Lively Children’s Fellowship

“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou has learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:14,15


The Lively Children’s Fellowship (LCF) ministers to the children between the age of 3 and 12 years old. Its aims are to (i) teach the children the Word of God that sinners may be saved, and believers be sanctified and established in the faith; and (ii) foster godly friendships that are premised on the fear of God and a shared bond in Christ.

Our children spend most of their time in school where many of their friends are non-Christians. It is also important for them to spend time with friends in church, learning God’s Word together, playing together, and form enduring friendships that are rooted in Christ from a young age.

Having godly friends to walk together in life will keep them close to God. God-fearing friends will “provoke [one another] unto love and to good works” (Hebrews 10:24), encourage one another to keep on following and obeying Christ no matter what challenges may arise. They can also help “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2) and keep one another in check when faced with temptations to sin.

The LCF meets every second Saturday of the month, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm at member’s home. The meeting begins with a time of singing, during which the children learn Christian hymns and songs. They then break into two classes (Preschool and Primary) for the Bible lesson. After that the children have a snack break and some fun activity before they depart for home.

Psalm 34:11 says, “Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.” We warmly welcome your children to come and join the LCF.

Please contact Joycelyn Chng for more details.

True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church.