My Dear Readers
Let me tell you a secret, If you want to be happy, you must make others happy!
Regarding our Bible Camp June 7 – 10, 05 to be held at Lautan Biru Resort, Mersing, it came across my mind that I should invite Elder and Mrs Leong Yin Chu who helped take care of our newly completed Kindergarten and Church in Kuantan for four months in 1996. Elder Leong Yin Chu was a fighter pilot in his young days and finished his career as an inspector of schools in Singapore, when he and his wife decided to serve the Lord in saving souls. At my first phone call there was no answer. I was disappointed thinking he and his wife were serving in some foreign country. When he answered my phone call later during the day I was delighted! He and his wife could come to our Bible Camp at Mersing. He had given us four precious months to take care of our Kindergarten and Church in Kuantan, and I wanted them to enjoy our fellowship and hearing the Word of God. I was doubly delighted. I therefore write this Chat to share with you my secret.
As Elder Leong Yin Chu is bilingual, he has written a book which will mightily bless you. The wonderful thing about this book is his frankness. How from a life of unbelief he came to receive Jesus as his Saviour, and how after he retired he and his wife gave their lives to win others to Christ. As a result God has opened a way for them to visit many countries, even Saipan and to meet up with Moses Hahn, and to teach English to his students in Kompong Som in Cambodia. A most thrilling book to read, and you by coming to Camp June 7 –10 will be more thrilled by meeting with the author.
And remember the secret I told you. If you want to be happy, you must make others happy too. Amen.
Your affectionate pastor
T. T.
FEBC Camp at Lautan Biru, Mersing, May 9-11, 2005
by Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
(Taken from Elder’s Page of Calvary Pandan BPC’s Weekly dated 22 May 2005)
Forty over years ago, God laid upon the heart of Rev Dr Timothy Tow to set up for the Bible-Presbyterian Movement a Bible College. Why is a Bible College such a masterful stroke in the cause of Jesus Christ?
Many have disdained the FEBC and continue to do so. It is a local Bible College and therefore it lacks the respectability of an overseas Bible College and Seminary. It is similar to how the degrees from the local university are regarded as second class compared to the degrees obtained overseas. Such a colonial mentality is hard to erase. This mentality is not only found in the world but sadly it is also found in God’s church. Do you disdain the FEBC? Or do you support FEBC?
FEBC stands for the TRUTH of God’s Holy Word – The courses offered in FEBC are Bible based. The Bible is first and last the only emphasis in FEBC, by the grace of God. The Dean Burgon oath is taken by every faculty and Board member of FEBC. This is the promise made at every annual Graduation Service. Without the Word of God the Christian has nothing and FEBC has nothing too. Therefore the defense of the Holy Word of God is paramount in FEBC. FEBC has no choice but to rise up and be counted for the defense of the doctrine of the perfect Bible. FEBC understands that without perfect preservation, the doctrine of perfect inspiration is useless. To reject that there is a perfect Bible today is to opt for the diabolical anthropocentric theory of an errant Bible for all. This arrogant doctrine stems from a sinful heart where man becomes the judge of God’s Holy Word instead of being judged by His Holy and perfect Word.
FEBC emphasizes biblical scholarship with godly seriousness – The FEBC does not exist to make money unlike many seminaries in America and across the world. Many of these seminaries were founded on noble foundations i.e. to further the cause of Christ and defend the Word of God. Over the years and with new presidents, new ideas evolved that soon turn these seminaries into a money making venture. The ministry to train men and women for the gospel of Christ is now a forgotten emphasis in many seminaries. Where many Bible Colleges have lowered their academic standards, hoping to attract more prospective students, FEBC, by the grace of God, has maintained her standard of training men and women for the vineyard God has prepared for them. The study of the original languages (three years of Greek and two years of Hebrew) is compulsory if the student is pursuing a degree in the Master of Divinity. This was the minimum standard in the days of old for the training of God’s servants. To teach and preach God’s Word in its completeness the preacher needs to know the original languages. To defend God’s Holy Word in its completeness, the preacher needs to know the original languages. For example, if a preacher reads the commentary and the commentator says that the Greek or Hebrew says this or that he has no way to evaluate if it is true or not. Or if he is confronted by an enemy of Christ who says that the Hebrew or Greek says that he is wrong, the preacher would be struck dumb immediately because he does not know the original languages. FEBC does not go out of her way to gain numbers (quantity) but only in maintaining the highest standard (quality), by the grace of God.
FEBC impacts the world for Christ through the students – The student body is made up of men and women called into the full time ministry from all walks of life, race and nationality. The end of semester retreat in Mersing (which was just concluded three weeks ago) was a very blessed time. It was encouraging to know that though we come from varied backgrounds, spoke different languages, with different cultures, all of us have the common bond in Jesus Christ that transcends all these differences. These men and women will return to their homeland and, with support from many Singapore churches, bring their fundamental doctrines to further the cause of Christ in ways that we cannot imagine. The fulfillment of the Great Commission beyond the shores of Singapore, through FEBC, is mind boggling. Your support in prayer and finances will go a very long way toward this godly effort.
FEBC is the lifeline of the BP Movement – If Calvary Pandan or for that matter any conservative B-P Church has a member who is called and needs to be trained, without FEBC, we would not know where to send him for training in a theology that is Bible-Presbyterian. If the LORD tarries, Calvary Pandan needs new men and women who are called to be trained for the ministry. It is one thing to desire to serve and another to actually serve effectively in building up the faith of the believers. The desire alone is not enough. He needs to be properly trained. The sovereignty of God in preserving and nurturing His church does not negate or diminish human responsibility. All of us have a part to play in God’s programme for the furtherance of God’s work into the next generation. One can either go or give. But we can all pray. Pray for the FEBC that God will defend it against the attacks of the evil one both from within and without. For the sake of our children and their spiritual well being, we need FEBC to remain true and faithful to God to the very end.
Do you still disdain FEBC? I pray you will have a change of heart and mind. To teach in the FEBC is a privilege and by invitation only. It is more than mere paper qualification that qualifies a person. It is the heart, the heart that has been given over to Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Word. May our gracious and holy God continue to bless, keep, provide and protect His Far Eastern Bible College. For as long as FEBC sees herself as Christ’s College, she will not stray from the truth and her original purpose, calling and founding. Pray for and support FEBC, for the glory of God. AMEN.