Posted: June 24, 2004
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com
A brand-new translation of the Bible – praised by Britain’s archbishop of Canterbury, that nation’s senior Christian voice – flatly contradicts traditional core Christian beliefs on sex and morality.
Titled “Good as New,” the new Bible is translated by former Baptist minister John Henson for the “One” organization, to produce what the group calls a “new, fresh and adventurous” translation of the Christian scriptures.
The 104th archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams – leader of the Church of England – describes it is a book of “extraordinary power,” but admitted many would be startled by its content.
“Instead of condemning fornicators, adulterers and ‘abusers of themselves with mankind’,” says Ruth Gledhill, the London Times religious affairs correspondent, “the new version of his first letter to Corinth has St. Paul advising Christians not to go without sex for too long in case they get ‘frustrated’.”
“The new version, which Dr. Williams says he hopes will spread ‘in epidemic profusion through religious and irreligious alike’, turns St. Paul’s strictures against fornication on their head,” adds the Times.
The One organization that produced the new Bible translation is dedicated to “establish[ing] peace, justice, dignity and rights for all.” It is also focused on “sustainable use of the earth’s resources,” challenging “oppression, injustice, exclusion and discrimination” as well as accepting “one another, valuing their diversity and experience.”
According to Ekklesia, a Londonbased “theological think tank” that supports the “One” translation:
In keeping with the times, translator Henson deftly translates “demon possession” as “mental illness” and “Son of Man,” the expression Jesus frequently used to describe himself, as “the complete Person.” In addition, parables are rendered as “riddles,” baptize is to “dip” in water, salvation becomes “healing” or “completeness” and Heaven becomes “the world beyond time and space.”
John 6:15-21
“With Christ in the Vessel, We can smile at the Storm”
For a fuller account of Jesus walking on the sea, read Matt. 14:22-36; Mk. 6:45-56. After the miracle of feeding the five thousand it is John who records that the people “would come and take him by force to make him a king” (Jn. 6:15). As Christ came to found a spiritual kingdom and not a physical one as conceived by the masses, this greatly dismayed Him. To thwart the mob’s purpose our Lord “straightway constrained” His disciples to return home by boat while He dismissed the crowds, and stole away to give Himself to prayer (as He did at every crisis). How we must learn this secret of self-composure!
As the Lake is widest between the place of the miracle bread and the western shore, a strong head wind also slowing down the boat, the disciples took all night to try reach the other side. Jesus descrying the disciples struggling with their oars from land with divine eyes sailed with no less divine feet across the water to see if He could help. (It is Matthew who gives a more detailed account of Peter’s nervous walking on the waves in the steps of the Master). At first they were afraid because, as Mark tells us, they thought they saw a spirit. But Jesus comforted them, who surely recalled an earlier trip across the lake and the stilling of the storm by the Saviour. Thus assured, they must have rowed doubly fast to land in a short while. As an ancient proverb says, “A pleasant companion on the road is as good as a carriage”. Bunyan says, “When Christ is absent from His people, they go on but slowly, and with great difficulty; but when He joineth Himself unto them, Oh! how fast they steer their course! How soon are they at their journey’s end!”
Anywhere he leads me in the world below.
Anywhere without Him dearest joy would fade.
Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid.
Anywhere, anywhere! Fear I cannot know!
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go.
John 6:22-29
Is this also our quest?
Although Jesus had dismissed the crowds and sent His disciples by boat back to Capernaum His headquarters, the fed multitude persisted in the quest of their “king”. Boats from Tiberias on the southern shore also converged on the spiritual capital, but what the people sought after was the material. When the Church is established and offers good pay and position with fringe benefits, she has no worry of adherents. Is that the reason why some join the Church? Is the seeking after free bread also our quest?
Jesus plainly admonished these of the five thousand. As He did not get sidetracked to heal the multitude (Mk. 1:37-39), so He refused to feed them again. Jesus answered them and said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.” So, instead, He offered them bread that perisheth not which endureth unto life everlasting. For this they must labour. How? In v. 29, Jesus stresses again the importance of faith. Believing in Him, we receive Him, we obtain that bread that perisheth not but endureth unto everlasting life. Faith is what is needeth to obtain spiritual values, even salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is doing the works of God!
Both Martha and Mary were followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Martha was encumbered with cooking and serving, which were undoubtedly necessary to give our Lord a good meal. Mary meanwhile sat at Jesus’ feet to hear His Word. Though Jesus did not discount the value of Martha’s labours, He could not help telling Martha that Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. Labouring for a comfortable life is good, but it is temporal. Labouring for salvation of one’s soul is better, for its values are everlasting. Memorise Jn. 6:27.
John 6:30-46
What Sign?
After all that these of the five thousand had seen and eaten of the miracle bread, they asked for a sign, as if Jesus were a total stranger to them. This reveals the wickedness of unbelief within them, and corroborates our Lord’s condemnation of the Jews in Matthew 12:39, “This wicked generation seeketh after a sign.” Indeed, they despise all other miracles they hitherto have seen, because Christ does not meet their wishes. Furthermore He has turned their attention to the spiritual which they dislike.
When they now begin to praise God for giving their fathers manna to eat in the desert, it is only to cover up their materialistic desires condemned by our Lord. They even call this heavenly bread. Again they miss the point. Though this bread came down from heaven, it was not from Moses but from God. It was given for a deeper meaning, to point them to Christ who is the One who came down from heaven, the True Bread, to give life to the world.
Now Jesus leads us into higher heights of the theology of conversion by giving us an insight into God’s eternal decrees, the doctrine of predestination and election. Five thousand ate of the miracle bread, but how many did eat at the same time, inwardly, the “true bread from heaven” (v. 32)? After Jesus’ long discourse on the Bread of Life, it is recorded, “From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him” (v. 66). What a reflection on the constant turnover of church-goers. When demands are made on the hearers to give up their worldly pursuits and to embrace the cross, many return to their old habits – gambling, mahjong, Toto, drinking, smoking, sex, cinema, cabaret, Sunday sports, etc., etc.
It is only the elect, the chosen of God, that will stick on. Read v. 37, 39, 44, 45. But if you are elect, you will persevere in the faith to the end. Christ will raise you up in the last day (v. 39). You who believe sincerely belong to the elect and are saved forever! Memorise 6:37.
Traditional site of Jesus’ Baptism, River Jordan