Far Eastern Bible College reopened on January 3, 2007 with a Day of Prayer and Registration. We were privileged to have Miss Kimiko Goto to share a word of encouragement to the college family. She spoke from 1 Timothy 1:12-17 on the need to study theology devotionally. Miss Goto graduated from FEBC in 1984 with a BTh, and went on to earn her MDiv and ThM from Biblical Theological Seminary (USA). She is a missionary to Indonesia, having served for 7 years in Kalimantan, and then 9 years in East Java, lecturing at the Aletheia Theological Institute. She intends to conclude her ministry in Indonesia this August to begin a new ministry in Japan, her home country.
We welcome the following new students: (1) Jerry Forson Ackah (Ghana), (2) Yeob Biswas (Bangladesh), (3) Chun Hae Jung (Korea), (4) William Goh Boon Kai (Singapore), (5) Jeong Hyeon Heni (Korea), (6) Kim Hyeon Woo (Korea), (7) Daud Latif (Indonesia), (8) Lee Ji Hyun (Korea), (9) Tranh Thi Kim Hoa (Vietnam), and (10) Samson Hutagalung (Indonesia) who earned his BTh in 1999 and MDiv in 2001 has returned for his ThM.
We thank the Lord for Bethel B-P Church (Melbourne) for releasing the Rev Stephen Khoo to teach Eschatology and Homiletics this semester. Rev Khoo earned his BTh from FEBC, MDiv from Grace Theological Seminary (USA), and MA from Pensacola Christian College (USA). He is also a member of the FEBC Board of Directors.
The Lord has used His faithful servant—Rev Dr Timothy Tow—to found the Far Eastern Bible College in 1962 with the Biblical purpose of training men and women to become faithful ministers of the Gospel of Christ and uncompromising defenders of God’s forever infallible and inerrant Word. We are living in perilous days of apostasy and compromise, and the Lord has graciously used FEBC for such a time as this to hold forth the Word of Life (Phil 2:16) and to hold fast the Faithful Word (Tit 1:9) which is 100% inspired and 100% preserved, perfect to the last jot and tittle (Matt 5:18). Rev Tow told the college family that the Lord is on our side, and that He wants us to finish our course well and successfully.
How has the Lord used FEBC in Biblical Missions? Here is a word from Dr S H Tow, senior pastor of Calvary Pandan B-P Church:
Dual Strategy of Gospel Vision
(From the Calvary Pandan BPC Weekly, December 24, 2006)
When the seed of the B-P Church Movement was sown in 1950, the Founding Pastor Rev Timothy Tow promoted and nurtured the new work of the 20th Century Reformation for the first 10 years. Taking the narrow path of Biblical Separation, and obeying the God-given mandate to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 3), the message, like good seed, fell on good soil, and bore fruit “a hundred-fold, sixty-fold, and thirty-fold” – much thanks and praise to the Lord of the harvest.
No sooner was the Gospel base firmly established than Rev Tow founded the Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) in 1962. In spiritual warfare an “Officer Training Academy” was absolutely essential for the operation to grow and prosper, even as for Singapore to be strong and secure there needs to be a “SAFTI.” Over the years, FEBC has been our spiritual SAFTI, having trained some 500 Christian workers of all categories, from Pastors to Bible Teachers, who have been equipped with the Fundamental, Reformed, and Premillennial doctrines of the Christian Faith.
At Calvary’s 6th Borneo Missions Conference (December 13-16, 2006), the vision of this “Dual Strategy” was plainly visible. Among the 80 persons attending, there were 10 FEBC alumni and 6 undergraduates from 8 Bible-Presbyterian Churches.
The “Dual Strategy” – poised to move on many fronts. As the days of the Conference progressed, and delegates made their “Power Point” presentations, we beheld on screen the graphic and exciting reports of Gospel advance on mission fronts beyond the shore of Singapore. These will surely rejoice and encourage the hearts of God’s people around the world, concerned with the soul-saving enterprise.
(a) Kuching. Pastor Ling Soon Ing reported: “Two of our Sibu B-P Church young people studying in Kuching UNIMAS University wrote: ‘We are unable to find Christian fellowship except with ecumenical groups. Pastor, can you do something for us?’” We met with Preacher Ling. His proposal was to make a weekly trip (Sibu-Kuching) to start a Bible Study Fellowship with his young people. Readers, pray as a new Gospel outreach takes shape. Who knows what this will lead to?
(b) Medan. Brother Febian and father Pastor Dohar Siregar (FEBC 1981) reported a thriving Sunday School of over 100, and a Sunday Service of 15-20 in their church. Much work needs to be done. “When I survey the magnitude of the work I am fearful. But as I look to the Lord in prayer, He gives me the grace to press on,” says Febian Siregar (FEBC 2006). Readers, pray for the work in Medan, the capital of Sumatra, and see the Lord bless the days ahead.
(c) Calvary Batam GAPPI (Greja Alkitab Presbyterian Protestan Indonesian). Rev Kiantoro Lie (FEBC 1992, 1998, 2005) who took up the challenge of the pastorate from Rev Pang Kok Hiong (FEBC 1992) when he left for Saipan in 1992, founded a Bible College in 1999 (built a 3-storey Annex beside the Church), with 2 FEBC graduates on the Faculty, and 11 full-time and 3 part-time students. The College is sustained by the Church as well as a “Tuition Centre Ministry” in 2 locations with total enrolment of 550 students. Rev Kiantoro says, “This tripartite collaborative effort is the key to a vigorous Gospel Outreach in Indonesia.”
(d) Calvary Hanura Permai GAPP Pontianak. Since our 5th Borneo Missions Conference of 2005, Preacher Peter Yoksan (FEBC 2005) and Brother Ajin Thu (FEBC 2004) have consolidated the Church and started a Bible College (now with 4 full-time and 7 part-time students). The College is presently conducted on the 3rd floor of his own home (a temporary measure). We are studying a piece a land near the Church (Hanura Permai GAPPI). Pray that the Lord will show clearly if we should acquire the property for a Church Bible College – Kindergarten Complex. We need your prayers.
A Testimony of Adults’ Fellowship Christmas Day Caroling 2006
by Sis Jenny Kan
The LORD has indeed blessed the Adults’ Fellowship with a wonderful Christmas. We have been praying to the Lord to open homes to us so that His word can be preached. Two weeks before Christmas, He blessed us with three homes namely Kwong Wai Shui Hospital and Nursing Home, my cousin’s home and sister Elizabeth’s home.
The Lord took care of the weather too, as Christmas morning came cool and dry and all of us met at Kwong Wai Shui Hospital. After a short prayer by Rev Ronny Khoo, we proceeded to Ward 5 where about thirty elderly sick were waiting for us. They seemed very glad to have visitors and enjoyed the carols we sang to them. They listened attentively to the message and many were willing to speak to us but the Lord had already prepared His harvest in some other ward.
We had planned to visit Kuan Tai’s father in another ward, so four of us, together with Rev RonnyKhoo, proceeded there. When we reached the ward, Kuan Tai’s father was sitting and chatting with a few elderly patients. He was most happy to see all of us and we sang a Cantonese carol. As we were singing more came in to listen. We had only fifteen minutes left to our stay, but the Lord led Rev Ronny Khoo to give the gospel which was interpreted into Cantonese. They listened, enraptured to this wonderful gospel of salvation and when asked who wanted to be saved, four hands shot up without hesitation. They said the sinner’s prayer and when asked where Jesus was and where they would be heading they pointed to their hearts and upward spontaneously. Praise the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for His work in their hearts. With grateful hearts we left the Hospital and headed for my cousin’s home.
We were received very warmly by the family and we began with the Cantonese song which talked about God’s unchanging love for us. The message was preached and interpreted into Hokkien at the request of my cousin. I noticed that my nephew, Derek, was listening very attentively and after the message, Rev Ronny Khoo spoke to him and he said the salvation prayer. There was great rejoicing as it was my cousin’s wish that her sons would be born again. My cousin is a widow and she lost her husband most tragically about twenty-seven years ago. When I brought my nephew, Derek, to church she was most unhappy so I had to stop seeing my nephew. Three years ago she contracted cancer and during her most difficult time she met a friend who brought her to church and she was born again. She was sorry for stopping her son from going to church and prayed that he would come to the Lord. The Lord heard and answered her prayers and ours. Derek told me that he had been waiting for this day for such a long time and God is so good to my cousin because this Christmas might be her last. My other nephew, Henry, was also very receptive to the gospel and so were their wives. Before we left, my cousin sang us a Hokkien song praising God for His mercy and the joy He had given her.
Caroling at Elizabeth’s home was just as joyful. Her family members were very receptive to the gospel and her mother, who was resisting at the beginning, finally came to the Lord and uttered the sinner’s prayer.
Finally, we visited our beloved Pastor Tow and Mrs Tow. There we sang carols and were very encouraged when Pastor Tow gave a short exhortation. He reminded us of the soon coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and that we were able to serve because of His enabling. It was not how much good works we had done but the good and finished work Jesus had done for us on Calvary’s cross.
All glory to God, who is in control of all things. We thank Him for His perfect timing for all things and the wonderful way He works out the salvation of so many whom He loves. We praise God because it is He who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).
We thank and praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace to allow us, sinners saved by grace, to participate in His great work. Praise God. Amen!