My Dear Readers
When we first began to worship at RELC we started with 200. Today we have over 300, not counting children. We have many new people who come because they enjoy worship and God’s Word preached here.
Now we must come regularly without fail because it is appointed by the Lord. If for some casual reason we do not come to church we miss His Blessing – the Blessing of Peace.
On the first Lord’s Day evening (Resurrection Sunday) Jesus came to the 10 disciples (Judas the traitor had died) and Thomas was absent. He breathed on them “Peace Be Unto You.” The next Lord’s Day evening when Thomas was present Jesus came to bless them again. Now doubting Thomas called upon Jesus, “My Lord and my God.” Jesus commented it had been better if he had so believed without this encounter.
When you come every Lord’s Day, our Lord is present every time to bless you, even as he has said. He would be there when only two or three are gathered. If you are sick and when the elders or pastor pray for you isn’t He right there to hear their cry? Tell Him your troubles yourself. If husbands and wives are at odds with one another, by coming to church peace would be restored.
Three more weeks from now we will be going to Bible Camp in Mersing. Called Resort Lautan Biru (Ocean Blue) we have built it facing the South China Sea. It has 15 rooms and 6 dormitories and
very economical. To obtain more rooms we overflow to a nearby hotel called Timotel. Families that have children with maids can overflow to the dorms as a special arrangement.
Let us pray above all for our speaker Rev Errol Stone, Pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church, Perth. Please also pray for me as I shall teach three chapters of Titus on presenting a good character and good works by Elders, Church members and Citizens. Our Camp theme is “Prepare to meet thy God.” Pray that some soul will turn to Christ. An Australian couple from Rev Errol Stone’s Church will be joining us. We have 100 registered, so it will be a full house.
For three weeks in June when Dr Jeffrey Khoo goes to teach in Kenya I shall take over his Sunday School classes teaching the Seven-fold will of God and Five points of Calvinism. We shall have Rev Quek Suan Yew, Rev Wee Eng Moh, Rev Ronny Khoo to preach for us.
Your affectionate pastor
Chapter II
John 2:9-11
The Wine of Life not the Whisky of Death
Because of the wine that was made by our Lord in Cana of Galilee, certain Christians have taken to drinking, and to the serving of strong alcoholic drinks at their wedding dinners with loud “yam sengs”. This is a misunderstanding and misapplication of the truth.
The wine that Jesus made, according to Hastings Bible Dictionary, like the Hebrew wines, was light. This is concurred by Dr. R.L. Harris in an article in Bible Today in which he points out the vast difference in alcoholic content between such wine and the whiskies and brandies of today. Dr. Buswell humorously observed that these modern “yam seng” type of “wines”, like gasohol, can be used to run a motor car. But he added, “Our stomachs are not combustion engines.”
Moreover, the Palestinian wine used in the meals of the Hebrews was in diluted form. The wine of Sharon was mixed with two parts of water, being lighter than others. With the other wines, the proportion was one part wine and three parts water.
The danger of wine to make a person drunk is warned by none other than King Solomon (Read Proverbs 23:29-35). Therefore, it is best for Christians to keep away from intoxicating drinks. Be teetotalers!
St. Paul says: “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost ….. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.” (Rom. 15:17-21).
John 2:12
From Cana to Capernaum
This matter-of-fact record of Jesus and his disciples and relatives going to Capernaum, a fishing village on the N.E. coast of the Sea of Galilee, veils a significant step in our Lord’s life.
Perhaps all in His party went in order to escort the bride and bridegroom to their home there. The greater reason, insofar as our Lord was concerned, was to establish His headquarters there for
His initial Galilean ministry. This is stated in full detail in Matt. 4:12-17: “And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphthalim …… The people that sat in darkness saw great light …..”
There is another reason why Jesus came to Capernaum away from his native Nazareth. As the saying goes, “Familiarity breeds contempt,” our Lord saw the futility of working with His own town’s people. “No prophet is accepted in His own country,” he said in answer to those who taunted Him. To answer them in Cantonese: “Local ginger is not hot.”
Not Nazareth but Capernaum received the Lord gladly. Capernaum, in the beginning, that is. Later on, when He became too familiar to the Capernaum people, so that they took Him for granted, He denounced them too. Read Matt. 11:23-24.
In the steps of the Master, can you find on the map Nazareth, Cana and Capernaum? What is the distance from one town to another?
John 2:13-16
From Capernaum to Jerusalem
He remained in Capernaum but a few days, since the Feast of the Passover was drawing near. As it was the duty of every Jew to present himself at every Passover, (Ex 23:14-17), Jesus went dutifully, as when he first went at the age of twelve, to Jerusalem. It is our duty to attend Church, in the steps of theMaster!
One thing that had bothered Him all those years were they who sold sacrificial animals and birds on the Temple site. Not so much the physical as the moral realm was invaded by these vendors.
Calvin comments: “The priests misused the merchandise for their own gain and avarice, and such a mockery of God was unendurable. Again whatever excuse men may plead, so soon as they depart, however slightly, from God’s command they are blameworthy and need correcting.” In the Second Cleansing of the Temple after the Triumphal Entry Jesus denounced those who sold in the Temple to “have made it a den of thieves.” (Matt 21:13).
Why did Christ not teach these erring ones, but resorted to force? Calvin comments: “Since the time had come for Him to discharge in public the office committed to Him by the Father, He wanted in some way to enter into possession of the Temple and set forth evidence of His divine authority. And that all might pay heed to His teaching, their sluggish and drowsy minds had to be aroused by something new and strange. He was to show Himself as the Lord of the Temple. What He did at that time was a sort of prelude to the Reformation the Father had set Him to accomplish.” Jesus acted as we can see from a most sincere motive, in “righteous indignation” against those who had no heart for God, but were bent on making money even at the expense of God.
What a solemn warning to us who are in management of Church property, to us who use Church property. Do we bring glory to God or shame to His Name, who use God’s House?
FEBC 29th Graduation Exercises, 9 May 2004