Testimonies of True Lifers who went for the annual family camp held at Bintan Agro Beach Resort, Indonesia, June 11-15, 2007
A Wonderful Time of Learning
Ever since I attended my first church camp, I have found each camp to be a wonderful time of learning God’s Word and fellowship. Hence, I was very excited to attend this year’s church camp at Bintan Agro Beach Resort. I also viewed the camp as a precious break from the cares of life to draw near to God.
I was thankful for good weather as we made our way to the resort. Upon arrival at the resort, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the resort was quiet and small, boasting a nice scenic view of the open sea with islands in the background. I found this setting conducive to do my Quiet Time and study the Bible. It was also easy to meet with others for fellowship as the rooms were all located close to one another.
The theme for this year’s camp was “Glorifying Christ in Perilous Times”. This is an appropriate theme seeing that we are living in the last days. I was drawn to John Calvin’s motto found on the cover of the camp booklet. “My heart I offer to you Lord, promptly and sincerely”. I first came to know about this motto some four years ago and resolved to be like Calvin. However, I lost my focus along the way. I was reminded of the motto when I attended the FEBC night class on Calvin’s Institutes this year. The appearance of the motto on this year’s camp booklet served to renew my resolve to be like Calvin. This is surely not by chance. It is God’s way of reminding me of my promise to Him.
The messages by Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew were a reminder that we need to be a good ambassador for Christ in the last days. Three things stood out for me:
(1) We need to live out God’s Word. Christians are not to be part of NATO (ie No Action, Talk Only). We are to be like the light on a hill that shines so that others have a guide when they travel in darkness (Matt 5:14). Can others see Christ in me?
(2) We need to eat God’s Word. We can only live out God’s Word if we study and digest every Word of God. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). Do I spend time and effort to study His Word? On a side note, since man lives by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matt 4:4), how can anyone claim that some of His Words have been lost through the passages of time (no matter how insignificant they may seem to be)? This is surely a lie that comes from the devil.
(3) We need to be like a sword with one point and not like a broom ending with many straws. Just as Daniel had a singular purpose in his heart to glorify God in all that he does, so must we despite all the cares of the world. Have I been distracted by all the cares of this world? Can I say that Jesus is my best thought by day or by night?
In the morning devotion, Rev Errol Stone reminded us that we should give honour to those who are ministering to us (1 Thess 5:12-13; 1 Tim 5:17). We must do our best to encourage our pastor and elders. Have I done my part in supporting and encouraging my pastor, elders and my deacons?
Throughout the camp, it was heartening to see the children mingling and playing with the adults. Truly this is a testimony that the purported “Generation Gap” theory is a myth. When there is unity in the truth of God’s Word, there is no need for specially conceived programmes to generate warmth and care among brethren. It is natural to love one another. Let brotherly love continue in True Life BPC (Heb 13:1).
I have been blessed immensely by this year’s church camp. God willing, I will attend next year’s church camp. How about you?
Chew Yiming Clement
We Witnessed Abundant Life
We want to thank God for True Life B-P church camp. We want to thank God for the faithful ministers that taught us the wonderful truth from the Word of God. We also want to thank God for our beloved pastor and wife, who encouraged us with their presence. In the last few days, we witnessed abundant life in this camp. Indeed, we were blessed with truth and life. Thank God for True Life B-P Church, a blessed heritage indeed.
Yes, we agree with the camp speaker that we are living in perilous times. For our adversary knows that his end is near. Hence, our adversary is ever ready to accuse us before God. Examples of such fiery accusations were recorded in the book of Job for our learning.
The Bible wrote about spiritual wickedness in high places. We thank God for Ephesians 6:10-18 that gives us a graphic illustration of how to arm ourselves for this spiritual battle. Our family tried to memorise these few verses so that our hearts might be prepared for the spiritual battles. Spiritual battles have to be fought with the sword which the Holy Spirit uses, namely, the Word of God. For defence, we have the full armour of God and the shield provided by faith in God, so that our vital organs are fully protected, front and back, from the flaming accusations of our adversary. By God’s grace, we intend to be standing after the spiritual battles, for Christ is watching His very own.
In conclusion, this church camp has been good for our heart and soul. May God’s name be praised!
Leong Kwok Whye
I Will Remember
Often in school, we are faced with many temptations, but I have learnt how to walk with the Lord Jesus closely through this camp. I thank God for my salvation and I have learnt that to be a faithful child of God, I have to deny self, take up my cross, and follow Him. I also thank God for the wonderful fellowship I enjoyed with all the youths during the camp. I have also learnt that charity is the greatest virtue to have. I pray that when I get back to school, I will remember these precious lessons that I have learnt and practise them in my daily life. With the help of my Lord Jesus, I will strive to glorify God in my studies and be a testimony among my friends in school. I pray that we will love one another with fervent charity and together we will glorify Christ in perilous times.
Sarah Lee
Enjoyed the Warm Fellowship
The Church Camp this year was fruitful and I had gained much, especially through the messages. We were challenged to examine ourselves, prove ourselves and check the results, to ensure that we are walking in the faith. We must put our trust in God, study His Word diligently and exercise our faith so that it can grow and mature. We are all living in the last days and should be prepared for the second coming of our Lord Jesus. Our priority is to live out God’s Word in our lives so that we can be a good testimony for Christ, in order for us to preach the Gospel to those who are still outside His Kingdom. I enjoyed the warm fellowship with the campers and through this camp we got to know one another better. Playing volleyball and captain’s ball were never so fun if not for the patience of those brethren who spent time teaching me. I certainly look forward, with eagerness, to the church camp next year.
Kezia Tay Hui En
One of the Best
I want to give thanks for all that the Lord has given to me and my family. We were very much enriched by the messages. Thank God that our daughter confessed that she believed and accepted the Lord as her personal Saviour. Charlotte confessed the presence of the Lord Jesus in her heart and her adoption into the Heavenly Father’s family. Please pray for us to be good examples and for wisdom from above to show her from the Scriptures the wonderful things of God, and the Holy Spirit to show her even greater things of God as she grows. The Lord has blessed the camp much, one of the best.
Barnabas & Ruth Yap
From Our Children
I like church camp because I can learn God’s Word and have fun. In this camp, I learned that dinosaurs became extinct because of Noah’s Flood. I also had a lot of fun, especially at the White Beach. On the way back from the White Beach, I took a boat ride which was like a roller coaster. I love church camp a lot.
Naomi Wong
I thank God for this church camp, for the teachers who have taught me about two things, Joshua and dinosaurs. I learned about Joshua sending two spies into Jericho, Joshua crossing the Jordan River, Joshua trying to defeat Ai but did not because of Achan’s sin and the deceit of the Gibeonites. I learned about the dinosaurs, why they did not eat Noah and his family in the ark, why they could live before Noah built the ark, why they could not live after Noah let the animals out of the ark, and many other things that I did not know at first. I thank the Lord that I can play soccer also. Praise the Lord!
Jerald Tan
I am very grateful to the Lord for enabling me to join the church camp. I thank God very much for Pastor Tow, Mrs Tow and brethren of True Life BPC for their kindness in inviting me to the church camp and supporting me both spiritually (through prayers) and financially in the Lord’s work to minister to the Iban people in Kuching, especially in helping me to buy a good second-hand car (costing RM 25,000) in January 2007.With the new second-hand car, I can now serve the Lord in more places.
The Lord has opened three more Longhouses for me to evangelise after I bought the new second-hand car: Kampong Rayu (2 Longhouses) and Kampong Semawa (1 Longhouse). Pray for more people from all the Longhouses to know the Lord. Pray for the Lord to provide another place of worship as our current rented place of worship is too small and does not have enough space for all members to sit. We now have 180 members (including children) in our congregation.
Marilyn Nanta (DipTh, FEBC, 1992)