Our Sarawak Experience
(Testimonies of Sarawak Mission Trip, Sep 1-6, 07, by True Lifers)
Marau Kelasau Pantu Church (SIB), the home church of Evangelist Marilyn Nanta (centre, wearing hat).
Practical Faith
This short trip has helped me to understand the difficulties a missionary faces and the process of self-denial and self-sacrifice one has to go through to be a missionary. Indeed Psalm 127:1-2 reminds us of the need to work within the will of God. Unless one is truly called by God and sufficient grace is given, it will not be possible for one to endure hardships. We witnessed the testimony of our missionary, literally living out the Great Commission. She has shown us her faith by her works—practical faith. How I thank God for FEBC where students are grounded in sound doctrines and equipped to serve in the mission fields. Truly, this trip has reminded us that unless one is trained, one is not able to serve and minister efficiently. May the Lord teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. May we study God’s Word diligently and serve Him with humility and faithfulness till He comes. Bee Heng
Simplicity of Life
What struck me was the simplicity of life. Though the Iban people in the villages and the longhouses are not endowed materially, they are joyful and contented. Their faith is simple and child-like, trusting fully in God’s providence. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Though from different background and culture, the spirit of humility mingled with warm hospitality of the brethren there truly offers a foretaste of the fellowship in Heaven. We are challenged to re-evaluate our lives and shift our focus from temporal to eternal things, setting our affections on things above and not below. May God help us! Yee Fong
We visited the longhouse and the experience was an unforgettable one. The experience of crossing the river on a narrow sampan, trekking through rain on the muddy path for one hour, sitting on the floor for messages, meals and fellowship, sleeping with bugs and other insects buzzing at our ears, using kerosene oil lamps, and learning that the people bathe at the stagnant river, taught me to treasure what we have in Singapore. The people in the longhouse and the churches we went to were very sincere when they were singing and praying. In the longhouse, when Rev Jeffrey Khoo preached the message, they listened so intently that after the message, they still wanted him to pray River crossing by sampan to Kg Semawa Longhouse for them. Kezia Tay
Learning Experience
It was a learning experience for me. When we gave the children the presents, they were thankful and contented. Another thing was that when the children saw the Sunday School materials, they were so excited and they kept on saying “Sunday School, Sunday School.” They also enthusiastically answered the questions that were asked. We learnt about the culture of the Bidayuh people, the Iban people, the Penan people, the Orang Ulu people and the Melanau people. AuntyMarilyn is reaching out to the Iban people now. Phoebe Tay
Foretaste of Heaven
It is wonderful to be able to worship with fellow brethren in Christ from another country. It is truly a foretaste of heaven! Thank God for the children there. We could see their eagerness to learn, and they put in much thought even when colouring! Thank God for the messages preached, and the testimonies shared. While fellowshipping with a sister there, I learnt that many years ago, her parents were jailed for 5 years, just because they wanted to convert to Christianity. This has made me appreciate and treasure the freedom of worship we have here in Singapore more. May we not take this for granted, but thank God and continue to pray for a good government. Jacelyn Chng
Worshipping Together
Thank God for the work that sister Marilyn Nanta has done in establishing a church and evangelising to the people in the longhouses. I can really see in her, that it is only because of her love for the Lord that she is able to do all these. It was truly wonderful to be able to worship together with fellow brethren in Christ in a foreign country. Thank God for giving us salvation so rich and free, and for calling His children to do His work so that people in farflung places can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Joycelyn Chng
Christian Hospitality
It has been a wonderful experience and an eye-opener for me, especially the trip to the longhouse in Kampong Semawa. I am especially encouraged by the Iban brethren and their families, for their warm fellowship, Christian love and hospitality. The children, in particular, were very receptive to the Gospel and participated earnestly in all the children’s programme. Thank God for the bountiful blessings and joy, and a truly fruitful time with all the Christian brethren there. Alice Chng
Thank God for the opportunity to understand, appreciate and experience firsthand the lesson on “humility, humility, humility” in the mission trip. I saw humility in how God’s people had to walk for an hour in the rain through muddy ground to the longhouse without the comfort of modern transportation to spread the good news to the Iban people. I saw humility in the Iban people receiving God’s words with childlike faith, seeing them acknowledging as they listen intently to the messages. What a joy to see the instant, without hesitation, resounding “No” to the question, “Are you afraid to die?” This is only because they have Christ in their hearts. Praise God for the Holy Spirit working in them, even the illiterate ones. How blessed are they in comparison to the highly educated people in our society who reject God, and a lesson to fellow Christians who say the Bible has mistakes. Steve Chng
Hard Work
Thank God for the chance to witness Marilyn Nanta’s ministries and her hard work in Sarawak! God has sustained the elderly, young ones and the rest of us during our journey through rough terrain. Truly, I can see our presence there greatly encouraged our fellow brethren. It was very sad to leave them but fret not! If God is willing, we plan to hold a VBS for the blind Christian orphans and the children at the longhouses next year end. If God moves your heart, be sure to join us! Andrew Koh
Spiritually Refreshing
This mission trip to Sarawak is an eyeopener and a spiritually refreshing time for me. I am touched by the way the people in the longhouse live, the hospitality of the natives, and the work wrought by God through His missionary, Marilyn Nanta. The messages by Dr Khoo were short and poignant, and a good reminder for myself. Cecilia Lee
God is in Control
I thank God for the opportunity to serve in the choir and in this trip. Many things offered by the people there have brought me to shame. Though little they had, they sacrificed for the love of Christ. The journey wasn’t smooth but God is still in control. Thank God for journey mercies, good health and strength, and for peaceful flight back. Samuel Goh
Warm and True
The labour of love by Marilyn Nanta was indeed very heart-warming. Seeing Marilyn’s trust in the Lord and her zeal in bringing God’s Word to the Iban people through dangerous and lonely mountainous roads all alone, I am really ashamed of my non-active Christian life. The people we befriended are simple, united, friendly and trusting in God. Their smiles and welcome are warm and true. They are self-sufficient and yearn only for the Word of God. Rosaleen Cheong
Mutual Edification
“Comfort yourselves together, and edify one another” (1 Thess 5:11), and “let each esteem other better than themselves” (Phil 2:3). With these words in my heart, I went on my first mission trip not knowing what I can do or how I can help. However, I soon realised that despite the language obstacle, our brethren in Kuching were much encouraged simply by our presence, worshipping and praying with them, and having sweet fellowship in the Lord. The spiritual encouragement and edification was not one way but mutual. Edward Wong
In My Heart Forever
I thank the Lord for granting me this blessed opportunity to be a part of this missionary trip to Kuching, Sarawak. The love and warmth showed to us by our beloved brethren will always remain in my heart forever. I will always remember them in spirit. I am looking forward to meeting them in heaven with our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Philip Goh
River crossing by sampan to Kg Semawa Longhouse