without heart knowledge is a poisonous fruit.” Indeed after a semester of learning doctrines, I have gained much head knowledge. But if I do not apply it in my life, it can become a poisonous fruit in my life. I thank God that through attending the night classes, I have a made a conscious effort to be closer to God.                                                                                                                                LSH

God has answered my prayer after more than 25 years in the Christian wilderness of cults and ecumenism. When I got down on my knees to ask Him to lead me to a true servant of God  and the writings of His true servants, He led me to Rev Timothy Tow and the Bible-Presbyterian Faith. I have now found peace in His Word. The struggle for truth is over. This course has helped me to understand God’s Word better and has drawn me closer to Him.                                                  PG

I feel very blessed to study God’s Word with like-minded brethren. It is like a foretaste of heaven and I would not miss the opportunity to receive God’s blessing. The first lesson already captured my attention and heart. The motto of John Calvin was displayed in his logo, “Prompte et sincere in opere Domini” which means “Promptly and sincerely in the work of the Lord.” His motto really challenged my heart to be on fire for the Lord.                                                              TYL

Initially I thought that Calvin’s Institutes is only for scholars as it is quite profound for a lowly educated teenager like me to understand. But I thank the Lord through the teaching of His Holy Spirit, I have learned to rely on God’s promises and ability to complete this whole course.                                                 SG

I sincerely thank God there is a haven of rest every Monday evening where I can retreat and draw closer to God through His Holy Word. Personally, I love doctrines as they help me to understand more about the nature of God. With greater understanding concerning the sovereignty and holiness of God, I realised how wretched and undone we sinners are. Learning doctrines from Calvin was enjoyable and fruitful as his writings are very systematic and clear. It is no wonder our pastor and principal—Rev Dr Timothy Tow—affirms that “Calvinism is Paulinism systematised.”                HG

Indeed I have learned much from the first two books of Calvin’s Institutes. Some of the doubts I had previously have been resolved and my understanding of God’s Word enhanced and deepened. I have found Calvin’s teaching on the human will, God’s sovereignty, human responsibility, and the providence of God very clear and God-honouring. In Calvin’s teaching, God is highly exalted and man rightly brought down to the position where he should be. Indeed, He must increase and I decrease.                                                                                                                                                           PAH

I must confess that I found it very difficult during the first two lessons on Calvin’s Institutes and remembered telling my teacher the difficulty I was facing. He gently reminded me that Calvin’s Institutes has to be studied  with the heart and not with the mind. Well I did just that and how grateful I was. I learnt that all that I am and can do is because of what my Saviour has done for me, and as I studied more I saw how inadequate I was and whatever I was able to do was because of Jesus who strengthened me.                                                                                                                                          LLS

Some books are read leisurely, others to be swallowed, but some to be chewed, masticated and digested slowly. The Scriptures surely belong to the last category. And in our busy schedules, I hardly have time to read the Bible, much less ponder on the depths of its richness. Calvin’s Institutes provide this discipline and this time for me to spend quality moments in the Word.                                                                                                                                                                        JL

Calvin’s Institutes I has made me realise how little I know of my own religion and of the Bible. Through the study of Calvin’s Institutes, I truly learn and discover more about God. Take for instance, should someone contend on the issue of how a holy God could send adversities into His own children’s lives, I would have found it sufficient to state that our God is all-knowing and all-powerful, who has a sovereign will for all of us and whose ways we oftentimes are unable to comprehend, period. However, through this course I have gleaned the pertinent principles of both remote and immediate causes—that all occurrences are only by the permissive and decretive will of God, and that He cannot be anything but holy; the evil in this world is simply from the sinful hearts of men.                                                                 NBL

It was good and refreshing to read through Calvin’s Institutes as the basic Christian truths are very well taught and explained. Calvin explained the very deep truths in God’s Word in a very logical and convincing manner. It is a blessing just to be reminded of God’s grace and mercy, His greatness and love in my personal salvation, knowing that it is totally His doing and work. I pray that I would remember to live out the following: gratitude in prosperity, patience in adversity, and a wonderful security respecting the future.                                                                                                                            LCY

The authority of the Bible has been questioned by many who do not believe in the preserved words of God. During the lectures, I was able to learn about the various proofs to use against attackers of God’s Word and to show that the Bible has no contradictions. In fact the divine origin of the Scriptures could be easily observed from its orderliness, the heavenly nature of its doctrines, and the agreements of all the parts with one another. Studying Calvin’s Institutes has equipped me to defend God’s Word and to teach my people so that they might also have the correct understanding of God’s Word.                                                                                AK

I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to study the systematic writings of the great reformer and theologian, John Calvin. Having been in a Bible-Presbyterian Church all my Christian life which is strongly Calvinistic in doctrine, I have heard much about this great man and his teachings. However, prior to my studies at FEBC, all I had heard of Calvinism was the lessons in Sunday School about the famous acronym TULIP. After going through this course, I have realised that the doctrine of Calvin is so much more than that. The depth of each paragraph of the Institutes truly amazes me. Indeed, each sentence must be read slowly before its rich wisdom can be understood. Through this study, I learned not only from the Biblical doctrines taught, but also from the personal testimony of John Calvin himself. He was truly a godly man who walked close to God.                           KLK

I was very much encouraged when I studied the chapters on the Providence of God. I am comforted to know that God is sovereign and in control of everything. I am unable to describe it as beautifully as Calvin did, but I am just very thankful that God loves me and everything that befalls me is in His plan to do me good. I am taking the course on Genesis as well, and together, these two courses reinforced each other. I learn of God’s Providence from Calvin’s Institutes and I see it in Genesis in the lives of the patriarchs. What a blessing! How timely it is! I no longer know the providence of God as an abstract doctrine but as concrete experience.                             HXW

Calvin said, “Ignorance of providence is the greatest of all miseries, but the knowledge of it is attended with the highest felicity.” No matter what befalls a believer, he is comforted to know that God is still on the throne and God is still His loving Heavenly Father. He is under the shadow of the Almighty’s special providence, which is security unbroken and impregnable. I am so happy that this God is my God. Calvin’s Institutes I has been a most profitable study for my spiritual nourishment. While the world may think that studying theology is less than practical or even useless, Christians must never fall into such an error of having the same mentality as them. In fact, taking up this course may well be one of the wisest things to do and I pray that God grants me more wisdom in this life by helping me to know Him more and thus myself more.                                                            EC

Studying Calvin’s systematic treatment of the Christian Faith has helped me tremendously in ordering my own beliefs. Long have I heard of the five points of Calvinism, yet never with such a rich depth of meaning and significance as I have found from studying the writings of Calvin himself. My faith has been strengthened by this study, for though faith exists independently of reason, yet reasonable arguments grounded in faith on God’s Word can help to anchor one’s faith, so that it is not easily tossed aside when circumstances or other people attempt to sway it.                                             SJ

The main lesson that I learned is that we need to know God in order to do His will. This is shown by John Calvin’s life. We should always strive to please God and seek to promote and glorify God and not ourselves. Humility is the key to submission to God’s will. Although this course has been a challenging one, I can testify that I have benefited a lot spiritually. I strongly recommend fellow Christian brethren to consider taking the second part of Calvin’s Institutes for credit, rather than audit.               TCH



True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.