Saved to Serve
The Young People’s Fellowship (YPF) had their Bible Camp last year, 2008, from 15th to 20th December at Aloha Changi, Halton Bungalow. About 30 young people came together for a blessed and profitable time of spiritual nourishment and fellowship. Pr Dennis Kabingue preached on the theme “Saved to Serve,” and in the evenings, Dr Jeffrey Khoo spoke on the “Sevenfold Will of God.” Here are the testimonies of the young people on how the Lord had blessed them during the camp:
Thank God I can hear the Bible preached faithfully. – Daniel Lim
I thank God with all my heart for preserving me through all these years. – Charmian Loei
I thank God for the many lessons learnt. –Derick
I thank God for the opportunity to attend this camp and to hear the many speakers and learn the many lessons that I hope I am able to keep in my heart and apply them in my life. It has also been a great blessing to be able to have fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. – Kenny
I thank God for the call to Holiness during this YPF camp! Indeed, many young Christians these days (or has it always been so?) are greatly entangled in the things of the world and it is wonderful to receive preaching targeting this. – Jason
I pray that I will remember the lesson that I have learnt, to hide it in my heart that I might not sin against him. And thank God for his grace that he has shown towards me. – Yamato
“O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever” (Psalm 107:1). I really thank Him for the grace to be able to serve in this camp and also the sweet fellowship we shared in the camp. I do pray that this camp will be a huge turning point and encouragement for my spiritual life and also for others who attend it. – Jonathan Lee
I thank God for speaking much to me through the messages and workshop. I thank Him for being so patient and longsuffering with me and for showing me much grace. I thank the LORD for even always being so close when I have strayed so far from Him. Truly the LORD knows our hearts and He makes no mistake no matter how we perceive things to be in our earthly eyes. It’s really my heartfelt thanks to our LORD for showing me to serve and love Him first, placing earthly cares at His feet. – Ben Kan
I thank God for the many spiritual lessons I have learnt; truly the Lord has been good to a sinner like me! I pray that I will even serve the Lord next year, in any little ways I can. – Yumi
Thank God for everything like reading the Bible and the Song. – Wei Jie
Indeed, thank the Lord for being a blessing to me and seeing me through such a trying year. I thank him for his grace and mercy and despite the constant backsliding, He is gracious and just to forgive me. I learnt the importance to put my trust and not follow the ways of men. – Jeremy Koh
I thank God for being there for me always and I am eternally grateful to him for forgiving me for my wrong doings. – Esther Tay
After Preacher Dennis spoke about the more evil deposits we have, the more guilt we have, I felt very guilty, because I wasn’t reminded about it. In camp, I was reminded how sinful I am, so when songs are sung before the message, I felt my heart being pricked by the Holy Spirit. Now I am resolved to do my quiet time everyday and to ask him for forgiveness because I know I am a sinner. – Kezia Tay
I want to thank God that I can come to the camp and I want to ask God to bless that I will pass my PSLE because I want to go to a good school. Since Primary 3 I already failed all my subjects; only my Chinese passed but starting from Primary 5 I passed two subjects and my Science only failed by two marks but I failed my Math. I wish God will bless me. – Jia Yi
I thank the LORD for friends that convinced me to at least come for camp at night despite being busy in the day, because through the night messages, I learn about service, and the will of God. I never knew that as God’s elect, we are expected to at least serve in one way or another (e.g. simple things like encouraging a fellow brother in Christ, serving as a deacon in the church). More importantly, I really thank God for being in my presence of God’s people. – Elias Wee
I thank the Lord for seeing us through the camp, keeping us close and taking care of our safety. I thank the Lord for sending his messengers to speak to us and helping us grow spiritually. Most importantly, I thank the Lord for helping me find a place like True Life to worship in. – Kee Sing
I really thank the Lord for bringing me here to join this camp, especially to hear the messages spoken by all His faithful servants. I pray that in the following year I might be able to serve the Lord and draw closer to Him because I really thank Him for His mercy and grace toward me, though I do not deserve it. –Khoo May Ann
I thank God for letting me serve in the camp committee. And also thank God for teaching me wisdom through the respective speakers. Also for brethren who watch me closely lest I err even more. Thank God for many experiences in this camp, be it sorrow, joy, weariness or being sober. Thank God for more grace to experience humility, compassion and gentleness even though it is painful. – Samuel Goh
I thank God for letting me learn humility in serving Him during this camp. Through the messages, I thank God that I am able to learn much about Christian service, especially how important God’s Word is in seeking God as well as how much we need the grace of God. I thank God for faithful speakers and like-minded brethren. – Candice Tan
I thank the Lord for allowing me to come to this camp to learn many other things about him, like having a prayerful heart, an enduring heart, a worshipful heart and a believing heart. I also thank Him for the workshop; I have learned many things from there too. I thank God for the people here also. They have been nice too. Not forgetting the camp committee. So Thank God. – Junji
I thank God that He has enabled me to come to this camp. I have learnt much and all the messages truly spoke to me. I also thank God for the fellowship I had with God’s people. Thank God also for the faithful preachers of God’s Word. – Jacelyn Chng
I thank God for enabling me to attend this camp. I have been much blessed by all the messages and fellowship. It is truly only by God’s grace that I’m called to be His child, and indeed a privilege to be able to serve Him in whatever way I can. – Joycelyn Chng
Thank God for a time of spiritual retreat in this camp. It is really a blessing to take time away from work and spend more quality time with God. Thank God for getting to know more people since I’m quite new in the church. – Desmond
Thank God for letting me attend this camp. I have learnt much from the message, as well as the fellowship of Christian brethren. Indeed I was saved to serve the Lord, through His grace, and by His grace I shall improve my service to Him. All thanks and glory be to God. – Ben Lim
I thank God for helping me through my struggle in stress for my exams. I also learned what I should do if I have troubles, and if anyone says things which hurt you or make you angry, don’t get angry but just endure it and God will help you. I learned more about the Bible and about God which I never knew. I am truly blessed to have been chosen by God to enter into Heaven and not someone else. I really learned a lot and I prayed to God to give me and let me listen to messages about my struggle in life and God answered my prayer. I will certainly leave camp with a lesson learnt. – Khoo May Lynn
The camp was indeed a sign that God is a living and true God. Nothing would have been possible without the guiding Hand and sustaining Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for the privilege and grace to serve. May the Lord continue to help all of us who call on His name to be a faithful and fearless witness and testimony for Him. – Herbert
Thank the Lord for godly fellowship and the many sessions where we share our thanksgivings and burdens, and truly we see God is very real, and His plan is always the best beyond what we can comprehend. I pray God may continue to grant the grace to serve worshipfully, happily, sincerely, according to His Word and with much prayer. – Andrew Kan
Read more about the YPF, the people and their activities at YPF.htm