Young People’s Fellowship
Young People’s Fellowship A ministry for all youths in the church to gather for fellowship and instruction from God’s word. It also provides opportunities for youths to work together to serve God and reach out to other people. We are doing a Bible Study on the Book of Romans! Contact Person: Rev Samuel Joseph
Young Adults’ Fellowship
Young Adults’ Fellowship A ministry for young adults, single and married, to encourage one another to live a consecrated life that honours and glorifies God. Message: “Christian Endurance” Hebrews 12 Preacher: Rev Jose Lagapa Venue: Home of Jason & Kee Sing Contact Person: Brother Jason Lim
Men’s Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship A ministry to encourage the men to focus on serving God and one another. Message: “Godly Living for Christian Men: Experiencing God’s Presence and Guidance” Psalm 5 Preacher: Rev Samuel Joseph Contact Person: Brother Beng Teck