True Life Church Camp 2009
A Report by Dn Leong Kwok Whye (Campmaster)
The True Life B-P Church Camp was held from 8th to 12th June at Resort Lautan Biru with 127 campers. Rev Dr Das Koshy spoke with deep conviction and passion as he delivered 6 Biblical messages on the theme, “Family Life in Christ.” These messages covered “God’s Plan for Marriage” (Matt 19:3-9), “Wife’s Role” (Eph 5:22-24), “Husband’s Role” (Eph 5:23-33), “Parent-Child Relationship” (Eph 6:1-4), “Building the Family with the Lord” (Pss 127-128) and “Serving the Lord as a Family” (1 Cor 16:15). Rev Koshy shared some of his pastoral experiences to illustrate God’s Word and the critical need to abide with God’s plan for the family. He explained that disobedience to God’s Word is the root cause of many of our family problems. We will be greatly blessed if we faithfully apply God’s Word in our family life (Jas 1:22, 25).
Rev Nguyen Gia Hien, Rev Park Seungkyu and Rev Errol Stone also gave of their best in morning devotion messages. Rev Nguyen encouraged us with his message, “God Is the Strength of My Heart and My Portion” (Ps 73:25-28), Rev Park spoke on the topic, “The Church Compared to a Family” (Gal 6:10, Eph 2:19), and Rev Stone preached on “The Church as the Bride of Christ” (2 Cor 11:2-3). We thank Rev Lee Kim Shong, pastor of Calvary Jaya, for being with us at the camp also.
The children (from Nursery to Primary 6) were taught faithful lessons from Biblical characters and missionary stories. They also learned the beautiful songs for their praise items. Praise God for faithful teachers.
We also had a Questions and Answers session called “Since You Asked.” Camper submitted many good questions which took Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo and Rev Dr Koshy 1 hour and 45 minutes to answer. It was an exciting session as God’s words were faithfully taught and applied.
Ten persons spontaneously gave their testimony of God’s goodness and spiritual blessing during the thanksgiving session. Many more would have spoken for the Lord if there were no time constraints. The Young People’s Fellowship and the children each presented a praise item to the Lord. Deborah Mae, Judith D’Silva and Mrs Jemima Khoo presented Hymn Stories which gave a brief biographical background of famous hymn writers. Truly, God had blessed many of us with His wonderful words of Life. All praise and thanks be unto God for His grace and mercy.
Nine campers were interviewed (4 campers below 12 years old, 3 campers 12–18 years old, and 2 campers 18 and above) to get a glimpse of their church camp experience. Below are the answers from the campers.
1. What have you learned from this camp?
- Purpose of marriage, importance of family unity, roles of wife, husband, children. (Bernice)
- Purpose and God’s plan for marriage; to seek God first in all that I do. (Jacelyn)
- I have learned more about what God wants for the family and have also learnt what values embodies a good wife. Most importantly, I have also learned to be a respectful and God-honouring child. (Michelle)
- I have learned more about family life in Christ; how important it is to serve the Lord and depend on Him wholeheartedly as a family. Also I have learned the roles both of the husband and the wife in building the family. (May Ann)
- Pray more; be closer to God; don’t be like King Saul; be humble. (children in Jenny Kan’s class)
2. What are the blessings received?
- Hearing the timely and apt messages which prepare us to build a family in the future. (Bernice)
- Thank God for experiencing God being very near me, even in seeing me through my sickness. (Jacelyn)
- God has blessed me with safety and protection as well as the willpower and the drive to study for my upcoming prelims and O levels. (Michelle)
- Thank God for safety and protection, as well as good daily quiet times. (May Ann)
- Good weather; good food; safety in travel; comfort in resort. (children in Jenny Kan’s class)
3. How will you apply the spiritual lessons?
- Try to build a godly and spiritually strong family, manage family well in future. (Bernice)
- Wait upon God and seek him to know His will for me in my life. (Jacelyn)
- I would be more respectful to my parents and honour my parents. I would also be obedient to them and take initiative to do things that please them. (Michelle)
- Remember to depend on Him in all that I do as well as be a good, respectful child in order to be a blessing to my family. (May Ann)
- Pray more often; humility in life; change of attitude e.g. do not be jealous, be more patient. (children in Jenny Kan’s class)
In addition, a number of campers served the Lord in the background with their hands and hearts. These faithful groups of campers helped with the physical and accommodation arrangements, provided audio-visual, transport, medical, photography, and financial services, served the meals, kept the place clean, watched over the well being of others and gave words of encouragement. Thank God for each and every helper and the camp committee members. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Ps 133:1)!
The campers relaxed on Tuesday afternoon with some beach games and on Wednesday afternoon we had lunch at a kelong. There were also ample opportunities for the campers to have some healthy exercise.
Thank God also for providing Resort Lautan Biru for our use. Thank God for giving our late Pastor—Rev Dr Timothy Tow—the vision to built up this place for church camp and fellowship use. It is most conducive for our purpose. Thank God also for Mr Raymond Tan, the Resort Manager, who had given his best service to the Lord.
For many campers, the best thing to do on the final night was to have a durian feast. Thank God for His bountiful provisions.
Truly, God is very good and gracious unto us. May we always serve Him faithfully. Amen.