True Lifers in Sarawak
Ow Kuan Tai
Sarawak Mission Trip, Sep 1-6, 2007
On 1st September 2007, God led 19 True Lifers and a sister from Calvary Pandan to Sarawak for a six-day mission trip. The purpose of the trip was to strengthen and encourage our evangelist Marilyn Nanta (an FEBC alumna), and the brethren in Kuching.
On the Lord’s Day, 2nd September, the team worshipped at SIB Ebenezer, Demak Laut (Sidang Injil Borneo—Evangelical Church of Borneo). The church meets on the 2nd floor of a block of shop-houses in an industrial estate. This shop-house church is simple, and seats about 100–120 worshippers. The church consists of an evangelist, namely Marilyn herself, an elder, and members belonging to the Iban tribe.
Samy, the chairman, warmly introduced the team in both berhasa Iban and English. Brother Andrew Koh gave a testimony of his salvation; how he departed from idol worship and came to the living and true God. Following this, the six-person choir sang a hymn of encouragement. They were later joined by the entire team with Beri Tahu Yesus (Tell it to Jesus). Evangelist Marilyn gave a short exhortation and prayer. Finally, the Elder of SIB Ebenezer too, shared his thanksgiving to God.
After the Service, there was an Agape Lunch. The members brought local, home-cooked food to share with the members and with us. Rice is their staple food eaten with dishes. The dishes were an Iban version of our Singapore food. For example, the curry was cooked with bean curd skin, chicken cut into small pieces, potato and coconut. We tasted their Bak Ku Teh too. The food was tasty and the fellowship warm.
After lunch was the Children’s Sunday School. Sister Foong Mei together with sisters Cecilia and Kuan Tai, taught eight children three songs in English. As English was taught in school, the children were able to understand the songs and sang along. The Bible story of the paralytic man healed by Jesus in Luke 5:17-26 was taught in Malay and caught the attention of the children. They participated actively in answering all questions and memorizing the memory verse. During the art and craft time, which was prepared by sister Yee Fong, the children put in great effort to Sarawak Mission Trip, Sep 1-6, 2007 colour the pictures.
On Monday, the team visited the Sarawak Cultural Village located about an hour’s drive from Kuching city. This Village is a ‘live’ portrayal of the rich cultural diversity in Sarawak. It is a 17½-acre sprawling expanse on the foothill of the legendary Mount Santubong fronting the South China Sea with seven authentic ethnic houses built around a man-made lake. The seven tribes are Bidayuh, Iban, Penan, Orang Ulu, Melanau, Malays and Chinese. The team went from one longhouse to another, ‘experiencing’ the living conditions of each individual tribe. We were ‘treated’ to a multi-cultural dance performance in their modern theatre. This visit helped us to better understand the different tribes found in Sarawak.
Dinner followed at a seafood restaurant close by. Dr Jeffrey Khoo, after ministering to the Kemaman and Calvary Jaya churches, joined the team at this time.
A special night meeting was held at SIB Ebenezer that night. Many of the church members rushed to church after work especially for this meeting. There was a testimony time by sister Foong Mei who praised God for calling her at a young age while studying in a Methodist school in Malaysia. The choir and the whole team presented song items. Dr Jeffrey Khoo taught the congregation what it meant to believe on Jesus Christ the Messiah, our Anointed Prophet, Priest and King. He encouraged everyone to continue following Jesus.
The most anticipated part of the trip came on Tuesday. We left the comfort of the hotel and embarked on an unknown journey to experience a one-night stay in the longhouse. It took the team about three hours by coach to get to Marau Kelasau Pantu. This is the hometown of Marilyn’s mother. We met Marilyn’s mother, relatives and the village headman. They were very hospitable towards us. They treated us with food before and after the worship. The worship was simple and short. We had a testimony time, song presentation and exhortation on Romans 8:28. After this brief visit with Marilyn’s relatives and friends in her kampong, we continued on our journey to the longhouse located at Kampong Semawa. We had a short crossing over the river by boat (sampan). The sampan could sit only four people at a time. After crossing the river, we had to walk for about 35-40 minutes before arriving at the longhouse. At this juncture, it started to rain. But by God’s mercy we managed to ‘brave’ through the muddy, slippery road. Along the way, some of our shoes gave way; the sticky mud tore the soles of the shoes away. The fear of falling was in our minds.
When we arrived at the longhouse, fresh air, green plantation and hospitable people greeted us. According to evangelist Marilyn, most of the residents in this longhouse were Iban Christians. Worship services are held at the open verandah of the longhouse. This open verandah also served for community and domestic activities. There were about 12-14 ‘units’ in this longhouse; one ‘unit’ housed one family, and they were interrelated. Two houses were ‘given’ to us for our overnight stay; one for the brothers and the other for the sisters. There was no electricity in the longhouse except for a generator, which operated from 6pm to 10pm nightly.
After settling down, the residents brought food and drinks to welcome us. We had a time of fellowship. It was a pity that the majority of us could not speak in Malay; otherwise we could learn more of their lives. After ‘teatime’, sister Foong Mei and some of the sisters led the children in a time of singing, Bible storytelling, and art and craft. Some brethren went to the nearby river for cleaning and washing.
We joined all the residents for dinner that night. Many had just returned from work and school. A night meeting was conducted at about 8pm. There was no need for songbooks, song sheets or any visual aids; the villagers simply remembered the songs in their heart. A handful of the villagers owned Bibles. Most of them are illiterate. But they paid attention to the testimony by uncle Philip Goh, our song presentation and the sermon. Although the villagers always asked evangelist Marilyn to pray for their good health, when Dr Khoo asked whether they were afraid of death, most raised their hands to indicate that they were not afraid because they have Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Praise the Lord! A group of the villagers asked for prayer for various needs after the service was over. Medicine by courtesy of Dr Chan Kay Heem was then distributed.
Night time was kind of a challenge where we had to sleep on sleeping bags and endure the mosquitoes constantly buzzing in our ears, but we all survived!
When morning came, we trekked back towards the river. It was an easier walk as it was no longer raining. Friendly villagers greeted us as we were walking.
We arrived back at the hotel in the afternoon where we had a good bath and rest. That night we went to a member’s house for Home Fellowship. We had a wonderful time praising the Lord in song, in testimony by sister Alice Chng, and hearing the Word. There was an exchange of e-mail addresses between the Singapore brethren and members of the Kuching church.
The Lord was good to us. None of us fell sick, got injured or robbed or experienced any mishap. We saw God’s providence, protection, preserving hand in Marilyn Nanta’s ministry among the Iban Christians in the church and in the longhouse. Marilyn is also involved in a hospital ministry on Friday, visiting the blind school on Saturday, prayer meetings, fellowship meetings and home visitations, besides preaching in other longhouses. ‘The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest’ (Matt 9:37-38). If God is willing, the AF and the YPF would like to visit Sarawak next year. In closing please uphold evangelist Marilyn Nanta in prayer and for the salvation and growth of the Christians in this part of the world. Amen.
Teaching children at the Iban Longhouse