B-P Church Founder Dies at 88

The Christian Post, Monday, Apr 20, 2009
Posted: 4:06:14PM HKT



The man widely recognised as the founder of the Bible-Presbyterian movement in Singapore passed away this morning, his family confirmed.

Born in the city of Swatow in Guangdong, China in 1920, the Rev Dr Timothy S H Tow was instrumental in the B-P movement, having founded the first B-P congregation in 1955.

But Bible-Presbyterians trace their beginnings to 1950, when the Rev Dr Tow started an English congregation at Life Presbyterian Church, renamed Life Bible-Presbyterian Church five years later and dissociated from the Presbyterian synod due to the liberalism of the Malayan Christian Council leadership to which it had been connected.

As a young pastor, the Rev Dr Tow had led missionary trips to many parts of Malaysia and for a period of five years was preaching in churches in Singapore and Malaysia on a regular weekly basis. He also set up a theological seminary, Far Eastern Bible College, in 1962 and has been serving as its principal ever since. In a doctrinal conflict with two of his assistant pastors, the Rev Dr Tow resigned from Life B-P Church and started True Life B-P Church, holding the first service in early October in 2003 at the RELC auditorium.

With the missionary fervour of its founder and leaders, the local movement became one of the fastest growing denominations in Singapore, according to Operation World. Unfortunately, the body experienced a split in the 80s due to differing opinions of its leaders over the issue of doctrinal ‘separation’.

As of 2000, there were 60 B-P congregations in Singapore and 20 in Malaysia and unnumbered others in the ten ASEAN countries, Australia and the rest of the world, the pastor had recorded in his 2000 autobiography.

The Rev Dr Timothy S H Tow passed away due to natural reasons at 5.45 a.m. today in his home, according to his son-in-law Dr Jeffrey Khoo, Academic Dean at Far Eastern Bible College.

The funeral service will be conducted on Thursday at 10 a.m. at Calvary-Pandan B-P Church. Vigil services are being held from 8.15 p.m. starting today until Wednesday.

Edmond Chua


Emails from Dr Arthur Steele,
Founder and Chancellor of Clearwater Christian College, Florida, USA

Dear Ivy, Jemima and precious great-granddaughters,

Your very special husband, father, and grandfather is with the Lord. We too will see him again when we see the Lord.

From the first day that I met Dr Tow at seminary he was a completely faithful servant of the Lord. His encouraging words to me in 1966 caused me to stay and complete seminary. His same encouraging actions and words helped me greatly in also starting a college to train preachers and teachers.

For 52 years I and many other ministers have benefited in our preaching and teaching of God’s Word by the books and the teaching of Dr Timothy Tow. Here are precious words of assurance that mean much to me; at the end of 1 Thess 4:17, “and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

With our deepest sympathy and many precious promises from God’s Word,

Art Steele

PS: For months after returning from Singapore back in 2005 I promised one more trip to Singapore when the Lord would take Dr Timothy Tow home, unless I go first. On Sunday April 19 I fell at home and went to the hospital—no broken bones—but we almost went together. I’m OK.

Dear Jeffrey Khoo and FEBC,

Dr Timothy Tow is with the Lord. Phil 1:23, “But I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart and be with  Christ; which is far better.” This promise is ours. What great comfort is ours. What great comfort comes from God’s Word.

Dr Timothy Tow believed God’s Word. He believed 2 Tim 3:16, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” and so do you and so do I. Dr Tow’s life and ministry reflect his settled belief in the inspiration by God of the Scriptures. That settled belief is the reason for the founding of the Bible-Presbyterian churches of Singapore and the founding of the FEBC.

Dr Timothy Tow believed God’s Word. He preached God’s Word and he taught God’s Word. How tragic in these last days to realize that so many Christians do not know what to believe. Satan has not changed his strategy articulated in the first book of the Bible, Gen 3:1, “Yea, hath God said?”

Arthur Steele


A Tribute from the President of the International Council of Christian Churches (ICCC)

A Tribute to God’s Faithful Servant and Our Beloved Brother in Christ

The ICCC receives with great sorrow the news of Rev Dr Timothy Tow’s going home to be with the Lord. We are joined in our grief by many who have known him as teacher, mentor, and fellow laborer for the cause of Christ. We have lost a faithful servant of the Lord.

It is with deep respect and praise that we reflect on his life and legacy. In this day of apostasy and compromise, he boldly and unswervingly stood for the primacy of God’s Word, Biblical separation, and fundamentalism. His pioneering of the Bible Presbyterian movement by the founding of Life B-P Church and the Bible College movement through the Far Eastern Bible College continues to impact Singapore and other communities around the world. It was during Rev Dr Tow’s time as President of FECCC that ICCC was strongest and united in spirit.We praise God for his faithful life, made possible by his response to God’s abundant grace.

Those who remain must not remove the landmark that he has set (Prov 22:28); they must not undermine the foundations that he carefully laid. He is no longer with us, but his conviction, spirit, and love for God’s Word will be carried on by his many disciples in Asia, Africa, and in the far corners of the world.

We do not sorrow as those who have no hope (1 Thess 4:13), but look forward to the day of our glorious reunion. We extend our sincere condolences to Mrs Tow and to the beloved family of Rev Dr Tow.

In His Service,
Kwang Jae Choi
President, ICCC
April 22, 2009

Condolence from East Africa Christian Alliance (EACA)

The EACA which met in the Bible College of East Africa received the sad news of the departure of our beloved teacher, leader, and friend. To us, Rev Dr Timothy Tow is a hero of faith and he has joined other heroes in glory. Yes, he fought a good fight, he has finished his course, and he has kept the faith. We shall be praying for the Tow family, the church and the college. We are with you during this trying moment, Rev 14:13. Till we meet again in glory, Rev Tow, rest in peace. “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Amen.

EACA under the leadership of His students,
Bishop Richard Kivai
Rev Dr Mark Kim
Rev Stephen Masila
Rev Eben Yoon


Dear Dr Khoo,
EACA conference began yesterday evening. We had about 180 members registered last night. When I informed Bishop Kivai about the departure of Rev Tow, he asked all members to stand up, and we spent a minute of silence and prayed together. Although we could not make it to the funeral, our hearts and prayers are there in Singapore.

In Christ,

A Testimony from Dr D A Waite,
President of the Dean Burgon Society

Dear Wendy,

Thank you for telling Mrs Waite and me of the Home-going of Pastor Timothy Tow. Please give Dr Jeffrey Khoo and his family, and all your church family our condolences and comfort.

Dr Tow was indeed a champion for his Saviour and for the Words of God that he held higher and more precious than any words of men. We grieve that his former friends of the church he originally founded did him so much evil, simply because he believed in the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ to preserve His Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words verbally and plenarily down to this very minute.

Though late in life, he stepped out and founded a new church which now continues for the glory of our God. I remember him well when I was in a Bible conference in his church and that of his brother, Dr S H Tow, there in Singapore. After several of my sermons, he would greet me and say to this Bible-believing Baptist preacher, “WE’RE ON THE SAME WAVE LENGTH.” I will never forget meeting this kind and godly gentleman.

In Christ,
Pastor andMrs D AWaite
Bible For Today Baptist Church
Collingswood, New Jersey, USA

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.