Are Grandparents and Parents mindful of their Children’s Salvation?
(Message delivered by Pastor at the True Life Church 10.30 am Service, July 10, 05)
Text: II Tim. 1:1-7
When I was in Secondary School 70 years ago there was no hardship passing examinations. We went through Senior Cambridge without much struggle. Chinese was not compulsory and yet I passed because we were Chinese-speaking and I attended a Chinese-speaking Church. I took Latin and that was where I had to sweat it out. In contrast our children today have to take tuition classes at Kindergarten age.
Grandparents and parents worry over their children’s education, but as for their spiritual welfare they are consigned to the Sunday School. But God sees through their hearts.
I. 1. Paul speaking to Timothy rejoiced to trace Timothy’s faith which dwelt first in his grandmother Lois and in Eunice his mother and right down to Timothy himself which was confirmed in Paul’s ordaining him to be a minister. Now, how about us? Can we rejoice in our grandchildren and children strongly putting their trust in Jesus Christ that they love to come not only to Church and Sunday School but also to the prayer meeting?
2. Let me give you my testimony. As Grandfather I take pleasure not only to pray with my two granddaughters, I not only teach them to pray but hear them pray themselves. After assuring them of Jesus’ love for their souls, then I pray for their education and school work.
3. I examine them if they pray themselves before going to bed at night and before getting up in the morning. The elder of the two answers firmly she has direct contact with God both morning and night. The younger granddaughter is still unsure. She forgets to pray and once or twice her father prays with her while he drives her to school. To remind her to pray always, I said, she would win, and not to pray, she would lose. Praying before exams she wins, but she must do her homework first!
4. Our grandchildren and children need our prayers for salvation and we must receive their confirmations. Proof: the love to come to church, to give their own tithes, (I’m speaking of older ones I know) their love for the doctrines.
II. 1. Now, as they go to university, they all the more need our prayers. They should show an attitude of gratitude for all the provisions from their parents.
2. When they begin to date let them go only with Christians, the best with them of the same church. Let them openly discuss with their parents. Let them refrain from pre-marital sex and let them break off with those who take God lightly.
3. If they are called to the ministry and they go to Bible College first, well and good. We have seen those who argue for University first but end up last. E.g. A Korean girl student wanted to join Singapore Bible College to learn music, but by taking theology at FEBC she was led to finish with an MRE. She did not graduate as a Singer but as a teacher of the Bible. She was called to teach at a Bible School in Cambodia in the Cambodian language. A rare species indeed.
III. Our children need our prayers throughout life.
And Timothy through association with Paul became a minister. But don’t forget Timothy’s grandma Lois and Eunice his mother and their upbringing of him.
Are Grandparents and Parents today mindful of their Children’s salvation? What is your answer?
But you, are you saved? Jesus Christ is coming very soon! Why not serve Him full-time? Join FEBC.
Tabernacle B-P Church 18th Anniversary, 26 June 2005
John 13:1
What love!
There is a Chinese saying: “Before a man dies, his words are kind.” His attitude to his fellowmen is suddenly orientated to goodness. How much more the spirit of our Lord. One who is sent from God on a Mission to save a lost world. One sent to die our death, once for all, that we might be delivered from death and live forever more!
In order to spread the good news of His saving grace to a dying mankind, He had chosen twelve disciples, and trained them three-and-a-half years. He ate and slept and walked with them as He preached and taught throughout the land of Judea. What comradeship, what bond of fraternal kindness that bound Master and pupils had developed and deepened through the years. That ineffable brotherly love, “passing the love of women,” only David could express from nfathomable depths on the death of Jonathan (II Sam 1:26). This is re-stated by John the beloved disciple in respect of his Lord in the last hours of His earthly life: “Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end” (Jn 13:1). Dr David Smith tries to describe it thus: “unto the utmost – loved them as He had never done before. It was the tenderness of parting; and His heart was full to overflowing when they gathered that night for the last time in the Upper Room. At the very outset His tenderness was sorely tried. St. Luke has told (22:24-30) how a contention arose among the Twelve which of them should be accounted the greatest; and here St. John shows its occasion.”
Applying Christ’s tender love for the disciples to us who seem far from Him, Calvin says, “Let us know that He is mindful of us, for He loves His own who are in the world. He still bears the same attitude now which He had at the crisis of His death.” Thus, when you feel lonely, deserted, despised, remember this, that He whose love for us is stronger than death will deliver you to the very end.
Days are filled with sorrow and care,
Hearts are lonely and drear;
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Jesus is very near.
John 13:2, 3
What Magnanimity!
V. 2 and v. 3 should give us an insight into the divine magnanimity of Jesus Christ. What human leader could tolerate any traitor upon discovery of his plot? V. 2 tells us that Judas Iscariot had not conceived to betray his Lord until this moment, when supper was ended. He who looks into every heart, and not on the outward appearance, perceived the sinister design without casting a glance. Did not our Saviour hint of his fateful hour when he spoke at the end of the great discourse on the Bread of Life, “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was who should betray him, being one of the twelve.” (Jn. 6:70, 71)
In spite of the rising rebellion in Judas, Jesus remained calm and resolved to wash the disciples’ feet, including the traitor’s. The assurance from the Father of the universal authority conferred on Him and the self-consciousness of His Divine origin and return to God secured Him from the least perturbance.
If ever there was a human that could approach but a fraction of His composure, it would be His ancestor David, the great King David. How he ruled Israel in royal serenity amidst the intrigues of Joabs and Ahithophels. Can we learn a lesson from our Lord’s magnanimity and go the second mile with evil men? Even when it seems to be a hopeless end? How true the saying by the English poet, “To err is human: to forgive divine.”
Read carefully Ps. 41 and discover for yourself the many nuances of psychology that come into play in David’s life among friends and foes in His kingdom. Learn from him and our Lord how to detect traitors. But never be a traitor yourself. In codified human law treachery against the king is listed the No. 1 crime. Treachery against the Divine King is surely an unpardonable sin inasmuch as it ends in one’s own condemnation by suicide.
O the magnanimous magnanimity of our Divine Lord!
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