It is by God’s good providence and arrangement that the five of us—Theya, Thessa, Eileen, Charity and I—were able to be in Cambodia from 10 to 16 April 2024 to conduct a Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Word of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church (WOLBPC) in Kampot, 140 km from Phnom Penh. The WOLBPC began in Siem Reap through Pr Tann Heng. We had conducted three VBSes in Siem Reap (2016, 2017, 2018). In 2019, the church moved to its present location. This is our 1st in Kampot.
In Kampot
The VBS was for three days—Thursday to Saturday—at two places. The first was in the morning at the WOLBPC itself in Kampong Kreang and the second in the afternoon at Stoeung Keo Village. The theme was “Jesus Saves”. The programme consisted of Bible lessons, singing of gospel songs, art & craft, and games. Theya and Thessa taught the lessons and Pr Tann Heng and Pr Bun Kouy (Tann Heng’s brother) were their interpreters. Eileen was in charge of the art & craft and games. Pr Tann Heng’s father-in-law took the adults at Stoeung Keo on the first day.
“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14). There were a combined total of about 80 children who came for the VBS over the three days. What was most encouraging was that the children sat attentively to hear the Bible lessons and responded well to questions asked concerning the lessons. I believe the Lord had prepared their hearts to receive His truth. This was all the more remarkable under the sweltering heat of about 36°C daily. To prevent dehydration and heatstroke, lots of water was provided for the children.
We thank God for taking good care of us. After the whole VBS was over, we had a thanksgiving dinner at a local restaurant.
On the Lord’s Day
On Sunday, April 14, we worshipped at WOLBPC in the morning. Pr Tann Heng led in the worship service. I preached on “What Is Life?” from Ecclesiastes 12. There were three adult baptisms and three new members through transfer. After the baptism, the Lord’s Supper was served.
After the service, we visited Agape Bible-Presbyterian Church at 80-Roofs Village about two hours from Kampot. The church there is under the care of Pr Bun Kouy. There, we conducted a Bible class, one for children and another for adults. Just before the class, Pr Bun Kouy shared with me how two members recently lost their husbands, and the villagers gossiped that this befell them because they had abandoned their former gods to become Christians. Thank God for the privilege to share a word to comfort and counsel the bereaved and all who came. I spoke from Psalm 23 and John 10 on how the Lord Jesus is our Good Shepherd who laid down His life to save us from our sins, and how He will surely take care of all our physical and spiritual needs if we trust in Him and belong to Him. After the class, one of the sisters who had lost her husband asked if her husband is in heaven. Pr Bun Kouy shared with her how he had visited her husband when he was very sick and preached the gospel to him. He did confess faith in Christ after he heard the gospel. Pr Bun Kouy then told her that if her husband had sincerely believed in Christ, even at his dying moment, he is saved and is in heaven. Salvation is of the Lord by faith in Jesus Christ (Jon 2:9, Rom 5:1). This sister was comforted to hear this.
In Phnom Penh
On Monday, after a short sightseeing trip to Mt Bokor National Park which is near Kampot, we made our way to Phnom Penh to catch our flight home. Theya and Thessa flew out on Monday night to Vietnam to meet with Thien Kim, who was their classmate at Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC), who had invited them over for a visit. Vietnam which is just next door to Cambodia fit very nicely into their schedule.
My flight back home to Singapore with Eileen and Charity was on the next day. Since we had time to spare, we met up with Rev Sun Sokha and his wife Namsoon. Rev Sokha was pastor of Faith Krang Angkrang Church. Faith Church recently merged with Glory Bible Presbyterian Church whose founding pastor is Korean missionary Rev Stephen Choi. Rev Sokha now pastors Glory BPC. Since our flight back home was delayed, I was asked to speak at a Bible Study meeting that evening with Rev Sokha as my interpreter. I shared how important it is to study God’s Word and encouraged the members, especially the younger ones who know English, to sign up for the online courses offered by FEBC. May the Lord enthuse the hearts of many to give their time and effort to study God’s Word, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2:15).
FEBC Alumni
I am so glad that our Cambodian graduates whom we met during this trip, namely, Sun Sokha (DipTh 2002), An Sitha (DipTh 2002, married John Saray), John Minh Saray (BRE 2003, MRE 2008), Lee Nam Soon (DipTh 2004, married Sun Sokha), Chan Sopheak (BTh 2008), Liv Rotha (BTh 2008), Tann Heng (BRE 2012), Tan Bun Kouy (DipTh 2018)—are all serving the Lord faithfully and effectively. They shared with me how grateful they are for the training they had received from FEBC. The Lord has also blessed them with good and devoted spouses to help them in the ministry. That is a tremendous boost to the Lord’s work—one would chase a thousand and two put 10,000 to flight—as our founding pastor Rev Dr Timothy Tow was wont to say (cf Deut 32:30).
Appreciation for Truth BPC
By the way, John Saray (Lively Hope BPC), Chan Sopheak (True Gospel BPC), Liv Rotha (True Faith BPC), and Bun Kouy (Agape BPC) are supported by Truth Bible-Presbyterian Church. I am grateful to Truth BPC for allowing Bun Kouy to help us at the VBS. We needed him as a co-teacher/interpreter and also for the necessary transport, without which the work would be greatly hampered. His Ford Ranger pick-up was a godsend and proved extremely useful. What God-given foresight and charity on the part of Truth to provide for him this pick-up!
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”(Acts 20:35). Can we at True Life do any less? We can accelerate the gospel work with wheels! A used van costs USD15-20K. JK
Pr Tann Heng and his wife Navi and 3 children (Daniel, Timothy & Rachel) on his motorbike (Charity for the photo, not the ride)