Rev Denis Gibson
“These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out.” (Prov 25:1 cf 1 Kgs 4:29-34).
There is a precious piece of biblical history in this new section of Proverbs, chapters 25-29. It also gives valuable insight into how God used copyists. Hezekiah brought peace and prosperity to Judah, but above all, he sought to effect a revival of true religion. It was to this end that he appointed his men to undertake this great work. They are also called the friends of Hezekiah, perhaps prophets like Isaiah and other such men who were then active. Though written some 300 years before by Solomon, these scribes gave to the world the Book of Proverbs as we now know it.
The Illumination!
The Holy Ghost moved Solomon to record the inspired words (2 Pet 1:21)! William Arnot stated: “Inspiration obviously applies to the selection of what should be recorded, as well as the utterance of that which is in itself true and Divine.” Perhaps Arnot meant Illumination here, since Inspiration refers only to that which was originally God-breathed (2 Tim 3:16). The men of Hezekiah were in full sympathy with the king’s desire for revival. These Proverbs are no jumble of meaningless words or outdated ideas, but divine words set as gems of eternal wisdom. Solomon wrote words inspired by God, and the men of Hezekiah, under the illumination of the Holy Ghost, chose and copied these proverbs, and joined them to the rest, and are honoured now for their work. They were trained scribes, not authors; they originated nothing themselves, but were guided in copying the Holy Ghost inspired words. Biblical evidence shows that these men received divine illumination for their task. It was immediately admitted into the Jewish Canon as the very Words of God. Paul quotes from this chapter as part of the inspired Canon.
The Preservation!
It is likely that not all of Solomon’s proverbs were written down, but all that were, given by inspiration, God preserved for posterity. Note that it is stated: “And he spake three thousand proverbs,” not that he wrote them (1 Kgs 4:32 cf John 20:30-31). These also, former proverbs, were copied out, being transcribed from another book preserved in the royal library in Jerusalem! True, they were Hezekiah’s men, but it was God who raised them up to preserve His Words. God’s Providence is not only in the inspiration of the words, but also in their preservation, and not just the thoughts, but His very Words. Every one of Solomon’s recorded Proverbs God has preserved for our learning! They, therefore, demand our utmost respect and diligent study. Now, if the words were lost, it would be little comfort or value to know that they were inspired. Charles Bridges reminds us that a greater than Solomon is here who often shines through, and speaks directly to us as The Wisdom. Who can overlook the personification of the pre-incarnate Christ in chapters 8 and 9?
Dr Carl McIntire
The late Founding President of the International Council of Christian Churches (ICCC)—Dr Carl McIntire—believed the Bible to be 100% perfect without any mistake, and that Psalm 12:6-7 teaches the Verbal Plenary Preservation (VPP) of the Holy Scriptures: “Now come verse 6, ‘The words of the LORD are pure words,’ not one of them is mistaken, ‘as silver tried in the furnace of earth, purified seven times.’ All the dregs are out. Here is a marvelous affirmation and vindication that God’s Word is perfect. … Now, ‘The words of the LORD are pure words.’ And then verse 7, how I love this: ‘Thou shalt keep them O LORD,’ that is, keep His words; ‘thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.’ No matter what happens, one generation comes and another passes away, God is going to preserve His words … from one generation to another. The words of God will be preserved throughout all the generations.” [From his sermon entitled—“Help, LORD!” (Psalm 12)—preached on January 11, 1992, accessible from www.sermonaudio.com].
Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones
I suppose that the most popular of all the proposals at the present moment is to have a new translation of the Bible. … The argument is that people are not reading the Bible any longer because they do not understand its language—particularly the archaic terms—what does your modern man … know about justification, sanctification, and all these Biblical terms?
And so we are told the one thing that is necessary is to have a translation that Tim, Dick and Harry will understand, and I began to feel … that we had almost reached the stage in which the Authorized Version was being dismissed, to be thrown into the limbo of things forgotten, no longer of any value. Need I apologize for saying a word in favour of the Authorized Version …?
It is a basic proposition laid down by the Protestant Reformers, that we must have a Bible “understanded of the people.” That is common sense … we must never be obscurantists. We must never approach the Bible in a mere antiquarian spirit … but it does seem to me that there is a very grave danger incipient in so much of the argument that is being presented today for these new translations. There is a danger, I say, of our surrendering something that is vital and essential.
Take this argument that the modern man does not understand such terms as justification, sanctification and so on. I want to ask a question. When did the ordinary man ever understand those terms? … Did the colliers to whom John Wesley and George Whitefield preached in the 18th century understand? They had not even been to a day school … they could not read, they could not write. Yet these were the terms that were used. This was the version that was used—the Authorized Version.
The common people have never understood these terms. … We are concerned here with something that is spiritual; something which does not belong to this world at all; which, as the Apostle Paul reminds us, the princes of this world do not know. Human wisdom is of no value here—it is spiritual truth. This is truth about God primarily, and because of that it is a mystery.
Yet we are told—it must be put in such simple terms and language that anybody taking it up and reading it is going to understand all about it. My friends, this is sheer nonsense. What we must do is to educate the masses of the people up the Bible, not bring the Bible down to their level. One of the greatest troubles today is that everything is being brought down to the same level; everything is cheapened. The common man is made the standard of authority; he decides everything, and everything has to be brought down to him.
Are we to do that with the Word of God? I say NO! What has happened in the past has been this. Ignorant, illiterate people, in this country and in foreign countries, coming into salvation have been educated up to the Book and have begun to understand it, to glory in it, and to praise God for it, and I say that we need to do the same at this present time. What we need is therefore, not to replace the Authorized Version … we need rather to reach and train people up to the standard and the language, the dignity and the glory of the old Authorized Version. (The Gospel Standard)
Dr D A Waite was invited by Pastor Kenneth Rainey to speak at his Wayside Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, May 20-23, 2007. He defended the KJB and the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words underlying it. The meeting was very successful in spite of great opposition from supporters of Bob Jones University (BJU). Many members of the church who supported BJU left the church. Please pray for Pastor Rainey, Wayside Baptist Church, and their financial needs as a result of heir stand for the KJB and the Words that underlie it. Many DBS and BFT books were sold. In addition to those attending the meetings in person, there were viewers from people in 27 States in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, and Brazil by way of the Internet. Several new families began attending the church as a result of the meeting. Dr Waite’s excellent presentations during the conference are available on DVD. All six messages can be viewed by clicking on http://www.deanburgonsociety.org/idx_videos_wayside_bc.htm.
(An email received on 25 May 2007)
Thank God for His Blessings in the ministry carried out by FEBC. I am a member of the BP church and have learnt many spiritual lessons from the audio sermons that are available at the website. The church has truly been blessed with faithful servants like Rev Quek and Rev Tow. Not every church has such good speakers weekly but I know and thank God for blessing the church in other ways. I was not able to attend service at RELC as it clashes with my choir and Sunday school ministry. There are problems that I have been facing and sermons like those by Rev Quek have really helped me learn and grow. Just a note to show my appreciation and I hope God will continue to help me gain a better understanding of His will. Xiaojun