FEBC’s 32nd Graduation Service


At the 32nd Graduation Exercises of Far Eastern Bible College at Calvary Pandan B-P Church, 6pm this evening, 28 will be awarded their certificates and degrees. Dr S H Tow, Senior Pastor of Calvary Pandan BPC is the Graduation speaker.

Certificate of Religious Knowledge (CertRK)
Boi Yok Bin Robin
Chia Chung Seng Andrew
Han Whie Kwang
Haw Shuen Siang
Lam Chew Ying
Lim Wee Chian Eric
Tan Mun Kuen Aileen
Wong Song Ung

Certificate of Biblical Studies (CertBS)
Chin Hoi Yin
Kee Luan Keow Alice
Phang Foong Kuan Margaret
Sim Siang Kok
Wong Kai Mann David

Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE)
Anne Chiam
Anya Kera
Byju Samuel
Div Sokhom
Limhathung Lotha
Ng Boon Choo

Bachelor of Theology (BTh)
Le Vu Bao An
Shanmugam Dixson Vijayenthiran

Master of Religious Education (MRE)
Philip Chittezhathu Cherian
Philip Kipsaat Lagat
Ton Soung Kao
Wee Eng Moh

Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Biak Lawm Thang
Lek Aik Wee

Master of Theology (ThM)
Nelson Noel Ng’uono Were

This evening’s convocation will also see the ordination of two of FEBC’s faithful alumni, namely, Dennis Kwok (Truth B-P Church) and Nguyen Gia Hien (Brisbane B-P Church). The latter is a missionary of True Life B-P Church to Brisbane. True Lifers are welcome to witness the graduation and ordination service, and to a buffet dinner thereafter.

Faithful and Uncompromising Teaching

Dns Liaw Sock Pheng
(Tabernacle B-P Church)

I thank God for the opportunity to study Calvin’s Institutes at the Far Eastern Bible College this semester. Thank God for the uncompromising and faithful teaching of the FEBC which has benefited me and many believers. The study of God’s Word redirects my focus back to God and away from the world. I spend ten to eleven hours at work each day. I spend much energy and effort in my work—teaching, marking, meeting, planning, disciplining children, etc. The demands of work are endless. Though as Christians we are to give our best in our work, it is also needful that we strike a balance and give due attention to other important aspects of life as well, such as taking care of our spiritual life.

Being immersed in a largely non-Christian environment for the better part of the day, I find that I can be easily influenced by the values and philosophies of the world, where there is much emphasis on achievement, results and success. The Bible warns, “know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (Jas 4:4). So it is paramount that I spend time with God on a daily basis to hear what He has to say to me. This requires a lot of discipline and I often find my own daily devotion very shallow and rushed. I am glad that attending the night classes has helped me to study the Bible better.

Thanksgiving Letter from Australia
April 24, 2007

Dear Rev Dr Timothy, Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo, lecturers and students of FEBC Greetings in the blessed name of our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our prayers have been with you from Australia, as you proceed through your exam period.

GRADUATING STUDENTS: May the Lord grant you wisdom and strength to endure the difficulties in ministry, as you “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14). Not as hirelings (John 10:12, 13) who will not protect the sheep from the wolves. Neither exercising compromise, by being in fellowship with those whom you think will offer you great financial support, nor “Professional Preachers,” “Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things” (Phil 3:19).

THANKSGIVING DINNER: As you gather for the “Thanksgiving Dinner,” on Friday 27th April, it is likewise a good time to reflect on God’s goodness in the fact that He ordained it, that you attend a Bible-believing, fundamental and evangelical Bible College that stands squarely on the truth, declaring the whole counsel of His Word. Thanksgiving springs from a grateful heart, which is required of all believers, regardless of any initial attitude (1 Thess 5:18) and Christians should be grateful to God for all things (Eph 5:20; Col 3:17; 1 Thess 5:18), especially for “Salvation” and “Sanctification,” (Rom 7:25; Col 1:3–5; 1 Thess 1:2–7; 2:13). Often, the teaching of the “ten lepers” who were healed  (Luke 17:11-19), with only one returning to give thanks is indicative of many believer’s attitudes.

ALL STUDENTS: May you be ever thankful and prayerful for the faithfulness of FEBC, your Alma Mater, and pray for continued faithfulness of the Bible College and not prey for it to cease, for this is the work of the Adversary.

May the doctrines taught including Verbal Plenary Preservation (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:20-21, Ps 12:6-7, Matt 5:18, 24:35) and Biblical Separation (2 Cor 6:14-71) not be despised, but earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 3). Don’t be afraid of standing for the truth alone for the Word of God says of those who seek popularity and ecumenical unity. Jesus Christ said, “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26).

May you continue to uphold the God-ordained Bible College, its Principal Rev Dr Timothy and Mrs Tow, Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo and family, lecturers (that they remain faithful), administration staff and all who support the College and fellow students. God willing, I will be attending the (DVBC), Graduation Ceremony and FEBC Retreat at Mersing.

In His Service
Rev Errol D Stone
FEBC (1994-97) and “In-Ministry Degree Programme” (2006-2007)
Pastor: Faith Presbyterian Church—Perth
(Jude 3)

Dr Arthur Steele Stands with FEBC
April 30, 2007

Dear Dr Tow
Thank you for the foreword to the testimony of the Lord’s leading in my life. Nothing is incidental in the Lord’s work including Ivy’s program at Mersing which concluded with songs of praise by Deborah and Judith. These ladies sat at our table during meal times. When Judith strongly suggested that I write some of the accounts of the Lord’s leading, I agreed. She is a leader and a motivator, who loves the Lord. She kept me on schedule with her e-mails.

Thank you for the weekly from True Life. I want to be counted with those who sign the FEBC doctrinal statement,  because that is what I also believe and hold.

As for my health, I will be 87 in June, recovering from a hip replacement on January 29. I am now walking with a cane, and still driving my car. I will speak at the Sunday Eve service at our BP synod in August. The assigned topic is God’s Covenant Faithfulness to All Generations.” I am thoroughly enjoying searching the Scripture and studying theology on the covenants especially the Covenant of Grace.

I want you to know also that I have a Singapore prayer list which includes you, Ivy, Jeffrey, and Jemima, plus those close to Judith.

You are still a source of encouragement.

Art Steele


True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.