Praise God for a most blessed camp at the Royale Chulan Penang, 10-14 June 2024. A total of 218 enjoyed the time spent with the Lord and His Word, and with one another. The Rev Paul Cheng from Bethel Bible-Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, was the camp speaker, and he preached on the theme “The God of All Comfort” (2 Cor 1:1-7). The seven messages were (1) The God of All Comfort (2 Cor 1:1-7), (2) Having Victory in Times of Trials (1 Kgs 17-18), (3) Having Confidence in Times of Trials (Ps 3), (4) Understanding God’s Purpose in Trials (1 Pet 1:6-7), (5) Enduring Trials and the Reward (Jas 1:12), (6) Understanding Who God Is and Who We Are in Times of Trials (Jas 1:13-18), and (7) Clinging to God’s Promises in Times of Trials. (The Rev Lee Kim Shong from Calvary Jaya was the speaker for the Chinese with devotions taken by the Rev Koa Keng Woo and the Rev Zhu Jianwei.)

What did we learn from the messages? Here are the notes taken by our brother Thaddeus Wong:
“Comfort is much needed in today’s world where things have gone from bad to worse. Current world events are terrifyingly appalling with untold sufferings. The world also provides comfort but it only lasts for a minute or two before we have to return to reality. God’s kind of comfort is unfailing.

“God knows how to comfort, but He also knows how to bring trials into our lives. Trials come as (1) God’s disciplinary action (we did wrong and He wants us to be better than this), (2) a way to humble His people, (3) a manifestation of God’s power in our weaknesses (eg Paul’s thorn in the flesh), (4) His blessings to cause us to know what we have been missing (eg during Covid-19 pandemic when we could not have physical fellowship), and (5) lessons to help us edify others.

“To go through trials, we need to know who God is. He will be there for you in these dark days. Just pray to Him and trust Him and focus on eternity’s values. When your buddies leave or betray you, or in times of distress, keep praying and looking to God and the troubles will be tiny specks. Eternity is vaster than these trials. Even in persecution, do not despair. Be happy, for you are God’s child, suffering for His name’s sake. Your dross will melt away in trials and your faith like gold is refined and made unbreakable, even if all the hosts of hell go after your head.

“Be warned, the trials vary with each saint. A temptation (negative one) may not affect another, and you either buckle and succumb or keep up the good fight. Wisdom from God and His Word will be needed to get by. Even if you do succumb, repent fast, and pray to never let those failings define you and for God’s grace to see you through, even amidst the consequences.

“God won’t tempt us to evil. He only gives good things to His people. He makes us to see how we can easily fall into temptation and how we need Him to truly win. God would not only be with us in those terrible periods, He also promised paradise to all who would bear the cross. That is heaven, where sufferings, disease, fear, sadness, and death are no more; only peace, eternal joy and happy worship.

“Jesus is the one and only way, truth, and bringer of life eternal. Reliance, trust, double devotion to God will result in a stable mind and mental health, with a hefty dose of prayer, reading of His Word, and fellowship in trials. For there will be a continuous supply of heavenly comfort for every need at any time of day, at any event in life, and it’s 100% effective, resulting in a faith as hard as diamond. Don’t forget to be prepared spiritually for trials and for Jesus’ return.”

Pastor spoke in two of the morning devotions. The first was on why we are in camp (Mark 6:3). In that text, we find Jesus bringing His disciples to a quiet place for physical rest after a busy time of ministry. There is thus a biblical basis for physical rest and recreation which also doubles up as time for spiritual rest and re-creation (Ps 51:10). God is good and He grants His people both physical refreshment and spiritual renewal. The second message was on why we are in True Life, and that is to uphold the Word of Life as spelt out in the church’s theme verse, “Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” (Phil 2:16). The Rev Samuel Joseph delivered the other two morning devotions and spoke on (1) Contending for the Faith (Jude 3) and (2) Passing on the Faith (2 Tim 2:2). We need to contend for the faith because of the falsehoods around us, and to prepare the next generation to defend the faith as well.

Besides the morning devotions and theme messages, we had a couple of nights of reports and testimonies from our missionaries and overseas brethren. They presented encouraging news with photos of God’s work in China (Meng En Church), the Philippines (BPCs in Luzon, Cebu, Bukidnon), Myanmar (New Life Student Centre), Cambodia (Word of Life BPC in Kampot), Malaysia (Kemaman and Ipoh), Australia (Perth and Brisbane), and Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda). In the final night, an offering was taken for missions. The total collection of SGD7795 was distributed to the above missions and missionaries.

We also had a night of hymnspiration led by brother Ming Kuang and the church choir. We sang the hymns of Fanny Crosby which were put together by the late Mrs Jemima Khoo in 2019. This special item was supposed to be presented in the 2020 camp in Penang, but due to Covid, we had to shelve it. Four years later, we are back in Penang, and there is no better time to do this than in this camp. It was done to edify the saints and in memory of Jemima who was called home in 2021, “Safe in the Arms of Jesus”. What a comforting and uplifting time! The choir, the hymns, and the congregational singing moved us to heaven, and we look forward to the day when we will all be there with our Lord and our loved ones:

“When my lifework is ended, and I cross the swelling tide, when the bright and glorious morning I shall see; I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side, and His smile will be the first to welcome me.
“I shall know Him, I shall know Him, and redeemed by His side I shall stand; I shall know Him, I shall know Him, by the print of the nails in His hand.”

Besides all the spiritual feasting, there was also the physical and natural. Penang is known for its makan, durian no less. We thoroughly enjoyed the good food and the fellowship that came with it.
I would like to thank Elder Beng Lee our campmaster, the camp committee, and all campers for making this camp such a pleasant and memorable one. God is good to us, and we are comforted. To Him be all glory and praise. God willing, next year… JK

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.