“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” (Prov 25:25)


From Australia

Our beloved Principal, Matron, Academic Dean and the faculty and students, I greet you in the blessed Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Today is the Day of Prayer and Registration, I have prayed for you, and all the faculty and students. I really thank God for having sustained and blessed FEBC under the leadership of His faithful servant, Rev Dr Timothy Tow, since 1962 and praise the Lord for over 600 graduates including me, who enjoyed the sound and Biblical teaching and training at FEBC in the days of compromise and apostasy.

May the Lord graciously strengthen you, sustain you and grant you and FEBC many more years of service and training to magnify His Word, defend His Truth and contend for the holy faith of the saints until our Lord Jesus Christ comes back again, soon. May the Lord grant you and all the faculty and students a fruitful and successful semester, all for His glory. Amen.

I do miss you all and my blessed days at FEBC. You are in my prayers daily.

Faithfully yours in Christ,
Hien Nguyen
Pastor, Brisbane B-P Church

From Nepal

Dear Sir, Rev (Dr) Jeffrey Khoo, Heartiest greetings in His Blessed Name. I am extremely happy to receive your precious mail. Sincerely speaking, your few words encourage me a lot in the Lord’s ministries. I am always grateful to my Alma Mater who taught me to stand for the truth till the last breath of my life.

Yes, I am teaching Elementary Greek in a Bible College here. Maybe Mrs Tow will laugh at me. I was one of the poor students. But when I am weak, my Saviour is always alongside to help me. He has not put me to shame though I am struggling so much. Some of my students are smarter than me. So I have to prepare very well before I go to class. You have taught me to prepare well by using many helpful books.

Also, our college is using the KJV as a standard Bible in class. All the teachings which I learnt at FEBC, the helpful sources, books, and arguments are exceedingly helpful for me in these days. There is no confusion and no one can resist when I use all the teachings of FEBC. Sometimes, I seek help from the Greek and Hebrew Bible. I fear the Lord that I will be punished if I teach wrongly.

But I am feeling that I need to study more. My books and library need to be upgraded. But in Nepal, sound and fundamental theological books are almost nil.

Sir, kindly remember me in your prayers for the Lord’s ministries. Yes, I felt sorry myself that my very last days at FEBC were not so smooth. My heart is still painful these days. May God forgive! I am extremely firm in my teachings in these days. No compromise! That is what I learnt from FEBC.

Sir, I have attached some pictures of my teaching ministries on various occasions. Sometimes, I teach the pastors in the hills, or in BEE (Biblical Education by Extension) with Dr Cho, or baptise believers in a fish-pond. This is how life is going on sir.

Kindly convey my sincere greetings to Dr and Mrs Timothy Tow as well. Also, please do not forget to send The Burning Bush to me.

In His Service,
Khadga Magar

From Nagaland

Dear Dr Khoo,
Hope and pray you are all doing well. By the grace of God I am keeping fine and doing well. Starting next month I will be serving in one of the Bible Colleges in Dimapur. Do keep me in your prayers. Pray that I will be able to teach the Word of God faithfully, and will teach them the right doctrine. I really have a burden for the Naga people here in Nagaland. Many people have never heard that tonguespeaking, dreams, visions have ceased. They still believe in extra revelation.

By the way, how are Rev and Mrs Tow? Sometimes I wanted to contact them but it’s tough to call them. Convey my greetings to them. I truly miss FEBC, the teachings, fellowship, etc. Will be praying for you all.
God Bless!
With much love and prayers,
Anya Kera

From Thailand

Dear brethren in Christ,
Thank God for His faithfulness in our lives and ministry. How time flies! We have been labouring in the mission field for 6 whole years already. Starting July, it would be our Sabbatical year but we will continue to labour on for the Lord, as Jesus says, “I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4, KJV). Thank God for sustaining us thus far. May the Lord find us faithful till He comes; “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11).

To us, the spiritual health of all the souls under our care, both in the Home and in the Church, is our main concern. For 6 years, by God’s enablement, we have not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). We are always thankful to God for the sound teachings that our Alma Mater, the Far Eastern Bible College in Singapore, has imparted to us, in preparing and equipping us for the gospel ministry.

His unworthy servants,
Robert and Dara Peh
Truth B-P Church & Christian Home of Love

From Canada

Hi Rev Tow, Matron, Jeff, Mima,
Summer greetings in the Blessed Name of our Gracious Lord and Savior!

Trust you are all well and rejoicing in our Lord. Thank God for helping me not forget to pray for dear Rev Tow, beloved Matron, and FEBC. I continue to cherish lovely memories (sweat, tears, even kitchen duty, etc) of my Vienna in the Woods in Singapore, though I still do not like humidity.

Just a quick note to inform of God’s blessings – my Chinese visa had been approved for 6 months and I am trying to complete my current Junior RPG assignment speedily, so that I can move on to the next in China. There is much to prepare. Very happy to meet up with the brethren again and to co-labor in the new ministry. Will write again when I can. God bless!
Esther Chew

From Myanmar

Dear Rev & Mrs Tow and Dr Jeffrey Khoo,
Firstly, I will like to praise the Lord and give thanks always to Him for His great mercies and graces upon us here and there always. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen.

The Matriculation Examination 2007 results were released yesterday, and by the grace of God, from our Orphanage, two passed the exam. Thank God, since 1999, six persons from the orphanage have passed the Matriculation and right now two have graduated from the university, one stopped his university studies and went overseas to Malaysia, one is still in university (2nd year), and the two who had just passed their Matriculation will enter the university. So, please pray for them. Thank God they believe in and love the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who have graduated are serving now in our orphanage faithfully and working hard. Praise the Lord. How good our God is to all of us all the time!

We are constantly praying for you. May God bless you!
Yours in Christ,
Brother Thang No
New Life Orphan Center, Yangon

From Korea

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

I pray that God be more glorified through your mission for KJV and Jesus Christ’s gospel and your church and Far Eastern Bible College. I am a pastor in South Korea and we run a Bible school. We use KJV and I am preaching the gospel. I translated Dr E F Hills’ book entitled The King James Version Defended into Korean. I also translated Mr David W Cloud’s book Rome and Bible into Korean. I had met once Dr Waite and I have been supplying a lot of books defending KJV in my church and school. Also I have warned about the wrong doctrine of Ruckmanism.

A few days ago, by accident I found your website and looked over your wonderful books defending KJV: (1) KJV  Questions & Answers, (2) A Theology for Every Christian, (3) Kept Pure in All Ages, etc. And I think that your books are very good for our Korean souls who love the KJV or who do not understand differences between KJV and other Bibles.

So I’d like to translate your books into Korean. I’d really appreciate it if you’d permit me to translate your books into Korean. Also please let me know about your Bible College. I pray that our Lord’s grace be more with you and your mission.

Pastor Seo Dal Seok

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.