Remembering Rev Timothy Tow


We thank God for the life of our beloved pastor, and for the more than 20 years that Rev Timothy Tow was our pastor. We still have fond memories of the times when we, as little children, had our weekly piano lessons under Aunty Jemima at the parsonage every Saturday. We would see Rev Tow in the parsonage and he would always affectionately call us “twins”.

Rev Tow said the most with the least. We learnt much studying Calvin’s Institutes and Minor Prophets under Rev Tow at FEBC night classes. We enjoyed his classes as he always summarized the lessons succinctly and clearly, and captured the essence of the entire chapter/book in a short, profound yet easily understood phrase. And we have been attending night class since, having been much blessed by the teaching and spurred to learn more of God’s perfect Word.

In the midst of all the debate over the VPP doctrine, one thing that Rev Tow said stood out very clearly. He told us to approach this with the logic of faith and exhorted us from God’s Word, “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” Isa 42:8. It showed what a great man of faith Rev Tow was. He not only knew the Word of God, but also loved the Word of God and had a heart so in tune with the Lord.

Truly thank God for the privilege to have had such a godly, humble, gentle and loving man of God as our pastor. All praise and glory be to God!

Jacelyn and Joycelyn Chng
True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church


Condolence from Dr Paul Lee Tan

Dearly beloved bro. Jeffrey and sis. Jemima:

It is with deep sorrow and shock to learn (from you) about the homegoing of beloved Dr. Timothy Tow, a truly great servant of God.

Through so many years in the past, Dr. Tow has encouraged me in God’s ministry. Whenever I go to Singapore for lectures at FEBC, he would welcome me with both arms, and I considered myself blessed to be part of the great work which God called him to start and implement. Surely, the FULL story of all that Dr. Tow has been and done for lowly servants of God (like myself) are all recorded in Heaven, and someday in Glory, we shall tell and retell how God used Dr. Tow to bless so many people.

I know you all miss him very much (as I do), and yet through our tears, there is HOPE and PEACE, because it is “rest” and “sleep” for believers who departed this earth, and the RESURRECTION morning is soon to come.

May God, who promised to be special protector of the widows and orphans, strengthen the works of your hands … as you continue to serve Him, “whom having not seen, we love.”

It is wonderful to know that you will be leading a Holy Land tour this November. From our recent tour there, there is peace, and you will enjoy the experience of walking where Jesus walked and feel His presence there.

May God comfort you and give you peace.

Sincerely in Christ,
Paul L Tan

Delivered from Charismatism

Dear Dr Jeffrey,
I’m Dale, the one who spoke to you briefly outside the Calvary Pandan auditorium on Sunday. I had actually wanted to spend more time sharing with you about how the Lord has used you in a special way to lead me back to Him and his truth but it was quite crowded and I could not gather my thoughts then so I thought I’d write to you instead.

I have been attending charismatic churches since I was 15, about 12 years ago. However, the last few years of my life were a time of confusion and disappointment with God and the church. I started to feel disillusioned with the church, as the health and wealth gospel started to lose its appeal to me, noticing how shallow the whole thing is. Many of my church friends and even leaders were worldly, talking about exercising their faith to accumulate more money, influences, good looks etc. (I was not spared from that influence too.) I also started to question the realities of these miracles, prophecies and how many of these preachers would commercialise their ministry, and seem to promote themselves more than Christ. All these, along with their questionable practices and doctrines, too numerous to mention here, left me feeling disappointed as I started to ponder what being a Christian was really all about? (Charismatic teachings had defined for me what Christianity is all this while.)

My faith went on a further plunge as I started to have burning doctrinal questions in my heart that I could find no definite answers to, about salvation, the laws of God, baptismal regeneration etc. I started to read, but what I found were many shades of Christianity and its diverse doctrines. I have also read articles on how Muslim scholars, atheists and even Christian leaders would criticise the Bible and claim to find numerous errors and back their findings with so-called evidences. I felt very disturbed and started to conclude that truth is not absolute, God is passive, there are too many ways to interpret the Bible that there is no way to be certain on what is right. I started to doubt my salvation, and entertained thoughts about seeking truth in another religion, reading New Age books, books on Buddhism etc. But somehow, silently in my heart, I would still hope that God would show me the truth. It was around the last quarter of 2008 that I prayed earnestly to God that He would show me the truth.

It was at that time that I started to explore the FEBC website. Somehow, something in me seemed to say I might find the truth there. I knew of this College as I had chanced upon your book in the library on Charismatism Q & A a few years ago. I initially read it with skepticism as the charismatic churches taught that the B-P and fundamentalist churches were legalistic churches that hindered the move of the Spirit. (My aunty who brought me to Christ told me such were ‘dead churches’ as they don’t believe in miracles or speaking in tongues.) However, after reading, I felt the many points you made were very true. (Perhaps that laid the ground for me to start questioning the charismatic church practices.)

At FEBC website, I searched for your sermons. I was very moved by the godly courage you had by speaking up for God and His Word by preaching about the inerrancy and preservation of the Scriptures, refuting the Gnostic gospels, textual criticism, corrupted new versions of the Bible and standing up against the many heresies that have invaded the Church today. None of my church leaders had ever preached like this. Through you, I have also learnt about the many heroes of the faith, how they gave their all and even their lives to defend the truth. These truths illuminated my heart with a new fervour and desire to seek to be a true disciple of Christ. I felt as if I was born again, with a new perspective of what being a Christian is, that it is not about seeking blessings, signs and wonders but about living my life for the Lord and being faithful to Him who gave His life for me. Many doubts and questions I had were cleared as I listened to your sermons. You mentioned that there is no such thing as various interpretations of the Bible, that truth is absolute, and how the Word of God is preserved for us to the last jot and tittle. Truly God was speaking to me and I was greatly strengthened and my love for God was renewed.

Dr Jeffrey, thanks a lot for taking the time to read my lengthy testimony. Above all, thanks for preaching the truth of God in all its fullness. Thanks for preaching on the VPP of Scriptures. I now appreciate and love the Bible more, and have confidence that the Bible I hold in my hand can stand up to scrutiny since every word is inspired and preserved by God. Indeed, this truth must be preached to all Christians. If even Muslims dare claim that they hold a perfect Quran, surely believers of the true and living God must stand up for the VPI and VPP of the Scriptures.

May the Lord bless and protect you and your family as you continue to serve Him faithfully.

Best regards always,
Dale Huang


True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.