Labouring Together in Unity and Humility

Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo

Unity (Phil 1:27-30)

As the Roman army conquered the world as a united force, so should the Christian church contend steadfastly for the faith with one spirit and one mind. The Scriptures command all Christians to unite in thought and action. It goes without saying that Christian unity must find its basis on the Truth of God’s Word. Christians are to contend hand in hand for “the faith of the gospel” (Phil 1:27 cf Jude 3). This “faith” is the objective faith (ie the Christian Faith, the Body of Truth, the Word of God). Unity is strength. The Church would be much more effective in proclaiming the gospel and defending the faith if they did so as a united army of Christ grounded on His Truth.

Christians are not to be afraid of their enemies. Their foes are defeated foes. In Christ victory is already won. The holy courage displayed by believers in the midst of suffering and persecution proves their truly regenerate state. Their enemies may kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul. God will one day resurrect the bodies of the saints. The enemies of Christ appear victorious, but their victory is indeed hollow. Their rebellion against Christ points to their ultimate destruction by His hands on the day of judgement. Knowing that the victory is already won, let us then press on to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).

Christians are called to fight a common enemy, not each other. The Bible warns against divisiveness. He enjoined the Philippians to be likeminded—to have the same mind that is produced by the same Lord and Spirit, worked out by a common love for Christ and one another. Dr Homer Kent rightly observed, “Paul’s command for the Philippians to be likeminded was not a command for unity at the expense of truth. It assumes that ‘the same thing’ is also ‘the right thing.’”

Humility (Phil 2:1-11)

Paul rejoiced that the Philippians in Rome were preaching the gospel though some did so out of envy and strife (Phil 1:15-16). Against such a divisive attitude of contention, he wrote, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others” (Phil 2:3-4).

In this age of self-esteem, Paul taught the opposite—other-esteem: “let each esteem other better than themselves.” The doctrine of self-esteem is unbiblical and dangerous. Self-esteem’s maxim is “You cannot love another person unless you love yourself.” Is this true? Where in the Bible does it teach that we must first love ourselves before we are able to love others? It was precisely because of vainglory or self-love that certain members of the Philippian church preached the gospel with a divisive spirit of envy and strife. Self-esteem tore the church apart. Paul’s antidote was other-esteem. Paul tells us to “consider others better than ourselves.” In other words, we must be selfless, not selfish, not self first but others first (Rom 12:10). Someone has observed that English grammar reflects the selfish attitude of the world. In English the 1st person is “I,” 2nd person is “you,” and 3rd person is “he.” But Christian grammar is totally reverse: 1st person is “He” (ie, God), 2nd person is “you” (ie, others), and 3rd person is “I” (self is last). In other words, first is Christ-esteem (Gal 2:20), then other-esteem (Phil 2:3), and last of all self-esteem (Matt 16:24).

The Lord Jesus Christ is the supreme example of humility and selflessness. Christ became man by taking on human flesh. He gave up His shekinah glory in order to be clothed with flesh and blood. The second person of the Holy Trinity voluntarily unseated Himself from His divine throne, and disrobed Himself of His divine glory to become a slave and a human being, thereby becoming the Theanthropos—the God-Man—to save His people from their sins by His work on the cross. The victory Christ achieved through His Cross-work saw Him being exalted to His original position of kingship and glory, and more.

God the Father and God the Son worked together in unity. God the Son served mankind with humility. Let us follow the divine pattern of Biblical unity and Christian humility in our labour for the Lord, knowing that our labour in the Lord and for the Lord will never be in vain (1 Cor 15:58).

“Lovest Thou Me More Than These?”
Janey Chua

My son, Way, started learning the game of chess when he was 5 years old. Very soon, he became very good at the game. The trainers in his chess school started enrolling him in tournaments in which he performed very well for his age group. So, when he entered elementary school at 6+, he was accepted into his school’s chess club. Way won numerous trophies for his school and qualified for the National Junior Training Squad. Naturally, the school was very proud of him.

At the beginning of 2005, I felt convicted when I was doing my quiet time and God’s words spoke loudly and clearly to me. “Lovest thou me more than these?” My heart felt burdened and I knew instantly what it meant. “Do I love the fame and glory in every of Way’s tournament wins, or do I love the LORD more?”

Most of the chess tournaments here in Singapore (90%) falls on a Sunday. Although Way and myself were forbidden to attend church then (my husband being an unbeliever), we felt convicted each time Way plays a tournament on the Lord’s Day.

One day, I asked Way if he was willing to give up chess for God, quoting the Bible verse, “Lovest thou me more than  these?” I told him that I do not feel right to let him play on Sunday even if we are not allowed to go to church. God has said in His 4th commandment, “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.” I was pleasantly surprised when Way said, “Yes.” And shared that he, too, felt very uncomfortable each time he plays tournaments on Sunday.

Our decision triggered a chain reaction. The school had written out a check to sponsor Way for the ASEAN Age Group tournament in Pattaya that year. However, many of the training sessions were scheduled on Sunday, including the tournament in Pattaya. We had to tell the school that Way will not be going for this tournament. Naturally, the teachers in charge were upset and disappointed. The next thing I did was to pull Way out from the school team’s tournament which falls on a Sunday the same year. The teacher was so upset that he withdrew the entire team from the tournament.

Last year, the teacher pleaded with me to let Way play in the tournament, citing that it was his responsibility being a member of the chess club. We had no choice but to agree. Although God was merciful, we felt guilt-stricken as for the past many years, the school teams’ tournament always falls on a Sunday. We also negotiated with the school that Way will only play 2 tournaments each year, namely, the National School’s Individual and National School’s Team, in which they gladly agreed.

This year, we prayed. On 30th July, these were my exact words, “Father, I seek Thy help and guidance once again. There will be a school teams’ tournament on 2nd September, Sabbath Day. My heart is in turmoil. What should I do? Help me to make a decision in obedience to Thee, O LORD! Help me not to compromise but to trust in Thy deliverance. May Thy will be done and not mine.” (As I often have difficulty to find an opportunity to pray because my husband works from home, I have a habit of writing down my prayers.)

On 1st August, when I logged on the tournament website, I had no words except, “Thank You, Lord!” The tournament date had been changed to 7th September, Friday. O GOD, how great Thou art! The LORD has delivered us. Way is able to fulfill his CCA requirement and keep the Sabbath. God is good and His mercies endureth forever! All praise and glory to God Almighty!

True Life’s Fellowship with Bible For Today

How thrilled Mrs Waite and I were when we received the good news about your most generous love gift to our Bible For Today ministry. Please thank each of the brethren whose heart was moved to do this great act. Though we are Baptist and you are Bible Presbyterians, we share the strong confidence in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words underlying our King James Bible and in our King James Bible as well. We have a union in the things of our Saviour that denominational titles cannot spoil.

Please greet Dr Timothy Tow, Dr S H Tow, Dr Quek, and our other friends there in Singapore. Please convey our  gratitude to all who made this love gift possible.

Yours for God’s Words,
Pastor D.A. Waite
Director, The Bible for Today
President, The Dean Burgon Society
August 8, 2007

Greetings from Kenya

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Receive much greetings from me here in Kenya. I arrived safely and met my family well because God was their protector and provider. I praise the Lord for that open door to study at FEBC. It was the Lord’s doing and I thank Him for using True Life Church to pay for all my expenses while there. Your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

I have been visiting our churches since then. Lord willing, next year I will begin teaching at my former Bible Institute in Nairobi (Gospel Furthering Fellowship). Will appreciate your prayers for it had been closed for some time for lack of teachers. Pray for God’s wisdom that He will enable me in this new task. Pray for new students and a teacher.

You are welcome some day to come and see what the Lord is doing. Thanks. God bless.

Philip Kipsaat Lagat
August 29, 2007


True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.