(1) Fourteen courses are offered on campus and/or online to the laity and the public in the new semester which starts on 2 January and ends on 2 May 2025.

(2) Both day and night classes are held at 9A Gilstead Road, Singapore 309063.

(3) Students are encouraged to attend classes on campus if they are able to.

(4) The classes will be livestreamed, and the video recordings will remain online for those unable to attend the classes physically or as scheduled.

(5) All who wish to take the classes, whether for credit or audit, must register online at www.febc.edu.sg.


(On Campus and Live Stream)


Rev Tan Kian Sing
Fridays (starting January 3)
9.30-11.30 am, 2 credits

This course will study 1 Thessalonians in depth to uncover its biblical and theological truths and apply these truths to the church today.


Ms Carol Lee
Fridays (starting January 3)
11.30 am-12.30 pm, 1 credit

This course is a biographical study of women in the Bible in order to gain a deeper understanding of these women and draw practical lessons from their examples and testimonies for Christians today.


Rev Clement Chew
Mondays (starting January 6)
9.30-11.30 am, 2 credits

This course will study the Minor Prophets in depth to uncover their biblical and theological truths and apply these truths to the church today.


Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
Mondays (starting January 6)
11.30 am-12.30 pm, 1 credit

This course will study the epistle of James (chapters 3-5) in depth to uncover its biblical and theological truths and apply these truths to the church today.


Rev Dr Koa Keng Woo
Tuesdays (starting January 7)
11.30 am-12.30 pm, 1 credit

This course examines critically the history and heresies of the major cults of the world today.


Ms Joycelyn Chng
Tuesdays (starting January 7)

1.30-2.30 pm, 1 credit

This course is a study of the characteristics of children from infants to 12 years of age, and how to utilise methods and resources for helping the children to develop spiritually.


Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy
Wednesdays (starting January 8)
10.30 am-12.30 pm, 2 credits

This course will study the book of Isaiah in depth to uncover their biblical and theological truths and apply these truths to the church today.


Pr Joshua Yong
Thursdays (starting January 9)
9.30-10.30 am, 1 credit

This course examines the history, development and theology of Neo-Evangelicalism in the light of the Holy Scriptures.


Rev Dr Jose Lagapa
Thursdays (starting January 9)
10.30 am-12.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is a study of the history of the Church from the Reformation to the present day. Consideration is given to the forerunners, causes, progress, chief leaders, and effects of the 16th century Reformation and of the status of the Roman and Protestant churches today.


Ms Carol Lee
Thursdays (starting January 9)
1.30-2.30 pm, 1 credit

This course is an overview of what is involved in the design and development of a Sunday school curriculum for a local church.


(On Campus and Live Stream)


Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Mondays (starting January 6)
7.30-9.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is an introduction to Bible study tools and basic principles of interpretation. The historical-grammatical-canonical method of interpretation is taught.


Rev Zhu Jianwei
Wednesdays (starting January 8)
7.30-9.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is an overview of the nature and contents of the New Testament. A general familiarity with the background and literature of the New Testament is foundational for other New Testament courses.


朱建伟牧师,BTh, MDiv, ThM



Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
Thursdays (starting January 2)
7.30-9.30 pm, 2 credits

This course is a general introduction to the teachings of John Calvin. It will discuss the historical context, main doctrinal themes, key debates, and practical implications of Calvinistic theology.




Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo

This is a study of the term “eschatology”, the intermediate state, the resurrection of the body, the future kingdom of Christ, the Olivet discourse, and the eschatology of the Apocalypse. 2 credits.


Certificate of Religious Knowledge (CertRK)

The CertRK is a Bible study programme at the basic level. The successful completion of 20 credits earns the CertRK.

Certificate of Biblical Studies (CertBS)

The CertBS is a Bible study programme at the advanced level. The successful completion of 40 credits (or 20 credits beyond the CertRK) earns the CertBS.


(1) Please register for your courses online at www.febc.edu.sg.
(2) Registration opens on 24 November 2024 and closes on 19 January 2025, 11.59 pm.
(3) For any enquiries, please email it-helpdesk@febc.edu.sg.


Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) held its second retreat this year at the Resort Lautan Biru (RLB) in Mersing from 11 to 13 November 2024. A total of 59 participants attended, comprising faculty, students, and friends of the College. Travelling by chartered bus, we took 3½ hours from point to point. Departing from FEBC at 8.15 am, we arrived at RLB at 11.20 am, just in time for lunch.

The highlight of the retreat was the principal’s lecture and workshop on preparing sermons using the homiletics textbook authored by the Rev Dr Timothy Tow.

The Rev Dr Jose Lagapa, the Rev Clement Chew, and the Rev Dr Koa Keng Woo delivered messages on why Christmas is worth remembering (Luke 1:26–35), why FEBC is a school of prophets (Amos 7:10–17), and why thanksgiving is so important (1 Thess 5:18), respectively.

As the retreat programme focused on the Christmas theme, the morning and evening devotions were enriched by the singing of Christmas hymns. Miss Joycelyn Chng, our Christian Education tutor, gave an interesting and informative lecture titled “The History of Carols and Caroling,” which was followed by a time of singspiration featuring Christmas carols presented by students from different nationalities.

Our English tutor, Mrs Ng May Shyen, taught the students the elements of debating. The students then formed two teams of four debaters each to argue the motion, “Are criticisms beneficial for young budding preachers?” The debate was both instructive and entertaining.

We deeply appreciate the fact that RLB, with God’s help, was painstakingly built as a result of the burden and vision of our late founding pastor, the Rev Dr Timothy Tow. His desire was to provide young people, fellowship groups, and smaller churches with a home away from home for their camps and retreats. The two-storey building can comfortably accommodate up to 100 campers. The serene and scenic location, facing the South China Sea, adds to its appeal.

We are grateful to Calvary Jaya BPC for managing the RLB after succeeding Dato Dr Tow Siang Yeow as trustee. We also thank Mr and Mrs Raymond Tan for faithfully taking care of the premises and hosting campers for the past 24 years. May the Lord greatly bless them and all who support this ministry.
May the Lord preserve RLB for the blessing of many in the years to come. May we be reminded of the Christmas spirit—the spirit of Christ, which is the spirit of giving. Let us “remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35).

[True Life YAFers and YPFers will be having a combined camp at RLB, Mersing from December 8-11 (Sunday after service to Wednesday). Join us if you can.]

FEBC’s Year-End Retreat at the Resort Lautan Biru, Mersing, 11-13 November 2024

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.