Visiting Margaretha
We thank God that we have had another opportunity to visit sister Margaretha Gole. She came to Singapore many years ago to work as a domestic helper and the Lord brought her to True Life to worship Him. She was active in the Ladies Fellowship, and even after going back to Sumba, Indonesia, she continued to join us at our fellowship meetings via Zoom during the COVID-19 days.
The recent trip to Sumba was our second trip. We were there from March 4 to 6, 2024. Ever since Margaretha went back to her hometown, she has been serving the Lord by having Bible Studies with the womenfolk and children in the village. The Lord has thus burdened our hearts to visit her, to encourage her in her service to Him.
Since last October, Margaretha has been building an extension to her house. She shared that the Lord had burdened her heart to build the house using the funds that He has provided as a means to minister to the people in the village. This extension is needful as it provides more space for the villagers to gather. Prior to this, Margaretha and her family (husband and four children) were living in a small hut-like home made primarily of bamboo. The villagers would just gather outside the hut for Bible Studies. She also desires for the place to serve as a refuge for those who have domestic problems. On this trip, we had the privilege of staying there.
Life in the village is simple but not easy. Margaretha and family subsist on whatever they can harvest from the land such as bananas, sweet potato leaves, corn, and avocados. Nevertheless, she serves the Lord joyfully by showing the villagers the love of Christ through her generosity. She prepares simple food for all who come for the Bible Studies. She shared that it was through the Ladies’ Fellowship that she experienced the love of God and learned the joy of giving.
Margaretha had shared previously that the gospel work had of late been hindered by some of the women gossiping out of envy and strife. It was made worse when she fell sick at the end of 2023. The Bible Study sessions had stopped since then. We thank God that despite these obstacles, the Lord brought the people to attend the sessions when we were there. We thank the Lord for hearing and answering our prayers.
We had 5 sessions altogether—3 with the children, 1 with the women and 1 combined. On the first night, we taught the children from Matthew 19:13-15, encouraging them to return and study the Word of God together. The next morning, we challenged them through a lesson entitled “Ye Must Be Born Again”. We followed up with a gospel-themed craft and screened a video on Amy Carmichael. That night, the women gathered and learned from Titus 2:3-5. In the final session the following morning, both the women and children turned up, and we exhorted them from John 6:66-71. The people do not know English, so Margaretha helped to interpret for us into their dialect.
We thank God for this opportunity to stay in the village with Margaretha and her family, which gave us a glimpse of their needs. The new house is basic and simple in its design, and it is evident that the construction is not completed, with an opening in the wall where a door should be etc. A lot more work has to be done, and with that comes the need for funds. Despite this, Margaretha continues to be joyful in the Lord and perseveres in doing a good work for Him. Galatians 6:9-10, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” We are much encouraged by Margaretha’s faith in the Lord and her zeal to serve Him.
We are also very thankful to God for the prayer support of the church brethren. The Lord truly answered our prayers and blessed us with safety in our travel and a fruitful time of fellowship and sharing His Word. It is our prayer that the Lord will convict the hearts of all who have heard His Word and continue to watch over Margaretha and her family. May our heavenly Father continue to provide for all their needs, both physical and spiritual. All praise and glory be to the Lord. Joycelyn Chng and Katherine Go
Visiting Brisbane
Praise the Lord for the time spent in Australia from 8 to 13 March 2024 to minister to the brethren at Brisbane Bible-Presbyterian Church and Vietnamese Bible-Presbyterian Church commemorating their 17th Anniversary and 10th Anniversary respectively. The two churches are under the pastoral care of the Rev Dr Nguyen Gia Hien and they rent the premises of St John’s Presbyterian Church in Annerley and Inala Reformation Community Church in Inala for their services.
In the initial years, True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church supported Rev Hien as a missionary preacher to Brisbane. Since 2018, the two churches having grown have been supporting him. Rev Hien believes “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35), and that “Self help with God’s help is the best help” (Timothy Tow). Although both congregations are relatively small in size, I am encouraged to see that their spiritual bond is strong (Eph 4:1-3).
Last year I went to Brisbane alone. This time, at their urging, I brought Eileen and Charity with me. Charity, semi-weaned and walking at 14 months, is now more ready to travel. Thank God she took the flight well. Rev Hien was at the airport to receive us with brother Michael Low from Melbourne whom I had met 13 years ago. He was from Ebenezer BPC. The last time I saw him was in 2017 when he came for the anniversary services at the invitation of Rev Hien. He came this time not only to attend the meetings but also to be of service, assisting Rev Hien in taking care of the guests even though he was a guest himself. This brother has the gift of helps (1 Cor 12:28). This time, we also had Rev Hien’s elder sister Mai from Canada who came to visit. We had a hot thanksgiving dinner on a cool Friday night with the Church Session and members.
I was tasked to preach four messages on Christ and His Church: (1) Christ the Foundation of the Church (Eph 2:20-22, 1 Cor 3:11), (2) The Church Is Founded upon the Word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17), (3) Christ Is the Head of the Church His Body (Eph 1:23, 1 Cor 12:12-14), and (4) Christ Is the Bridegroom and the Church His Bride (Eph 5:31-32, 2 Cor 11:2-3). The first two were delivered at a Bible Seminar on Saturday, and the last two on Sunday at the Vietnamese Service and English Service respectively. Rev Hien was my interpreter. All the messages were livestreamed and believers from Australia, Vietnam, Canada and USA could join in online. About 20 logged in to attend the Seminar and the Services via Zoom. The Lord has opened the door for Rev Hien to minister to the Vietnamese brethren overseas, conducting weekly Bible studies online. He continues to write articles for the local Vietnamese newspaper and translate the Vietnamese Bible (with assistance from Dr Hiep, a retired medical doctor).
Rev and Mrs Hien were very hospitable and made us feel very at home. We enjoyed the fellowship we had with the brethren there, with Elder Andrew and his wife Erlina, Dn Michael Benjamin and his wife Diana, Dn Ly Minh and his wife Selina and their two children Vera and Josiah, Ivan and Jesslyn Choe and their daughters Bethany and Abigail, and our Vietnamese brothers Luong, Nam, Sang, sisters Doan Trang and her daughter Anne, and Jade and her husband Tim and son Chris. It was also good to see brother Robert and his wife Karen (former Lifers) who supported the work in Brisbane during its pioneering days. Privileged to meet the pastor of St John’s—the Rev Martin Duffield—and thanked him for allowing Brisbane BPC to use its heritage hall (built in 1885) for services.
Since it was Eileen and Mai’s first time to Brisbane, we took time out on Monday to do some sightseeing in the city’s South Bank and on Tuesday to the famous Gold Coast. We flew home on Wednesday to be back on time for the FCM (Fundamental Christian Ministry) Combined Meeting to speak on “Be Faithful, Not Slothful” (Matt 25:14-30). The Lord is good. JK
Brisbane Bible-Presbyterian Church, 17th Anniversary Thanksgiving, 10 March 2024