Gospel Tracts Led Me to True Life
Praise the Lord for overseeing me and bringing me to come under the instruction of God-fearing pastors of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church. I am truly thankful for the Lord’s providence and look forward to the day of my baptism.
I have known the Lord since a young boy. Despite coming from a non-Christian family, I have the opportunity to attend missionary schools as early as kindergarten all the way to Secondary school. My parents have been worried sick that I would grow up to be a shy, reticent person. They are hopeful that missionary schools would encourage me to come out of my shell and be more willing to interact with others. Although things may not work out exactly the way they hoped for, it was this wonderful decision of my parents that has led me to the eventual acceptance of Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
However, during junior college days, I backslided, discontinued every form of edifying activities and became obsessed with gaining top honours for myself in school. This backsliding continued for more than five years till I entered the second year of my university life.
Thankfully, the Lord did not cast me away and so arranged for me to receive gospel tracts from someone from True Life. At the invitation of the stranger, I started attending worship services at True Life and things began to accelerate after my reading of the “40 John Sung Revival Sermons” translated by Rev Timothy Tow. I decided I shall delay my baptism no further. Praise the Lord! Voon Zhen Lin
Sunday Sermons Draw Me Closer to God
I first came to know about Jesus Christ when I was studying at Presbyterian Boy’s School (1959-68). I then attended St Patrick’s School (1969-70). After my school days, I casually attended some “Christian” churches—Catholic Novena, Methodist, Assembly of God, and then seriously attended and worshipped in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) in the late 1970s and got baptised at East Coast Park in about 1982.
The WCG Singapore membership is about 25 and the worship is conducted by a Malaysian pastor once a month. There are two other worship services in the month; the first is conducted by a local elder and the second is a small group meeting. Since the last few years, I realised that I have not grown spiritually and close to God as in my early years in the church. Sometimes I do not look forward to church and do not go to church.
In early August last year 2008 after I moved house, I asked a not so regular member of the WCG who was servicing the air-cons in my new house which church she attends or whether she still attends church since I have seen her only once in a long while. She said she and her husband sometimes attend the Bible-Presbyterian Church at Gilstead Road, and now True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church at RELC which is also attended by ex-WCG members Wilson Tan, Molly Goh and Mary Quek.
Shortly after that conversation, I started to attend True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church at RELC. Since the first church service, I have been looking forward to attending the church services every Sunday morning. Despite being uncomfortable with the new environment, I yearn to listen to the Sunday sermons which powerfully draw one closer to God and to live a godly life. I have greater interest to pray and read the Bible. Johnny Wan
Taking This Step of Faith
I was born into a Christian family; hence I went to church at a very young age. As a young child, I had learnt of the story of Jesus and of His many wondrous works He had done. The songs sung during Children’s Worship also conveyed the message of the Lord Jesus’ mercy and love towards men.
As I grew older, my understanding of the Lord grew deeper and my faith for Him grew stronger. I knew that if the Lord had not come to die for our sins, we would all be condemned to hell when we die. With salvation, we know that Jesus lives in our hearts and we would go to heaven to be with Him one day.
I thank the Lord for being with me, helping and guiding me through everything I do, for giving me the strength even in the most difficult situations. Surely the Lord is good and will always be. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, sovereign, holy and truth. He can do anything according to His will. I thank Him most of all, for helping me to take this step of faith and accept Him as my personal Lord and Saviour. Glory be unto God! Belle Tan
God Is Merciful and Gracious to Me
Since young, I have been attending church. I have heard how Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose on the third day. About a year ago, during one of our family worship sessions, my parents shared with my sister and me about Jesus’ second coming. It was really horrifying to hear how in the last days, false prophets and Antichrist would deceive the world to lure precious souls away from God. Someday, God would destroy this earth and heaven with fire, and He will create a new heaven and new earth. I realised that I am a sinner and need God to cleanse me of all my sins. Romans 10:9 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Thank God that He has been merciful and gracious to me and I am amazed and thankful that He has chosen me. Despite my slothfulness, He is merciful to grant me a vacancy in a girls’ school which requires better PSLE results.
Through the catechism class conducted by Dr Jeffrey Khoo, I have learnt many things from God’s Word. There are many temptations in this world. I pray that God will help me to overcome them, and guide and lead me in the correct path. It is my prayer that I might hide His Word in my heart so that I might not sin against Him. Tay Hui Min Phoebe
Nothing Is Too Small for God
I was baptised in 1978 in another Christian church but had not been consistent in my Christian life. But the Lord is merciful and gracious to me for He has never failed to watch over me and answer my prayers. Nothing is too small for Him.
Two years ago, I made a critical decision; I resigned from my company after 30 years of service. God blessed me with a good colleague and friend and also family support. At this time, Mrs Janet Morante led me to True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church. I am blessed to have a smooth transition to my present workplace and now working part-time. This enables me to attend church faithfully every Sunday. Most importantly, I started attending Sunday school regularly which I had struggled but failed to attend until I came to True Life. I enjoy and learn from the lessons taught. Step by step, I hope to grow closer to the Lord. I thank God for the many blessings showered upon me. Miranda Soh Eng Mui
Fear of God Kept Me from Straying
I had the privilege of being brought up in a Christian household. From young, my parents sought to instill in me the fear and reverence for the Almighty, Living and True God. Family worship was a regular part of our week, and as such, I was fortunate enough to recognise God as an integral part of my life. Also, being able to listen to the messages delivered at True Life and Sunset Gospel services every Sunday by faithful preachers was such a joy and a blessing to me.
I did not realise how blessed I was, until I commenced my further studies in Melbourne six years ago. It was then that my eyes were opened to the “real world.” I saw how people my age could live a life so devoid of any purpose or direction, whose values and standards were not concrete, but instead changed from day to day. It was then that I truly appreciated the solid Christian grounding that I had in my childhood, for if not for that, I would be no different from the people around me. It was hard to stand my ground, especially when my friends did not understand why I abstained from doing things that everyone else was doing, and the temptation was very great to just give in, because my parents were not around to tell me otherwise. But I really do thank God that He never let me forget that He is always watching, and the fear of God kept me from straying.
As I am getting reaffirmed, it is my sincere payer that I may continue to live a Christ-centred life, to put my trust in Him and walk worthy of Him. Although I know it will not be easy, God has promised that He will never leave or forsake us, and that the reward He has for us will make it all worthwhile. Ruth Anabella Joseph
1. Koh Ruth d/o Mr and Mrs Koh Wayne
2. Elvira Cuaresma Hernando Domestic Helper
3. Oei Lay See Desy IT Support
4. Tan Ming Min Belle Student
5. Voon Zhen Lin Engineer
6. Wan Johnny Property Agent
7. Chan Cheng Hoong Joel Student
8. Joseph Ruth Anabella Inbamalar Student
9. Tay Hui Min Phoebe Student
10. Chew Chu Huey Esther Cust Svc Exec
11. Soh Eng Mui Miranda Nursing
12. Ye Zuyi Piano Teacher