Not Betrayal but Remembrance and Thanksgiving

(Message delivered by Pastor at the RELC Good Friday Service, Apr 09, 04)
Text: Matt. 26:21-28

The institution of the Lord’s Supper is recorded in all four Gospels and I Cor. 11. The Gospels especially include the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. As we come to remember our Lord’s death we are reminded of Judas’ betrayal. The pastor or pastors and elders of every church who come to serve the Lord’s Supper should examine ourselves if we are faithful servants or not. Let none of us who come tonight betray our Saviour!

What was the purpose of the Lord’s Supper? According to the mandate in I Cor. 11 St. Paul says twice that “It is in remembrance of Him.”

A Supper of Remembrance the Roman Catholic Church has turned into a Mass! Christ declared on the cross, “It is finished” in respect of His work of redemption for us, but the Roman Catholic Church is offering the sacrifice of Christ’s body everyday by the thousands through ordinary human priests.

All that is required of us is that we hold the Lord’s Supper to remember His death, for we are such a forgetful people. At the beginning of the Reformation they held it 3 months once. Now, it is almost universally once a month. The Brethren Church does it every week. Tonight we come together specially to remember our Saviour’s death for the Holy Week.

The Lord’s Supper is also the Eucharist, the Greek word for thanksgiving. In remembrance and in thanksgiving! When the pastor says, “This is the cup of the New Testament in His Blood shed for the remission of sins of many. Drink ye all of it,” don’t you gratefully drink and feel the cleansing of your sins?

There are some old ladies who come to the Lord’s Table not only for spiritual cleansing but also for bodily healing. Are they not doubly thankful?

Recently there was the head of a Christian Organisation who out of remorse for a shameful thing he did took his own life. If I could have spoken to him I should have assured him he would be pardoned. Regrettably, I was too late. Why are we not thankful when God forgives our deepest sin by the death His Son has died for us?

Let there be no betrayal at the Lord’s Supper, and a grateful remembrance always, as we show the Lord’s death till He come.


In writing this fourth and last Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, the Apostle John states his purpose: “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His Name” (Jn 20:31). John’s Gospel is the Gospel of Life, that is what you and I, sons of death, need!

For a panoramic view of the Book, let us bring the 21 long chapters into briefest focus as follows:-

1. To seekers of the eternal Logos, Jesus Christ is the Word of Life.
2. To the joined in holy matrimony, Jesus Christ is the Wine of Life.
3. To him not born a second time, Jesus Christ is the Breath of Life.
4. To her unquenched by five-fold philandering, Jesus Christ is the Water of Life.
5. To the invalid, sick and abandoned, Jesus Christ is the Physician of Life.
6. To hungry multitudes of the world,Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life.
7. To those who imbibe of His Spirit, Jesus Christ flows as Rivers of Life.
8. To men and women in dark pleasures, Jesus Christ shines the Light of Life.
9. To the blind of body and spirit, Jesus Christ is the Sight of Life.
10. To His own sheep who hear His word, Jesus Christ is the Door of Life.
11. To both dead and living believing, Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life.
12. By His death that many might live, Jesus Christ is the Seed of Life.
13. To the disciples already cleansed, Jesus Christ remains their Ablution of Life.
14. To Thomas and you who grope for Salvation, Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
15. To infuse us for more fruitful service, Jesus Christ is the Vine of Life.
16. By procession of the Holy Spirit, The apostles are led to the Truth of Life.
17. To the Father’s own elect ones, Jesus Christ effectuates the Mediator of Life.
18. To desperate disciples who defend Him, Jesus Christ remains their Shield of Life.
19. Before Caesar’s governor who tries Him, Jesus Christ royally stands the King of Life.
20. To worshippers of the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ is the Peace of Life.
21. To His Flock and undershepherds, Jesus Christ is the great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.

The Garden Tomb, Jerusalem. “He is not here, but is risen.” (Lk. 24:6)

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.