Easter Testimonies III

Word of God Convicted Me

Coming from a Christian family, I did not need to worry about church-going every Sunday. It was a “natural” thing to do every weekend. My pre-school years were spent in Jubilee Presbyterian Church (Chinese congregation) at Outram Park. Due to my brother’s arm injury, our family had to sell the car for the fees for his 3 operations.

Without the car, our family found it difficult to travel from Clementi to Outram Park by public transport, especially for my brother. So we resorted to a nearby church which was only 5 minutes walk from my home. So from Primary 1 to Secondary 2, I spent my years in Bible Church while the rest of my family were in Mount Carmel BPC as both churches shared the same compound.

Though 8 years were spent in Bible Church, I never understood why church-going was essential on Sundays. Regular Bible reading/Quiet time did not really exist in my life then. The Bible that I owned was just an “accessory” that I brought along to church weekly. My understanding of the Bible was shallow and Bible Study/Sunday School was hardly enjoyable to me. Fellowship with church friends hardly existed as I seldom joined them for activities. Soon, I felt left out among my peers in church.

At the end of Secondary 2 in 1996, my brother, Choo Ming, invited me to join him for YF caroling in Calvary BPC. That was my first encounter with the people from Calvary. Subsequently, I found out that my brother had an intention to leave Mt Carmel BPC for Calvary BPC due to some doctrinal issues. As he was aware that I was not fitting in well in Bible Church, he suggested that I follow him. So by God’s providence, I was brought to Calvary BPC.

It was during my years in Calvary BPC that I realised the need to read His Word and pray regularly. I found myself understanding why churchgoing was so important. My salvation was also assured as I gradually found myself needing God in my daily life. I sincerely thank God and my brother for bringing me to Calvary as I found that those 8 years spent there were indeed fruitful and beneficial to my spiritual walk/growth. I must also thank those people who have helped
me and blessed me during those years. Through ministries such as the Youth Fellowship (YF), Fundamental Christian
Ministry (FCM) and Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) night classes, I have also learnt much and embraced many spiritual truths and doctrines.

Since the declaration of Calvary’s stand to reject the biblical doctrine of VPP on the 2nd of October 2005, I found it difficult to serve in the church. It was also difficult to share the whole counsel of God with others due to their stand. “Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.” (1 Sam 12:24). The Word of God has convicted me to leave Calvary after my term of service in 2005 ended and thus I transferred my membership to Truth BPC.

Thank God for the blessed 3 years of service and fellowship with the brethren at Truth BPC. By God’s providence, I got
married to Herbert at the end of 2008. Since then, I have been attending True Life B-P with him. As I seek a transfer
to True Life, I pray that the Lord will continue to use Herbert and me to serve Him.     Ye Zuyi

God Has Helped Me

I learned about God when I was seven years old. During Sunday School, my teacher told us about how God sent His son to die for our sins. I then realized how much God loves us. I also acknowledged that I am a sinner and asked Him for
forgiveness and accepted Jesus into my heart.

God has helped me in my life and I would like to thank Him for His grace and mercy.                  Joel Chan

Thanksgiving Letters from Our Missionaries

From Myanmar

18 April 2009
Firstly, we praise the Lord and give thanks to Him and glory to His name because He is so good to us. I am very pleased to let you know that today the school final examination results came out and thank God all the children passed their
final exams and nobody failed. I am so happy and all the children are also very happy, even more than me. They praise the Lord and give thanks to God too for His goodness and mercy and care upon them and how God has blessed us and they also give thanks to you for your prayers and help for us.

The Primary, Middle and High school will start school registration and will sell school textbooks and school materials from next week, 20 April. The schoolteacher said that the school will open one month earlier. All the children are so happy for our good results and pray again for our schooling needs and to buy school materials on time. So, please pray for us.

Thank God we could spend our summer holidays usefully and happily and all the children learned many lessons from the
summer holidays. Thanks.

We pray for you and for True Life BPC and FEBC always.

May God bless you and give you good health and strength!

Yours in Christ,
Brother Thangno

12 May 2009
Thank God, yesterday I have received the designated offerings Ks2083600. I and my family and all the children are so
appreciative and so thankful to you and to God too. Yesterday, I and my wife and the two boys went to the market and bought the things the children need (school uniforms, textbooks, exercise books, pens, pencils, compass, slippers, umbrellas, some clothes etc.), and other needs. How good our God is.

All the children are really very happy because our good God answered our prayers through you for their school needs
and school fees on time, and they have no need to worry now. They realize that our God is a good God who provides for their needs on time. I also preached to them that our God is a really good God, that they must trust in Him, that they must work hard, be gentle, clever and faithful in all things so that He will bless them now and in the future for His glory. Thank God the children’s faith is increasing more and more. Praise the Lord and to God be the glory.

Again we are really happy and thankful to you for your love and prayers and help to our Orphanage for His glory.

We all pray for True Life BPC and FEBC always.

Yours in Christ,
Brother Thangno
New Life Orphan Center
Yangon, Myanmar

From Kenya


9 April 2009
Greetings in the name of the Lord.

It has been almost one week since the closing day of BCEA for the vacation. Last term was the first term of this year. I taught first year students who were very new to BCEA. They were all from different places of Kenya, some were from Ethiopia and Congo. There were communication, age, and cultural gaps among the students and surely many more gaps between the students and a foreign teacher like me. I found them to have different responses in my class. I was not
able to catch their understanding level. I tried hard to reach them. They tried hard to understand me in the class. I have just completed one term with them by God’s grace. After all this, I should tell myself that I am the one who has to improve my language and teaching skills to guide the class successfully.

My Sunday school children are doing well. As I joined the evangelism organised by the College, I was able to make more
visits to the children’s homes. During those visits, I could see the low living standards of the church members. I saw my Sunday school children suffer from the poor nutrition and diseases like malaria. My senior missionaries showed by example how to help them. I saw those sick children recovering quickly with simple and a little care only. I learned that supervising  the Sunday school is more than making worksheets for Sunday activities and I have to extend my care to the Sunday school children when they are helplessly sick and hungry with prayerful heart.

The drought and the economic crisis in the country should be the main reason why people become harsh. I hear about crimes even around BCEA. Security is not assured for many people. Rain for crops and crop prices in the market also affect the expenses of the BCEA dining hall.

I made a short trip to Maasailand. I saw the severe dryness there. They suffer too. Yet their worship and singing on Sunday service was genuine and beautiful.

Easter Sunday is coming soon. I have some children to present a special item on Sunday. The children really love to sing “Hosanna.”

All the glory be to God!
Bai Eun Young
Bible College of East Africa
Nairobi, Kenya

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.