Rev Zhu Jianwei

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.” (2 Cor 2:14-15).

God made the apostle Paul a sweet savour of Christ, spreading the gospel everywhere and leading many to receive the grace of salvation. We should follow Paul’s example and spread the fragrance of the gospel wherever we go.

We thank God for the support and prayers of the church session and members for the China missions trip. God was with us throughout the journey, granting us His peace and protection to complete this mission successfully. We are deeply grateful to Him.

Mission Trip Overview

The mission trip took place from February 3rd to 14th. God moved our church brethren to participate in His work. During this trip, we focused on three main areas of ministry: Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children, a Bible seminar for adults, and Sunday school teacher training.

God was very good to us, keeping us safe and healthy throughout the journey. We are especially grateful for His protection over my youngest daughter, Jia Yue, who was only three months old and had to travel with us to a cold winter climate. God kept her safe and healthy throughout. Truly, when we take care of God’s house, He takes care of ours. When we honour God, He honours us. God knows our needs and abundantly supplies for us. We hope that our testimony will encourage you.

Vacation Bible School Ministry

The theme of the Vacation Bible School was “A Man after God’s Own Heart” (The Life of David). This theme first reminded us to be people after God’s own heart and, by God’s help, to teach children to set their hearts on following Him from a young age—just as David, even as a young shepherd boy, had a heart that pleased God.

A total of 71 children, ranging from primary to high school, participated in VBS. They were divided into four classes:

  • Primary 1-3: Led by Sisters Ysabel and Nyssha.
  • Primary 4-6: Led by Deacon Chan and Sister Sok Sin.
  • Secondary School: Led by Brothers Bo Hao and Nicholas.
  • High School: Led by Rev. Jianwei and Katharine.

The life of David was divided into five lessons: (1) the Faith of David, (2) the Fight of David, (3) the Fugitive David, (4) the Failure of David, and (5) the Forgiveness upon David. Throughout the teaching, we repeatedly emphasised the importance of the gospel, praying that the Holy Spirit would work in the children’s hearts so they would repent and believe in the Lord Jesus.

The three-day VBS was held from February 5th to 7th. Sisters Ysabel and Nyssha led the children in morning singspiration, while Nicholas played the piano accompaniment, helping the children sing in the correct tune. Despite the cold weather, their enthusiasm for learning God’s Word was encouraging. Some children travelled from afar and stayed in the church building, enduring the cold because of their desire to learn God’s Word.

After singspiration, the children returned to their respective classes for Bible lessons, followed by meaningful craft activities to reinforce what they learned. Teachers worked hard, dedicating time and effort to help the children understand God’s Word. On the second afternoon, we organised games to make learning more engaging. On the third afternoon, we held a combined meeting where parents were invited. I exhorted them with God’s Word: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov 22:6). I encouraged the parents to first be people after God’s own heart so they could lead their children by example.

At the conclusion of VBS, a church member warmly invited us to her home for dinner and fellowship. Their passion for the Lord and love for us in Christ greatly encouraged us. Their steadfastness in the faith, despite persecution and challenges, was like a warm stream in the cold winter, warming our hearts in the Lord.

This reminded us that, in Singapore, we have the freedom to worship and many opportunities to learn God’s Word, yet we often take them for granted and lack a hunger for His Word. May the Lord help us make good use of these opportunities, diligently study His Word, and serve Him actively. “Be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Cor 15:58).

Sunday Preaching and Church Visits

While in China, Rev Shuaiyong invited us to visit his father-in-law’s church on February 9th (Sunday). That morning, I preached God’s Word, encouraging believers to set spiritual goals and not be drawn away from God by the world. Even in suffering and persecution, they should remain faithful. After the worship service, we had lunch and fellowship, encouraging one another with God’s Word.

In the afternoon, I preached at another church. I thank God for the many opportunities to serve Him and proclaim His Word.

Adult Bible Seminar

On February 10th, I conducted a Bible seminar for adults on the topic of Church Theology. The study was intensive, with three-hour sessions in the morning and afternoon over two days. The believers were eager for God’s Word, taking notes diligently and asking questions when in doubt. The discussions were engaging, and their passion for learning greatly encouraged me.

May we all have hearts that continually love and pursue God’s Word: “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” (Matt 5:6).

Sunday School Teacher Training

Following the Bible seminar, we conducted Sunday school teacher training. Through last year’s VBS, the local believers recognised the importance of children’s ministry and, by faith, started a Sunday school. I believe this pleases God, as Jesus said: “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19:14).

However, the teachers lacked experience and biblical knowledge. They invited Katharine to train them in effective teaching methods. Through this training, they gained much insight.


Throughout the entire mission trip, God’s grace and help were evident. In travel, accommodations, health, and teaching, He was always with us. Though our goal was to bless our brethren in China, we found ourselves blessed by them.

Despite challenges, struggles, and persecution, God continues to preserve His people in China. As one body in Christ, may we remember them in our prayers. May God strengthen the churches in China to hold fast to the faith amid persecution and be a beautiful testimony for the Lord.

May God continue to open doors for the gospel, enabling us to serve Him, save souls, and build up the saints. All glory and praise be unto God!

China Missions Trip, 3-14 February 2025

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.