“Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen.” (Luke 24:5-6)
(Message delivered by Pastor at the True Life Church Easter Sunrise Service, 7 am, Mar 27, 05)
Text: Rom. 10:4-10
Today is happy Easter morning. This is the Day Jesus Christ, being crucified and buried rose up on the third Day. And it is announced in Rom. 10:9, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
What shall we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus? I can think of nothing about our Lord except His death. Why did He die on the cross? He was crucified to pay the penalty of our sins.
Secondly if you believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Whereas in our Good Friday message we had a Price to pay in following Jesus, like going to prison and dying for our faith, we have a Prize at Easter for following Jesus in believing in His resurrection. Why does God rejoice to this extent in rewarding us for believing in Jesus’ Resurrection? Because it is a victory of victories over Satan and Death.
Last year I quoted Rom. 10:9 and brought great joy to many who did not know Rom. 10:9. Knowing that many are here who did not come last year I say this again with the addition that Jesus died and was buried which presuppose His Resurrection plus the reason why He died – to pay the penalty of our sins.
Hallelujah, Christ this early morning rose from the dead to save us. Let us tell our relatives and friends who still do not know and are lost. Amen.
Baptism Testimonies
Once in my life, I only knew that there is a GOD. It was a belief in which I have never given any serious thought and willingness to know him more. As long as I know that there is a GOD who exists in this world, I don’t bother it anymore.
But everything changed when I arrived here in Singapore. I was formerly a Catholic and I go to church every Sunday to worship idols. I never thought that God will really find a way so that I will really know who really He is. He enlightened my mind through His followers. And I’m very grateful that one of His followers invited me to join with them to their church. They are my good employers. Through them, I have known more about God. I realised that the Lord Jesus Christ has shed his blood for me to save my soul and to wash away all my sins. I really regretted wasting my time praising all idols and without knowing more about God.
The Lord Jesus is an amazing Lord and I totally surrender my whole life to Him and have complete faith in Him. I have received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and my protector and I want to be baptized. I thank God for eternal salvation and glory and most of all I want to live as a true Christian by committing myself to Him.
I thank my Lord for giving me employers who are very understanding and enthusiastic in attending church every Sunday. I pray that God will guide them and protect them from all evil. Amen.
– Grace Benliro Bulaclac
I first came to know of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the year 2000 during the Christmas period. A group of carolers from Life Bible-Presbyterian Church came to our house to spread the Good News. It was at that very moment that I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. I was glad to know that someone has died on the cross for my sins and He is none other than Jesus Christ, God’s one and only begotten Son. I am thankful to the Lord for choosing me.
Thank God that He has led me to such a wonderful church where I can worship the Lord happily and willingly without fail every Lord’s Day. I am also grateful that there are many caring and warm-hearted True Lifers to guide me through. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless and watch over True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.
To God be the glory!
– Zachary Kho
I was formerly a Muslim and strongly against the Christian faith because it is contradictory to my own faith. But, I never tasted happiness in my life’s journey. All of the religious ritual practices followed by me were done out of compulsion and after a while they became traditions. On a certain occasion, I asked my Christian friend (in Indonesia) about Jesus and she explained to me whole-heartedly. From that time onward I began to desire to know more about the Christian faith. I wanted to know about the teachings of God’s Words but I did not have such courage to go and learn from a Church.
A few years ago I came to Singapore with a hope to find a job and Christianity, because I thought that it may be easier for me to learn God’s Words here than in Indonesia. In fact, my dream came true. But unfortunately, I could not understand well because I was learning the Bible not in Indonesian language but in English and English was a language which I do not understand well. So, it was difficult for me to understand the Bible. After working for sometime in Singapore, I had the chance to go back to Indonesia but without the knowledge of God’s Words.
Sometime after that, I came back to Singapore with the same purpose, that I could work and learn God’s Words. At this particular time, I was employed by a Christian employer who attends True Life B-P Church every week. They always bring me to the Church and permitted me to attend the Indonesian Bible Study class conducted by the Church. I am very much thankful that I am able to learn God’s Words in Bahasa Indonesia. In the beginning I was always engaged in a debate with my Bible Study teacher. But he answered well all of my questions, using Bible as the basis. From that time onward my heart is filled with joy, and this joy is not without any reason.
I realised and confessed that I am a sinful person. This caused me not to have happiness in this life. But Jesus had died willingly for me on the cross, and His precious blood had cleansed me of all the sins in my heart. Jesus has manifested His glory and His truth in my life through the Bible. In response to what I have learnt, I received Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour on 6 March 2005. Now I believe in Him and His Words. Not that I have chosen Christ but He had chosen me that I might become a member of the family in the kingdom of heaven. Since I received the Lord Jesus, I always pray to Him because only Jesus is able to know and understand my heart. And I am committed to search the truth of God’sWords more diligently. I have started to surrender my whole life to the Lord Jesus because I know that all these are by His grace only. Praise the Lord.
– Lestari Etik
In the beginning I joined my wife in Church only occasionally. When she fell ill and recovered from ill health I realised that this was possible because of her faith in Jesus and answers to all the prayers.
I decided to be a believer and to attend Church regularly every Sunday. Since True Life B-P Church is half the distance as compared to travelling to Galilee B-P Church, I decided to attend True Life B-P Church. My decision to believe in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour was made known to Pastor Rev Tow in August 2004. I have been attending Sunday School since November 2004. I enjoy worshipping in this Church and am seeking Baptism.
– V. Mahadevan