(A Review of Pastor’s Chronicles of Conquest by the Rev Errol D Stone)
Chronicles of Conquest (Singapore: Christian Life Publishers, 1990. 155pp) by the Rev Dr Timothy Tow is about the acquisition of Beulah Land/House at 10 Gilstead Road, situated opposite Life Bible-Presbyterian Church and Far Eastern Bible College, 9/9A Gilstead Road, Singapore. Chronicles of Conquest is a diary of the intentions, purposes and purchase of Beulah Land, and records the cheerful giving of God’s people in a speedy time.
A necessary part of stewardship is believing in the gospel and applying its principles correctly by sacrificing personal rewards (1 Cor 9:17) and supporting the church financially (Acts 4:32-37). It is the Holy Spirit that prompts Christians to give (2 Cor 9:5-7; Neh 1:4-11). It must always be remembered that manipulation or violation of the sacred trust of stewardship will bring consequences (Gal 6:7; cf Rom 2:5, 6), and the love of money is the root of all evil and those who covet after money will pierce themselves with many sorrows (1 Tim 6:10).
In preparation for the purchase of Beulah Land/House, the Founding Pastor of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church and Principal of Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC)—the Rev Dr Timothy Tow (henceforth “Pastor Tow”)—alluded to the waters of the Jordan River, being banked up as the children of Israel crossed on dry ground into the Promised Land, like the Red Sea which dried up as they passed through. Joshua was instructed to set up 12 stones in memorial of that great event of crossing the Jordan (Josh 4:20-24). Pastor Tow used this illustration to encourage the people to gather $7.2 million to cross the Jordan. This great achievement which began on October 8, 1989 was attained in May 1990. Chronicles of Conquest is a record of God’s goodness, and of cheerful givers (2 Cor 9:7).
The Beulah Land/House (former Eye Clinic) project (Extension Building Fund) came about because of the need to extend the church-college grounds due to congestion. Pastor Tow reminded the people that faith without works is dead (Jas 2:20, 26) and launched the building fund for the faithful ones to bring in all the tithes into the storehouse (Mal 3:10). By the grace of God, the offerings came in from sister churches in the form of interest-free loans totalling around $2 million, with another $4 million required. Pastor Tow used the illustration of the spirit of Joshua and Caleb, and that God loves a cheerful giver. Among those that gave as recorded in the offering columns each week for the building fund were many FEBC students.
Pastor Tow wrote that the acquisition of the property across the street would not only relieve congestion, but give the Sunday School and the Fellowships rooms and grounds for recreation, and also immediate accommodation to the packed Chinese service. The upper storey of the inpatients block allows for more resident FEBC students to be taken in. He said, “Do not think the College is a burden to the Church. … For such time as this, the FEBC Treasurer rallies with a goodly sum. The whole FEBC family, faculty and students, have risen also to the occasion, even our Korean students.” There were many letters received in support of FEBC with one saying, “Please accept this gift as a token of my wholehearted support for FEBC. It encourages my heart to see the school of prophets, doing God’s work in these last days before our Lord’s return. May you and your staff and students stand firm in that holy faith once and for all delivered unto the saints.”
Many letters of encouragement were received, and many messages followed, including, “How David and His People Prepared for God’s House” (1 Chron 29:1-9). The name “Beulah” comes from the Hebrew word “married,” as the land across the road has marriage value to the church complex. People were amazed at how $6.95 million could be raised in four months and three weeks. The project at Woodlands was continually mentioned for encouragement. Pastor Tow reminded that brethren of the Rechabites (Jer 35) kept the word of their ancestor and were commended, and that his grandfather said “never pay interest.” Some gave their 13th month bonus to extend God’s House.
Pastor Tow (05/11/89) commented that the buildings at Beulah Land were in good repair, and that “Economy is the mother of prosperity.” On 12/11/89 Pastor Tow said, “There will be living quarters for the church staff, upstairs dorms for FEBC students … let us use this present property for a decade, after which the need might arise to have a multistorey complex put in its place. … We are grateful to FEBC and the Korean Church for their help.” “New Frontiers of Evangelism” (19/11/98) was about FEBC students going into ministry, in Pontianak, Sarawak, Kuching etc. FEBC was mentioned as one of the fraternal associations helping with the building fund (26/11/89).
It is interesting to observe that Pastor Tow said (10/12/89) that he had given up the idea of acquiring property, until late September, when he got wind that the owner was to sell, but had given up because the price of the land kept on rising. When Eld Dr Lim Teck Chye took a bold stand to acquire what is now called our Beulah Land (it has marriage value), Pastor Tow said, “I sensed this was from the Lord. So I cast in my lot with him.” Kim Kah Teck, upon returning from Kuching, said to his principal, “Our small congregation has a sum for the FEBC extension fund. We remember our Alma Mater.” On 17/12/89 an FEBC student came with a $1,200 from the Youth Group.
On 28/01/90 at the Sunset Gospel Hour, Pastor Tow said, “Far Eastern Bible College, which is expanding as never before, will find great relief by being housed in the new premises. Staff workers, housed in the same building, can minister directly to the needs of the congregation. … The acquisition of the Beulah Land is definitely in the spirit of the Lord’s business of growth and expansion.” On 18/02/90 a letter said, “Has it really happened, that you’ve got the eye clinic across the street? … Congratulations … and just sending like the widow’s ‘farthing’ my gift to the Alma Mater for excellent help.”
On 25/02/90, a thanksgiving said, “I am following through with the tele-conversation we had concerning an interest free loan of $100,000 to Life BP Church for the extension project of FEBC. We are praying that the Lord will continue to bless the work of the Bible College in preparing more preachers and pastors for the ministry. To this end, we are happy to render our humble support. Do pray for us too, as we also trust the Lord to lead us in our search for a permanent place of worship.”
On 11/03/90, Pastor Tow said the buildings were in a healthy state. “Dormitories to married students of FEBC whose presence should enhance security and contribute to good maintenance of the campus.” It was also Pastor Tow’s concern that missions and other evangelistic outreaches do not suffer as a result of the zeal to meet the target. On 18/03/90, Pastor Tow said, “God’s work is often likened to warfare,” how correct he was. The target of the extension building fund for Beulah Land, was not reached by “walkathons” or “singathons,” but by the Holy Spirit’s moving in tithes, offerings and interest-free loans.
In the article 13/05/90, it was mentioned that a Beulah Management Committee had been established, and a general rule, that Pastor Tow proposed for the use of the existing building, was for the upstairs rooms to be used for residential purposes, including dorms for the expanding FEBC, and the downstairs premises for meetings, and allotments such as to the Chinese service and fellowships. [Ed. A signboard with the College logo designating Beulah House as “FEBC Hostel” had stood at the front of the building since the beginning.]
In the Old Testament, the boundaries of different fields were designated by heaps of small stones about a rod or measuring stick apart (cf Ezek 40:3; Rev 11:1). Consequently, it was not difficult for a dishonest man to shift the stones by small increments each year and gradually encroach onto his neighbour’s land. But this practice was equivalent to stealing and was alluded to in Job 24:2, being also forbidden in Proverbs 22:28; 23:10. Instead of being content, sometimes people who are rich and powerful are motivated by greed and covetousness. The dishonest person who does so, is in for a rude awakening as the Word of God says there is a curse upon those who remove a landmark, “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen.” (Deut 27:17; cf Prov 23:11, 12). Nelson’s KJV Commentary says, “In this verse (Deut 27:17) Moses deals with the crime of removing the landmarks. Since the land was an inheritance from God, anyone who tried to steal land by moving the boundary markers was actually committing a crime against God. Landmarks were important to God because a man’s property consisted of his life and his inheritance for the future.”
The Word of God warns against the crime of moving or removing a boundary, “The princes of Judah were like them that remove the bound: therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them like water,” (Hos 5:10). The Word of God says, “Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it” (Deut 19:14).
Matthew Henry said of Deuteronomy 19:14, “It is the will of God that every one should know his own, and that all good means should be used to prevent encroachments and the doing and suffering of wrong. When right is settled, care must be taken that it be not afterwards unsettled, and that, if possible, no occasion of dispute may arise. An express law to posterity not to remove those land-marks which were thus fixed at first, by which a man secretly got that to himself which was his neighbour’s. This, without doubt, is a moral precept, and still binding, and to us it forbids, (1.) The invading of any man’s right, and taking to ourselves that which is not our own, by any fraudulent acts or practices, as by forging, concealing, destroying, or altering deeds and writings (which are our land-marks, to which appeals are made), or by shifting hedges, meer-stones, and boundaries. Though the land-marks were set by the hand of man, yet he was a thief and a robber by the law of God that removed them. Let every man be content with his own lot, and just to his neighbours, and then we shall have no land-marks removed. (2.) It forbids the sowing of discord among neighbours, and doing any thing to occasion strife and law-suits, which is done (and it is very ill done) by confounding those things which should determine disputes and decide controversies. And, (3.) It forbids breaking in upon the settled order and constitution of civil government, and the altering of ancient usages without just cause. This law supports the honour of prescriptions. Consuetudo facit jus—Custom is to be held as law.”
It is very clear from the outset that the purchase of Beulah Land/House was to accommodate the expanding needs of not just Life BPC but also FEBC. The fact that many gave willingly to Beulah Land/House for the sake of FEBC is obvious. Leaders are accountable to God not to remove their neighbour’s landmarks. To do so is to invite a curse from God (Deut 27:17).