My Dear Readers
Dr Jeffrey Khoo’s Watchnight Service message to us is “Christlike Service in the End Times” or “Until He Comes.” Once, after preaching on Christ’s Second Coming a Church Leader accused me of scaring the flock. But he does not realise that our Lord requires our non-stop vigilance. We must be ready any time, morning, noon or night at a moment’s notice to open the door when He calls.
The 4-day old Iranian earthquake killing over 20,000 is one definite sign of His coming. Are you ready? Another one is accelerated missions. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Even from our small beginning at RELC we are sending forth two missions to Batam and one to Kuantan each month – Christlike service in the End Times. If there are more so motivated we will send them while He tarries.
Do you know that Rev. 9:13- 16 foretells the final world war shall erupt out of the Euphrates River which is Iraq. Dr Walwoord, President-Emeritus of Dallas Seminary, USA, identified it to be Iraq and WWIII and I agree with him. This event can come in our short lifetime. Are we ready?
Try to bring an unsaved friend to church every Sunday. Soon we will have at the Book Table Gospel Tracts for distribution.
Your affectionate pastor