“Happy Day, Happy Day, When Jesus Washed My Sins Away!”



I am 77 years old. Before I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord, I had a very peculiar experience. I attended a Christian wake and funeral of the mother of my god-daughter and I noticed that there was an inexplicable joy in the midst of tears. I heard of the joy and hope that Christians have because of Jesus. I knew in my heart that I desired the same joy and hope. My second son and daughter-in-law told me about Jesus and His salvation and brought me to church. I know that only Jesus Christ can give me true happiness and He can save me. I believed in Jesus and received Him into my heart. I felt great peace and joy when Jesus came into my heart. My greatest happiness is that I belong to Jesus.

– Wee Geok Beng

I was born into a Christian family and have been going to church since I was a child. However, most of the time, going to church was sort of a routine for me.

Last year, being my first year of Secondary School, it has been a tough and draining year for me. I was faced with many obstacles and often felt like giving up, but every time God reminds me of how blessed I am, my soul is filled with strength and fortitude to persevere. I know that He will help me overcome anything despite how impossible it may seem. I know that all I am doing is all part of God’s plan for me, and I want to do the very best I can to glorify God.

Hence, I would like to proclaim my acceptance of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and begin a new life.

– Anna Chung Min Yi

I have only recently come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my personal Saviour. After a little study of the Bible, I find it urgent that I be baptised according to scripture, as soon as possible (ie, this Easter, God willing).

Indeed, my baptism would mark a new milestone in my journey with Christ, as I do my utmost to live my life according to the will of God. As the Westminster Confession says, my baptism would be a seal of the covenant that God has with me, that he has forgiven my sins simply because I believe in Him and in His word. Amen.

– Jayaprakash Santosh Kumar

I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in the year 1998 when my friend, Lorraine, witnessed to me in school. After accepting Christ, I started going to a church to attend the weekly services and cell group. I acknowledged that I am a sinner and that Christ has paid the price of my sins in order for me to be reconciled with God. Before I knew Christ, I had no religious beliefs despite of my parents’ Buddhist belief. I prayed to no one in specific when I am in tough trials and leaned mostly on myself for encouragement. I did not believe in the idea of sin and never thought I had any in my life. But after hearing the Gospel and the origin of Sin, things have appeared to be very different from then on.

Ever since I had accepted and believed in Christ, I learned to have faith. Faith was a new word to me then. I never used to have faith in the things I did, or the things I believed in. Now, I have faith in God’s plan and in God Himself. No longer do I trust in the material things in the world, but to trust upon His Word. I also start to analyze the purpose of God for me whenever I am in a new environment. For example, when I am in a new workplace, I often think of the purpose of God putting me there. Perhaps it is to witness to someone. But the most important would be being the new creation God has made me.

Although it is hard to put aside old things, habits and ways of thinking, being a Christian makes me yearn to be more like Christ each day, to follow after His example and also to portray the fruits of the Spirit.

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith and I believe it is the next step of obedience in my walk with God. As Christ was also baptised with water by John the Baptist, I want to obey God’s commandment here as well. I want to live my Christian walk by obeying God’s word and His commandments. God has been merciful to me and showing grace to my family. I hope that God can use me as His vessel to witness to my unsaved family members and to the people around me.

– Kate Yeo Gek Peng

I come from a non-Christian family. My dad and mum are not believers of Christ. Since young, my aunt, Alice Han, brought me to church. I am thankful that my parents allow my brothers and I to attend church regularly. I am a sinner that needs God’s grace and I want to be part of His child. I said my sinner’s prayer when I was in Primary Four but I never got baptised. I thank the Lord once again for his mercy and grace upon me. All thanks and praise to His holy name! Amen.

– Nakajima Asei


I came to know Christ when I was young. My aunt brought me to the Life Church. At that time, I was having problems walking with God. So my aunt’s friend invited me to attend another church for 3 years. But that church uses NIV to study God’s Word. I know that is wrong. So I follow my siblings and aunt to True Life BP church. I wish to be baptised as I want to be closer to the Lord. I thank the Lord for forgiving my sins and showing me the right way. Amen.

– Nakajima Yamato

I come from a non-Christian family and my aunt brought me to church since young. Although my parents are non- Christians, they do allow me as well as my brothers to attend church.

I attended Fisherman of Christ Fellowship (Queenstown) before my aunt encouraged me to come to True Life BP Church. I decided to stay in True Life BP Church as I feel that this church is walking closely to the Lord. Many of the brothers and sisters encouraged me to stay in this church too.

God has made me realized that I am a sinner who needs his grace. I am really thankful that I am his child now. I would also like my parents to know the Lord soon. I hope that you will pray for their salvation, that they may accept Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour soon.

I thank the Lord once again for his grace that He has bestowed upon me. All thanks and praise to the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

– Nakajima Yumi

I am from the Philippines. I prayed to God before coming to Singapore to grant me a good boss. God answered my prayers and granted me the best godly boss in Elder Eric Mahadevan and his wife Ma’am Elizabeth. They were role models for me as Christians and they wanted me to emulate them and be godly. From there I took and read the Bible and prayed daily and came for catechism classes. I am grateful and thankful to my Lord for this opportunity to be baptised. I thank God also for my Sunday Filipina Bible Study teachers and all those who taught me about the true religion, Jesus Christ. Amen.

– Alicia Gastalla Homeres

First of all I would like to thank God for all the blessings He had given me and to my family. It’s my first time to work here in Singapore and it’s hard for me to adjust. Until I know one day that God moves in mysterious ways.

I grew up in a strong religious family. We are all Catholics and we really believed in Mary and all the saints. We do petitions and we always pray the rosary. My parents are very active in our church and that is why we children followed what they believed in. Now that I’m here in Singapore my beliefs really changed, before it’s really different from what I believed. I owe it to my employers because every Sunday they will attend church service and they will let me join the Filipina Bible Study. I had learned from our Bible Study that Jesus Christ died for our sins and I realized that it’s really true that once you read the Bible you will know Jesus Christ. He is the only God that can forgive our sins and I’m a sinner that is why I must seek Him and ask for forgiveness to be saved because if it is not through Him I cannot go to heaven. You and I cannot be saved.

I’m thankful and very blessed that I know the truth not like before, it’s like you are walking in a dark path and now there is Christ in me there is light and hope. I asked God for forgiveness and prayed the sinner’s prayer led by John Saray last October 2006 and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come into my heart to be my Lord and personal Saviour. This is my favorite verse in Bible: “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto
you” (John 15:7). Praise be to God!

– Carmelita Navarro Base

I was born in a village called barangay in the Philippines. Like the majority of Filipinos, I come from a very strong  Catholic background. I followed my parents to church every Sunday and listened to the sermons given by the priest attentively. We offered gifts to the statues and confessed our sins dutifully. All the religious festivals and traditions were faithfully kept by all of us from generation to generation without questioning their origin or the reason for performing the rituals.

Praise the Lord Jesus for all His words and promises in the Bible and for opening my eyes and my heart to receive Him. Now I know why I worked again here in Singapore. I was here because of God’s guidance. I will never regret my decision to follow Him and will strive to live a life befitting that of a child of the Living God. I pray that this faith I have now will continue to give me courage and wisdom, not only while in Singapore among members of my church, but wherever God may send me in the future. I also pray that He would give me strength and courage to lead those who are still in darkness to His eternal light.

There have been changes in my life. I feel more contented. I am not worried anymore about the future, for I know I will be guided by the Holy Spirit. It is my prayer that as days go by, I will become a faithful Christian not only in word but in works.

Praise the Lord for giving me a Christian and good employer, Mr and Mrs Maria Ong. I thank the Lord to use them as instruments to know more about the Lord. My employer bought me a very precious book, is a Holy Bible. I can understand the word of God, I’m very happy. They are so kind to me. I want to be baptized, I want to receive Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour. God has given to each one of us this verse from the Bible: “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28).

– Felisa de Vera Labarientos


Authorized Version Defended

Dear Sirs,
I have been reading, and very much enjoying your defending of the Authorized Version in the online “Burning Bush”. Praise God that you are willing to go against the tide. It is certainly refreshing to see your vigor and zeal. Through Sermon Audio, I have heard some of the Singapore preachers of your fellowship before. I found myself going back to Sermon Audio to look up those preachers after listening to the story of John Sung in the “Stories of Great Christians” series produced by Moody Bible Institute years ago. I see that John Sung preached in Singapore in the 1930’s, and if I understand it correctly, many churches of Chinese Christians were established. Please pardon my ignorance (I am an American living in the state of North Carolina, USA), but I did not know that Singapore was a nation (I thought that it was a Malaysian city) nor did I know that there were many Chinese there.

Yours in the power of Jesus Christ the King,


True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.