Mersing Thanksgiving and Testimonies
(Reflections on True Life BPC Family Camp at Resort Lautan Biru, Mersing, June 8-12, 2009)
Praise God for a blessed time of family fellowship of God’s ordained camp venue at Lautan Biru, Mersing. All glory to God for the camp speaker—Rev Dr Das Koshy—and his family being present and for the God-honouring, challenging and encouraging messages on “Family Life in Christ.” As the family is being attacked so much these days, it was a needful theme. Praise God also for His preservation of True Life BPC Singapore and the six pastors present from six different cultural backgrounds. Hebrews 13:15. Rev Errol Stone.
I really thank God for granting our late founding pastor—Rev Dr Timothy Tow—the vision and resources to purchase and build the beautiful Resort Lautan Biru in Mersing for the spiritual retreat and benefit of God’s people. I also thank God and True Life BPC for giving me the privilege to join their fifth church camp to be nurtured and refreshed by God’s precious Word preached by His faithful servants and for a blessed fellowship with His people. Rev Hien Nguyen
The Lord answered our many prayers; the messages were clear and challenging for those who were prepared to listen to the Lord. Many Christians today have a low regard for God and His Word, and this has created serious problems for their own family and the wider family of Christ, the Church. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh 24:15). Kwok Whye
We are reminded by our devotion speakers that God is the strength of our hearts and He is our portion. We who have a part in the “blood relationship” of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ must treasure the godly heritage which our beloved late pastor Rev Dr Timothy Tow had left with us. My prayer for True Life BPC is that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would raise many more that are like the “house of Stephanas” (1 Cor 16:15), who are likewise addicted to the ministry of the saints. Charles Kan
Praise and thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for His wonderful and marvellous grace and mercy towards us and the blessings bestowed on us. Thank the Lord for the theme messages by Rev Das Koshy which put all of us in the right places, fearing God, first and foremost and He will give us wisdom to be a family that glorifies His holy name. Thank the Lord for the lessons for the children which prayerfully instil in their young hearts and minds to put God first in their lives and trust only in Him, fearing God and not man. Jenny Kan
I thank God for yet another opportunity to attend the Church Camp. The messages on the roles of each family member were instructive and timely reminders. Rev Koshy was very frank and did not hesitate to share with us his personal family experiences and struggles as a father. One thing that I have learned is that as a father, it is my duty as God’s appointed leader in the family to be more involved in my children’s activities, to teach and influence them; otherwise they will be influenced by their friends and the world. Beng Lee
Thank God for blessing us with safety, good weather, sumptuous meals and a wonderful time together with fellow believers. I was particularly challenged by the verses 1 Corinthians 16:15-16 Rev Koshy mentioned in his last message, that as a family, we should be like that of Stephanas’, addicted to the ministry of the saints and submitting ourselves to such that labour in the church. The testimony session was most uplifting. Praise God! Chew Ying
What impacted me the most was one of the questions answered by Dr Jeffrey Khoo during the “Since You Asked” session. I have always thought that one who serves the Lord must be musically inclined or have lots of biblical knowledge. But I now realise that attending worship service, prayer meeting, Sunday school, Adults’ Fellowship and FEBC night classes are also ways of serving the Lord. More importantly, our service must be accepted by the Lord, our heart and mind must be right. May I continue to serve the Lord and be a doer of His words. J Goh
What has “Family Life in Christ” got to do with me? So I thought. But God’s Word is for everyone. And even though I am not married, with no family of my own, I am part of the family of Christ. And it is good that I be instructed in the whole counsel of God, and to know how to “submit to be co-helpers and co-labourers” in service to the Lord. This message was for singles as much as it was for families. Thank God for bringing me to the church camp. Judith
Before I came to the camp, I was praying if I should take up a full-time job if offered one. I thank God for answering my prayer. Through the messages, God has helped me understand that being a homemaker is God’s will for a mother. When we obey Him, He will give me godly children. Without godly children, who can serve God and continue to defend our faith? So, being a homemaker is a noble and honourable service to God. I thank God for the faithful exposition of His words by His servants. Sok Sin
I thank and praise God for giving me this opportunity to experience God’s extended family in the Resort Lautan Biru. The spiritual food dispensed by the Lord’s messengers was all God-centred, and the desire of our hearts and minds must be for God. Thus knowing this, it gives my heart so much joy and praise to the Lord. Mary
Sweet fellowship
God’sWord applied
Family relationships built up
Sleep all afternoon
Eat durian
Refreshed! Anne Clements
From the Children
I thank God for the lessons that Aunty Jenny and Sister Jocelyn had taught us during the five days. I have learned many precious lessons like to be humble and not proud, and never to be jealous of others. And during the quiet time, I learned that God has a purpose in our lives and like Job, we must trust God no matter what happens. Nakajima Junji (12)
I learnt that if we stay close to God, He will provide for us and also protect us. We must walk close to God and be faithful to Him always. We must not feel proud when we do better than others. When others do better than us, we must not be jealous but feel happy for them. We must also learn to love our enemies, do good to others that hate us, and pray for those who despitefully use us. We must also remember that the Lord looks at our heart and not our outward appearance. I also learnt to trust the Lord with all my heart and not lean unto my own understanding. I also enjoyed the trip to Air Papan Beach and to the Kelong. I thank the Lord for good weather and journey mercies. Galvin Seah (12)
I learnt from David that we must always pray and trust in God, and even if something is very impossible to overcome, we know that God can do anything and He can help us. May Lynn (12)
I have learnt that we must repent of our sins immediately and should always be happy with what we have and not take the things we have for granted. I also learnt about King Saul, David, and John Paton. I also learnt that God looks on the heart, unlike men who look on the outer appearance. I thank God that I can come to this camp to learn many lessons about God and other famous Bible people. Lucas Tan (11)
I learned that God is almighty and we must respect him. We must also repent of our sins immediately. Benn Tan (11)
I thank God that I can attend this church camp. I learned about Saul and David and how we should not let the seed of jealousy continue in us because of the consequences of it. I also learned about John Paton and his ministry in New Hebrides. All praise and glory to the Lord! Jerald Tan (10)
I thank the Lord for coming to this camp. I learned not to complain so much. I hope I can come for next year’s camp. Titus Ng (10)
In the church camp, I learned to trust in the Lord even in hard times, and to pray when trouble comes or thank God for good things that have happened. If it is God’s will, I hope to go to the next church camp! God answers prayers! Charlotte Yerushah Yap (9)
I like to pray, read the Bible and play in the morning. Joyce Park (5)
I liked meeting new friends, singing new songs and learning about Jesus. Jayden Willis Stone (4)