My Dear Readers

Another ancient olive tree of Gethsemane

When someone is praising SM Lee Kuan Yew that he is Father of Singapore, a surge of pride swells my soul, but when he finishes his eulogy in the next breath that he made a mistake in the CPF calculations it infuriated me to denounce the same a traitor.

When my two assistant pastors whom I trusted with the highest respect said to me at the Faculty Meeting they henceforth could not take the oath of allegiance to a perfect Bible without mistakes I gladly let them go. In deepest allegiance to my God and Father Almighty I retorted that I believe a 100% perfect Bible without any mistake. In saying they have discovered mistakes in the Bible they despise God. In saying we have a 100% perfect Bible we glorify Him.

Now here is a lesson from God to proud and haughty men.
1. I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, … (Isa. 42:8).
2. Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, … (Jer. 9:23, 24).
3. He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory (Jn. 7:18).

Pilgrimage and Bible Camp
For some time we have been talking about our 11th Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – Egypt, Jordan and Israel, Aug 26 to Sept 11, cost S$2,998. Not many seats left. See Ivy Tow.

Then there is our Bible Camp at Open Sea Mersing Resort, June 15 – 18. Hurry!

Your affectionate pastor

Chapter I

John 1:35-51
Finders of the Word of Life

Thousands heard John the Baptist preaching on the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. But how many were real seekers after the Word? How many found the Messiah, the Saviour?

Only two on the second day of the great crowds. Andrew and most certainly John the author of the Gospel (Machen). Andrew was a good recruiter of men. He brought Simon his brother who was to become chief of the apostles. Simon the simple fisherman was to become Peter or Cephas (in Aramaic) a rock. You may not be a great preacher, but you can win those who might and nurture those who would. Have you heard of Operation Andrew? Bring an unsaved friend to Church! Give him a Gospel tract!

Next in line to be called by Jesus, directly, is Philip. Philip in turn found Nathaniel (also named Bartholomew). Each apostle has a particular nature, as has been noticed, but each one
complements the other. As for Nathaniel, he had a childlike faith to believe in Jesus to be the Son of God, the King of Israel. This is most commendable: simple, childlike faith! His faith would be further strengthened when he saw more of Jesus’ mighty deeds. Yes, the disciples were thus trained to be mighty apostles by listening more to Jesus’ sermons and seeing more of His miracles, until the day that the Son of God was crucified for their sins and arose again from the dead.

Reader, do you believe as Nathaniel believed? Do you lead your loved ones to Christ as Andrew did? Do you write to friends of your newfound Saviour as John the apostle has written for you and me? Do you seek to know more of the Saviour by reading more of His words and deeds? Let every finder of the Word of Life share his treasure with others.

Chapter II
To those joined in holy matrimony

Jesus Christ is the Wine of Life This chapter is composed in fact of two parts. The first part is Christ’s first miracle that He wrought in Cana of Galilee, turning water into wine, which gives us the title above. The second part tells of His first cleansing of the Temple by overturning the tables of the money changers, and driving them who sold animals and birds out of the Father’s House. For brevity we could only mention Jesus Christ as the Wine of Life, but let us not forget Part II.

For an overall survey of this chapter, perhaps it is more expedient to begin with the latter portion. Here we see Jesus exceeding the denunciatory spirit of the Baptist. John the Baptist has been seen to be a revivalist who is not afraid to denounce the Jews for their sins, their hypocrisies and their malpractices. Is Jesus the lesser one in attacking sin? No, we see Jesus even
more courageous! He gives no face to anyone who persists in stubborn unrepentance. His zeal for the Father’s House causes Him to discharge a full volley of righteous indignation on all the crooked dealers in the Temple court. He makes a scourge of cords which he swings vigorously to drive out all who make merchandise of God’s House. He defends His stern action against the self- righteous Jews who dispute His authority. Christ is a Revivalist who spiritually grinds to powder all who resist the righteous judgement of God.

While this portion of Ch. II portrays our Lord in all the severity of a prosecutor and a judge (and that is all we see in John the Baptist), in the first portion of the chapter we behold Jesus
in all His perfect humanity. Where He can make allowance, where he can oblige, He does not hesitate to do. In the miracle of the water turned into wine, let us not forget that He does it also to please His mother Mary. He keeps the Fifth Commandment. Let us not forget that He does it to relieve the embarrassed host. He loves His neighbour as Himself. Let us not forget that He takes time off to attend a wedding, a long drawn affair in those days, longer than attending a Chinese wedding dinner today. This He did with fulness of participation in order to bless the sanctity of holy matrimony, to give more grace to the grace of life (I Pet 3:7). While we see His Deity first manifested at Cana, let us not forget the fulness of His humanity. Jesus the Man.

Do you have need in your life? Does it concern your life partner, your wedded life, your children, your finances, your day-to-day problems? Jesus cares. Jesus is ever ready to help. Why don’t you ask Him about it? Pray!

Children’s Choir at Easter Sunrise Service

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.